Red Hot Part 71

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'Maybe Beth is with Francis,' Tammi commented at dinner.

'I doubt it. He hasn't been that friendly to her lately,' Kathy replied.

'Why is everyone so worried? Maybe they had a meeting at work. Anyway, she's a sensible girl,' Dig said.

'Yeah, she'll be home soon. I reckon she's with Francis,' Karl said, stretching. 'That was a b.l.o.o.d.y good dinner. I'm goin' outside for a while. Anyone gonna join me?'

Emmie had barely touched her dinner. She said she was going to bed early but wanted to know when Beth came in. She was worried about her being so late.

They all knew when Emmie had a troubled mind. Tonight it was evident.

'I will, mate.' Digger got up with Karl and they went out to the back veranda. Eventually, the others followed. It was cool in the evenings on the back veranda. The valley looked gorgeous lit up by the moonlight.

They had only been outside a short time when Karl sniffed the air. 'Can anyone else smell smoke?' he asked.

They all sniffed.

'I reckon I can. s.h.i.+t, I hope not, not again,' Karl growled.

'h.e.l.l, I think you're right, mate,' Digger said seriously 'It is smoke!' Ellie and Win said together.

Kathy and Tammi said they could smell it too.

'Can't see anything, but sure as h.e.l.l can smell it!' Karl said as he scanned the night sky. 'Smells like gra.s.s. I don't like this one bit. It's so friggin dry out there. I'm gonna give Frank a call.'

'Good idea, mate. If there's a fire out there somewhere and no one knows about it, soon enough...' Dig's voice trailed off.

Win interpreted the look on his face. 'We know what you're saying,' she said. 'It could develop into a major bushfire!'

'I'll get Frank on the phone!' Karl strode inside.

Mick tugged at his beard. His foot kicked backwards and forwards in the gravel as he stood outside the red phone box.

Harvey sped towards his home at Jindera. His anger showed in the way he handled his car. 'You'll give in this time, you b.i.t.c.h! You'll give in... or else!' he shouted at the windscreen. He pushed his foot harder on the accelerator. The car shot along Urana Road at a dangerous speed!

Mary relaxed in her bath. She smiled drunkenly as she soaped first one long slender leg, then the other. Her suitcase was packed and waiting to be put into the boot of her car.

She had been waiting for the right time and now it had arrived.

She reached her hand out for the half empty whisky bottle. 'What nice way to enjoy my last drink in this house,' she slurred and laughed at herself. 'Harvey Winters, you can stick this marriage wherever you want to stick it.' She splashed bubbles into the air and giggled drunkenly.

Since Harvey had broken up with Ellie, he had been at home more. No more cabin at the Weir. Mary had not been able to see Karl as often as they had when Harvey was otherwise occupied. Harvey had kept pestering Mary about the money even though she made it clear he wouldn't get any more. He thought he could break her down if he kept at her long enough. This only encouraged her to reach for the bottle. The only saving grace was that she had made a decision to leave him. She knew her heart was with Karl.

The back wheels of Eddie's car spun as he gunned the motor.

'Prison...' he shouted. 'f.u.c.kin' prison. I'll go away for sure!' He thumped his fist on the steering wheel. 'I'm an idiot, shoulda said no to those blokes. Was just easy money! f.u.c.k, I'm a fool!'

He sped recklessly along Urana Road towards Albury, pa.s.sing another speeding car going in the opposite direction. He had been bailed after he was charged with being an accessory. He had been the getaway driver in the robbery. The court case to follow would definitely result in prison time for him.


Karl hurried outside to tell the others what he had learned from Frank.

'Frank's had a report of a gra.s.s fire just out pa.s.sed the Gap. He's got trucks goin' out there now.'

Win felt her heart miss a beat. 'Not another Gap fire!'

'Frank's distraught. We all know what this means. He's feared the worst for weeks. It's a potential furnace out there!'

'If this gets out of hand, I don't want you involved, Karl,' Emmie said firmly. 'You have only just started to get back on your feet after the accident. You're not strong enough to go out fighting fires.'

Emmie had heard the commotion and came outside.

'Em's right, Karl,' Digger agreed. 'If this does get a go on, your best place is here at home.'

The shrilling of the phone interrupted them. Kathy ran inside to answer it.

'Dad,' she called out. 'It's Frank Smith!'

He wasn't long on the phone. He hurried back to face his anxious family.

'It's bad?' Karl looked at Digger, his face grim.

Digger nodded 'Yes, several more gra.s.s fires have been reported out at Jindera and they're spreading rapidly towards the hills!'

The colour drained from all their faces. If the fires got amongst the hills... Hamilton Valley would be in dreadful danger. In fact, if that happened, evacuations would be enforced. 'I'm gonna take the water truck and head out there. Don't even think of coming, Karl. We have a new truck now and you're on the mend, we don't want any more injuries or accidents. You go and phone Sam and get him to have Des and Eric ready. I'll pick them up on the way.'

Poor Karl knew it was pointless arguing. He felt useless but he knew he would probably be a hindrance to the blokes anyway.

The smell of smoke was stronger now.

Win cast Ellie a knowing look. 'I think Mum should go back up to bed. Get some rest while she can!'

Ellie agreed and, after some coaxing, Emmie gave in and went back up to bed. Before she lay down, she made them promise to keep her informed on the fire and Beth.

They said they would, knowing they had to protect her as much as they could from any stress.

Digger had the water truck ready and, after kissing Win and the girls, he shook Karl's hand and gave his shoulder a squeeze, telling him to look after the family.

The fires spread quickly. Fire brigades from Lavington and Albury raced out to Jindera. Burrumb.u.t.tock brigades were there when they arrived and brigades from other towns arrived soon after. Farmers and fruit growers rallied together to help control the fires before they destroyed their properties. They poured gallons of water on to the blazes, but as fast as they got one fire out, another flared up. It was too much for them. The flames raced into the hills and spread out, linking up to form a monstrous wall of fire!

'We can't hold it!' Frank bellowed. His face was smudged with ash and his eyes streamed tears from smoke. 'It's outta control! We've gotta have more help!'

'We've got every available unit from every town around us, mate!' Digger shouted back.

'We'll have to call State Emergency. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d's gonna beat us if we stuff around with it. We just haven't got the equipment.'

The fires had burnt into the hills despite the frantic efforts of the firefighters. Surrounding country towns had sent every piece of firefighting equipment they had but it wasn't enough to battle this monstrous blaze.

Frank radioed in and the State Emergency vehicles were despatched to the scene.

Flames leapt from tree to tree, fed on undergrowth that fuelled them on. Terrified animals tried in vain to escape, unable to outrun the intensity of the monster bearing down on them. Birds fell from the trees, already dead from the heat of the flames. On and on it roared, across the parched ground, swallowing everything in its path. It was driven by a demon with a force directly from h.e.l.l!

Men armed only with knapsacks risked their lives as they rushed into the hills to try and fight the fire they had all feared would happen. 'We can't even hold it back with the State Emergency equipment!' Frank shouted.

'We have to stop it, mate... The f.u.c.kin' valleys at risk!' Sam bellowed.

'I b.l.o.o.d.y well know, mate. I know!' Frank's shouted. 'This friggin' wind ain't helpin' things,' he continued.

A strong wind was fanning the flames and making conditions impossible for the desperate men.

A man staggered towards them, his eyes streaming from the choking smoke. He supported another man who was coughing and gasping for air.

'Frank, get us more help, mate. We've lost control completely!' He collapsed onto the ground, exhausted. 'It's got a hold, mate, and we haven't got the equipment to stop it!'

Frank grabbed his radio and put through another distress call. He requested the army be sent in as the fire was too deep into the hills for them to get to it. He said if they had to wait for it to burn out to where they were now, it would go straight over the top of them and into Hamilton Valley!

He was told the Bandiana Army Camp would despatch troops immediately.

Frank repeated the news to the weary firefighters.

'The b.a.s.t.a.r.d must be sittin back watchin us. Mongrel's done us in this time,' Digger growled.

'I'd bet me last quid he's watchin us right now,' Frank answered, feeling defeated.

Back at KiaOra, the phone rang again. 'I'll get it,' Ellie called.

She stuck her head out the back door. 'It's for you, Win.'

'Who is it?' she asked.

'He didn't say,' Ellie answered, distracted by the goings on outside.

Win went in to take the call and Ellie sat on the back step with Karl and the girls. The huge glow from the fire was well in view now and they had Tammi's transistor radio beside them so they could keep up with the latest news.

'I wish Francis and Beth would come home. It's getting so late,' she said worriedly.

'Yeah, we need to know where everyone is in case we have to evacuate!' Karl replied. Extreme concern clouded his rugged face.

Ellie looked at him. Fear showed plainly. 'Do you think it will come to that?' she asked, anxious.

'It could, Ellie. Walter just called over and said they've called for the army so we should be prepared. It must be one h.e.l.luva mess up there! It must be really b.l.o.o.d.y bad for the army to have'ta go in!'

Kathy and Tammi hugged each other. They were frightened and worried for their father who was out in the thick of it. Their uncles and cousins as well. Anything could happen.

'What did you say?' Win whispered into the phone. The voice at the other end spoke again.

Win's face went chalk white. 'Yes... I understand... I said I understand.'

She spoke through stiff lips. Slowly, she replaced the receiver, staring at the phone for a few seconds, then, dragging open the desk draw, she grabbed a set of keys and ran out the side door.

'Hey, that's the ute!' Karl shouted, jumping up and running around the side of the house to where the ute was parked, followed closely by Ellie and the girls.

'Good G.o.d! Win!' he shouted. They were just in time to see her spin the ute around and fishtail up the driveway.

'What the h.e.l.l! ...What's goin' on here? Win hasn't driven a car for years!'

Ellie had paled and a feeling of dread crept over her. 'The phone call. Karl, she just got a phone call from some bloke.'

'Well what's that to do with this?'

Ellie trembled. 'It's the only thing I can think of, Karl.'

Karl grabbed her and shook her gently to try and get answers. Tammi and Kathy watched on in disbelief. There was a raging bushfire that could swoop down on the valley and wipe out their home and kill people, their mother had just driven off like a madwoman and their uncle was about to shake their aunt's teeth out!

Ellie pushed at Karl's hands. He shook her harder. 'Tell me, b.u.g.g.e.r ya!'

Ellie started to cry. 'Karl, you'll think I'm crazy!'

'd.a.m.n it woman! Just tell me.'

'Alright... Win's been upset for months now. She took a dislike to that Mick bloke Mary's got working for her. Win thought she saw a resemblance to Mery in him, and for a while she was convinced that he was in fact one and the same!'

'What tha f.u.c.k...' Karl had loosened his hold on Ellie as she spoke and now he held up a hand to stop her. 'Ya can't mean Merv the friggin nutter?' he asked.

Ellie nodded. 'The very same. I tried to convince her it wasn't, that it couldn't be him. She finally agreed it wasn't possible. Karl, when I think of what she said, if anyone would remember that b.a.s.t.a.r.d it would be her. She must have had a h.e.l.l of a good reason to take off in the ute like she did!'

'Well, why would she race off, even if it was him? I'm lost with all this. The place is goin' mad!' Karl scratched his chin, perplexed. 'Ellie... For pity's sake, do you have any idea why she would do this?'

'Aunt Ellie, what's going on?' Tammy asked timidly.

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