Spanish Composition Part 14

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=No me hables de este modo si no quieres hacerme llorar.=


(_a_) _This way_ and _that way_ indicating direction are rendered =por aqui= and =por alli=.

_At any rate_ (_any way_) _I shall come this way to see your nephew._

=De todos modos pasare por aqui para ver a su sobrino.=


When strongly demonstrative _this way_ and _that way_ are rendered =asi=, _thus_:

_Do you want me to do it this way or that way?_

=Quiere usted que yo lo haga asi o asi?=

(_b_) _My way_, _your way_, etc., meaning _as I do it_, _as you do it_, are rendered =como lo hago yo=, =como lo hace usted=, etc.

_To do it your way I should need more time._

=Para hacerlo como lo hace usted yo necesitaria mas tiempo.=

(_c_) To have one's own way is translated =hacer su voluntad= or =hacer como quiere uno=.

_You don't want to do it? Well, have your own way._

=No quieres hacerlo? Bueno, haz tu voluntad.=

_They spoil her by letting her have her own way all the time._

=La miman dejandola hacer como quiere todo el tiempo.=

=49.= The adjective _hard_ is rendered =duro= when it means _not soft_; =dificil=, when it means _not easy_. As an adverb meaning _vigorously_, _energetically_, _diligently_, it should be rendered by the Spanish adverb that fits best in the sentence. So, _to study hard_ (diligently); _to blow hard_ (strongly); _to work hard_ (diligently _or_ much); _to think hard_ (deeply, intently).

_This bread is so hard that it is hard to cut it._

=Este pan es tan duro que es dificil cortarlo.=

_The wind blew hard all night._

=El viento soplo fuertemente toda la noche.=

_You will have to study harder if you want to pa.s.s._

=Tendra Vd. que estudiar mas diligentemente si quiere ser promovido.=

_He has had to work hard all his life._

=Ha tenido que trabajar mucho toda la vida.=

=50.= The verb _to give_ is generally =dar=, but it has many idiomatic translations. So, _to give back_ (return), =devolver=; _to give in_ or _give up_ (consent, yield), =consentir=, =ceder=, =rendir=; _to give up_ (renounce), =renunciar=; _to give out_ (publish; fail), =publicar=; =acaba.r.s.e=, =concluirse=.

_And now give me something to eat._

=Y ahora dame algo que comer.=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

_This man never gives in._

=Este hombre no se rinde nunca.=--PeREZ GALDoS.

_After walking a very short distance, her strength gave out._

=Despues de andar muy corta distancia, se le acabaron las fuerzas.=


(_a_) 1. Se lo devolvi ayer. 2. Primero se acabo la harina y despues al azucar. 3. Se proclamo (publico, anuncio) que la reunion se verificaria aquel mismo dia. 4. Estaba cansado de tanto correr. 5. Habra que renunciar todo eso si quiere tener exito. 6. Vamos por alli. Es mas corto el camino. 7. Quiere descansar despues de tanto trabajar. 8. De este modo nunca llegaremos. 9. Hemos hecho lo posible para persuadirles, pero no quieren ceder.

(_b_) 1. If he does it, he will have to do it my way. 2. They have not yet given out the names of the committee. 3. My ink gave out and I had to use a pencil. 4. If you write it that way, it will be hard to read it. 5. He gave up his family for his country. 6. Well, I expect to have my own way in regard to this matter. 7. We took the longest way to get home. 8. In that way you will never get to where you want to go. 9. Come here! Don't get excited in that way. 10. It's raining hard now; if it doesn't stop soon, it will be hard to get home. 11. It's hard work for me to believe that (say, _it costs me work_).


_Yo nunca tengo miedo cuando hago lo que debo._[18]


=52.= The verb _to think_ in the sense of _to reflect_ or _intend_ is =pensar= (=en=). As a synonym of _to believe_ it is =creer=. Where _it seems to me_, _to him_, etc., may be subst.i.tuted for _I think_, _he thinks_, etc., the verb =parecer= in the third person is used, the English subject becoming the Spanish indirect object.

_You will not think of returning to Salamanca to-day._

=Usted no pensara en regresar a Salamanca hoy.=


_Do you think I didn't understand?_

=Cree usted que yo no lo he comprendido?=


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