Red Hot Part 61

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'You could say clever. You could also say very lucky. But then again, how lucky can one bloke be...? s.h.i.+t, it's been too long for luck. Nah, you're right, he's clever... Insane, but clever! And someone has to know who he is. He must live with someone around these parts,' Simpson said thoughtfully.

'Unless he lives on his own in the back of whoop whoop... But then, he uses a phone in the valley somewhere to make his sinister calls. Who the h.e.l.l and where the h.e.l.l is this maniac?'

'Mate, f.u.c.k knows... What's the latest on the Gap fire? You get any leads when you went out there earlier?' Bennett queried.

'Not a thing. No evidence of coils, probably fuel... Cigarette dropped in the right place, wouldn't have taken much That bush was as dry as a chip!'

Mary stepped from the bathtub, her face red, her eyes swollen. As she padded up the hallway towards her bedroom, her eyes fell on the liquor arranged on the sideboard. She hadn't had a drink for more than a year. She hadn't wanted it, being so happy with Karl that she hadn't thought of drinking. Even though Harvey had a way of upsetting her and lately had been worse, she still hadn't reached for the drink.

Now, with the news of Karl and not being allowed in to see him to top it off, she longed for a drink. As she stood by the sideboard wrapped in a towel, she slid her hand over the scotch bottle almost lovingly. Slowly, her fingers came to the lid.

'Just one,' she whispered. 'It'll calm my nerves.'

'So you're saying they can fix his face? Oh my poor dear Karl, how he must be suffering.' Emmie wept.

Sam had broken the news to her as gently as possible. Sam knew she was trying hard but she couldn't stop her tears from trickling down her face. She looked up at him and swallowed hard, then gave in and wept bitterly.

'Mum, are you alright?' Sam asked worriedly.

'Yes son, don't worry, I'm alright.' She sniffed. 'I intend on staying well. Karl needs me. The only way I can be there for him is to make sure my old ticker doesn't go bung again.' Emmie tapped her chest as she spoke.

'Atta girl.' Sam smiled and patted her hand affectionately.

The rest of the family came into Emmie's room then and were pleased at her determination to stay calm.

'Excuse me,' a nurse called and beckoned to Digger 'I'll be back in a sec, Sam,' he said, looking questioningly at the nurse.

Sam could see them talking near the door. Dig gestured at him to join them. After a quick discussion, Dig arranged for Ellie and Win to get a taxi home as he and Sam were needed in Karl's room.

Mary had decided to visit... and she was drunk!


'You have to let me see him... I love him... He'd want to see me!' Mary slurred.

'Ma'am... You can't go in, especially in your condition. You would only upset Mr Mason. He needs his rest. I'm sorry, but you must leave,' insisted the sister in charge.

'But you don't understand. How could you? You starched... stiff... b.i.t.c.h!' Mary's voice was rising louder and louder.

's.h.i.+t, I can hear her from here,' Digger said to Sam as they hurried up the corridor.

'You can't stop me! I'm going to see my Karl! I love him and I am going to see him!' Mary slurred as she staggered toward Karl's door.

'Oh no you don't, Mary!' Sam called.

She turned and stared at him, her face streaked with tears and mascara. Digger stepped forwards and grabbed her by both arms. With a nod to the sister, he half carried, half dragged Mary outside.

Sam approached the desk to enquire about Karl. He was told he could go in and see his brother.

Karl was awake, one side of his head and face bandaged. He looked across at Sam as he entered the room.

'Hey, mate. Nurses lookin' after you okay?'

'Humph! I just wanna get outta here!' Karl growled.

'Yeah, well that'll be a while, buddy. You gotta bit o' mendin' to do before you go anywhere!'

'Sam... Did I hear Mary's voice out there?'

Sam hesitated. He didn't want to add to his brother's distress, but he realised he would have to tell him something.

'No bulls.h.i.+t, Sam! For f.u.c.k's sake! I'm a bit dopey from that s.h.i.+t they b.l.o.o.d.y gave me, but I'm not stupid or deaf!' Karl said angrily.

'Okay... Okay. s.h.i.+t, they don't know what kind of patient they have on their hands, do they?'

'Well?' Karl persisted.

'Yes, she was here. She's upset because she's not allowed in to see you.'

'I thought she'd be upset. She sounded p.i.s.sed though. Look, right now I only want you and Ellie and Win... and Digger. Until they can sort out my face, I don't want anybody to see me like this, especially Mary, you understand?'

Sam nodded, thinking to himself how it must feel to have the injuries Karl endured. He ignored the bit about Mary being drunk.

The family had been warned by the hospital psychologist that Karl could have many reactions, one being depression and rejection. They could only go along with his wishes.

Karl and Mary's affair had come to light several months ago and the family had accepted their choices. They wisely didn't speak of it in Harvey's presence, even though everyone was aware he was seeing Ellie. She didn't mention it to Harvey either. They weren't sure if he knew about it, thinking it would all come out in the open in due course.

'Oh, what a tangled web we weave'.

Digger drove Mary back to her property. At least she had sense not to drive all the way into town in her condition.

Driving up to the house, he was pleased to see Mick standing by the stables.

As he walked around to Mary's side of the car, Mick approached.

'What's the problem here?' he asked.

Digger indicated for Mick to follow them inside and a sobbing Mary didn't argue when Digger put her to bed and covered her with the bedspread. She was asleep in no time.

He explained to Mick what had happened. He didn't like leaving Mary but Mick suggested she would sleep for hours and Harvey would be home soon.

Mick watched thoughtfully as he drove away.

'b.l.o.o.d.y weird family. Always were!' he muttered, heading back to the stables.


The upheaval in the valley settled for the moment. Again, the firebug had gone underground... for now. Emmie was home and progressing well. She had insisted on making regular visits to a very depressed Karl, and now the latest visit was the one she had been waiting for. It held the news that Karl was able to come home in a few days. He would be scarred badly, but in time he could have more skin grafts and he should be almost as good as new.

He still refused to see Mary. There were rumours going around the valley about her drinking but he wouldn't budge.

Beth was enjoying living at Kia-Ora. She had a lovely room. Emmie insisted she make her own with whatever she wanted to put in it. She also loved doing a few gigs with Johnny Hansen's band. Her relations.h.i.+p with Francis was comfortable but she made sure she didn't let it get out of hand. Living under the same roof would become complicated if they became lovers. Though Francis very much wanted to take the friends.h.i.+p to the next level.

Emmie had grown closer to Beth. She had further confided in Emmie about her search for her biological parents. The more Emmie thought about it, the more she realised that she had to confront her daughters with her suspicions.

Tammi got the job she wanted at the TV station and was ecstatic. The family welcomed some good news after all the turmoil.

The Christmas dance was a couple of weeks away and the whole valley was looking forward to it, though the men would be still patrolling regardless.

He woke from a deep sleep with a start.

's.h.i.+t... me b.l.o.o.d.y head! h.e.l.l, I haven't tied one on like that for a while.' His voice sounded course and he tried to swallow but his throat was parched and his lips dry. He sat up and something fluttered to the floor. He glanced and there beside the bed, blue eyes stared up at him.

'G.o.d... look what you do ta me,' he whispered, feeling for the hardness in his groin.

Unzipping his trousers, he released his erect p.e.n.i.s. He hated it; to any other man this was s.e.xual pleasure, to this man it was torture.

'You b.i.t.c.h!' he gasped as he satisfied his tortuous tension.

The sun shone brilliantly, catching the silver in Emmie's hair as she sat on the back veranda of Kia-Ora. Ellie and Win were with her; they knew she had something important to discuss. She had that look in her eye.

'Okay, Mum, what is it? Is it Karl?' Ellie asked curiously.

'No love... Not poor Karl. Win, move closer dear.' She beckoned Win to her.

'Now, as you know, Beth and I have grown very close. She's confided in me about something. Now I feel it's time I confided in you and asked your opinion on a matter which I firmly feel needs our attention.' She paused, looking seriously at her two daughters.

'Go on... You've aroused our curiosity,' Ellie urged.

Emmie continued, repeating the story Beth had told her. How her mother had told her on her death bed that she was adopted and her natural mother came from a respectable Albury family. Beth was now in search of her parents... especially her mother!

'Now do you see why I'm concerned?' Emmie said.

No one heard the footsteps beside the house. When the new arrival heard the women's voices, he stopped and listened intently, interest in this particular conversation evident on his rugged face. He had come to see Digger about some fruit boxes but this was a complete surprise and the information he needed.

Win had been listening carefully to her mother when a thought hit her and she paled, looking her mother in the face, completely shocked.

'Mum! You don't think... oh no! My G.o.d, it can't possibly be... Everyone's been saying she resembles someone.'

Ellie had instantly caught on to what they were thinking.

'Yes, but... It can't be, surely not! Mum?' Ellie stammered.

'Could one of you go and get the photo? You know where I keep it, Ellie,' Emmie asked softly.

Ellie did as her mother asked.

'Mum, if Beth is who you think she is... Oh my G.o.d, what a mess. What about Francis?' Win had tears in her eyes.

'That's why I had to get you and Ellie on your own. I could see the relations.h.i.+p growing and I have to be certain.'

Ellie returned to the veranda with the photo.

The figure at the side of the house was deathly still, riveted to the spot. He wiped his brow with a dirty handkerchief. This was the information he had searched for at Kia-Ora when everyone was out. Now it had fallen in his lap and he couldn't believe his ears!

'Here, Mum, but how will this help? It's only a baby photo.' Ellie pa.s.sed the photo to Emmie.

'I know, love.' She reached into her ap.r.o.n pocket. 'Here is the one Beth gave me of her own. Her mother had it tucked away since she was born as well; the hospital gave her the same photo.'

Win took both photos from Emmie. Ellie leaned in closer.

Win held the baby photos side by side. Blue eyes met blue eyes. They looked at their mother. She nodded and covered her mouth with her wrinkled old hand. A tear escaped from behind her

'She's my granddaughter... and your daughter!' she whispered, looking directly into shocked blue eyes.

He slipped away as silently as he had arrived...


The dinner table was exceptionally quiet, the only sound being the clatter of knives and forks against dinner plates. Kia-Ora was normally alive with chatter at evening mealtime.

The atmosphere was strained and only three people at the table knew why. Everyone else at the table a.s.sumed it was due to Karl. The three women had made a pact to be as normal as possible until they decided what to do next.

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