Red Hot Part 58

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'Come on kids, let's get to our table,' Francis urged. They found a table up the front where they had a good view of Johnny and his band. The auditorium began filling with people.

'I wonder if Dot'll strut in tonight?' Tammi grimaced.

'She will, Tam. She wouldn't be able to stay away,' Kathy commented.

Eileen and Darcy joined them a while later. The buzz of conversation and the clinking of were the early sounds of a fun-filled night ahead.

The band began playing the first bracket of songs. The lively music soon had everyone toe-tapping.

'C'mon, Beth, we'll show 'em how it's done.' Francis pulled Beth to her feet and led her to the dance floor.

Johnny knew how to captivate his audience and draw them into the mood for the evening. He would croon love songs into the microphone and set the mood for romance then belt out a rock and roll number to get them twisting and jiving.

Beth followed Francis' lead as they moved in perfect time to the music.

'Look at them go! Francis is such a b.l.o.o.d.y good dancer.' Kathy was watching Francis and Beth entertain the crowd with their dance moves. 'I love dancing with him; he makes it so easy to follow.'

'Well Kath, you'll have to make do with me.' Eddie took her hand and she followed him onto the floor. Things had cooled considerably between them. Kathy seemed quite distant and he had a feeling things were not good. He was feeling rather despondent as well. He couldn't understand why, after being together for so long, and considering how far they had gone, why Kathy didn't want to make love with him. He was as h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l and he felt it was time they had a full on s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p.

Eileen and Darcy got up as well, leaving Tammi sitting alone. She looked around the crowded room and spotted Dot McClaron weaving her way between tables in her direction. 'Oh s.h.i.+t,' she thought. 'I'm going to be stuck with her.'

'h.e.l.lo Tammi, love. All on your own?' she smirked.

Tammi ignored her dig, replying, 'Hi Dot. You're alone too I see?'

'Not for long, lovey. Hey, heard about old Emmie, glad to hear she's on the mend. I don't mind that old girl, she's the only decent one among ya's!' She laughed at her catty comment.

'Gee, thanks Dot. Nice to know you like us.'

'Anyway, how's Kathy and Eddie goin' these days?'

'Great, they're on the dance floor at the moment.'

Dot scanned the crowded dance floor and managed to spot Eddie and Kathy. Her eyes narrowed as she watched them together.

'Keep your s.l.u.tty thoughts to yourself,' Tammi warned.

Dot smirked and didn't comment. The dance finished and the band went to a break.

Kathy was annoyed to see Dot at their table. Eddie greeted her pleasantly enough, much to Dot's delight. She struck up a conversation with him, deliberately ignoring Kathy.

'b.i.t.c.h,' Tammi whispered to her sister. 'Don't let her get to you.'

Kathy shrugged and forced a smile, whispering back, 'I'm not bothered by her, Tam. She's just a fool.' Eddie turned to them and asked who would like a drink. He took the orders and went to the bar.

Dot didn't hesitate to add her drink to the list. It was obvious she wasn't planning on leaving, pulling her usual swifty to score a free drink. What annoyed the other girls was that the blokes fell for it.

'Great bod, hasn't he?' Dot admired, jutting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, resembling an overstuffed pigeon.

Kathy knew Dot was baiting her. She ignored the comment. Turning to Beth, she struck up a conversation. 'I heard you singing on the dance floor, Beth. You've got a nice voice.'

'Yes she has, hasn't she?' replied Francis.

'Mum sings sometimes when we have our family get togethers. You'll have to give us a tune too.' Tammi joined in.

'We'll have to have one of those evenings soon. We haven't had one for ages,' Kathy added. 'Once Gran's home next week we'll have to celebrate. She'd like that.'

'Yeah, we will. That's a great idea,' agreed Francis.

Eddie came back with a tray full of drinks and pa.s.sed them around. Dot's hand closed over his as he handed her drink to her. This didn't go unnoticed by Kathy; she was amazed she didn't feel the usual jealousy.

The band struck up a rock and roll number and a handsome young bloke asked Tammi to dance. Dot leant across and asked Eddie to dance with her. Before he could reply, Kathy told him to go ahead. He looked surprised and started to refuse but Kathy got up and walked towards the ladies'.

Dot grabbed Eddie's arm and he reluctantly followed her onto the dance floor, watching Kathy disappear.

Dot moved seductively to the beat of the music, tossing her head back and looking into Eddie's eyes. She moved in closely and rubbed her body against him several times, then moved back and eyed his groin. Eddie had felt himself harden and for once wished that didn't happen.

Kathy's att.i.tude had him wondering where their relations.h.i.+p was heading. He was p.i.s.sed off by her frostiness lately. Now, here she was encouraging him to dance with Dot! He convinced himself that Kathy was preparing to dump him.

Despite the heavy make-up, Dot did have s.e.x appeal and a great body. She knew the affect she was having on Eddie and she moved closer again, letting her body brush against his as she kept up a steady rhythm. Eddie put his hands on her hips and matched her moves. The dance was becoming very s.e.xual. Eddie's breathing became heavier and he couldn't drag his eyes away from hers.

'Meet me outside in a few minutes,' she whispered, disappearing from the dance floor.

Eddie pushed his hair back from his sweaty forehead. He could feel the throbbing of his arousal and, after looking around for Kathy and not seeing her, he followed the direction Dot had taken.

The next number was a slower one. Beth was dancing in Francis' arms and singing along with the song. He swung her around and she threw her head back laughing.

A hand touched her shoulder and a voice said, 'Well, we have a very lovely young lady here who has been enjoying herself this evening. She's sung along with every song let's hear her sing some more!'

Johnny had stepped from the stage and was mingling with the crowd on the dance floor. He stopped beside Beth, who he had been watching all evening.

'Come on now.' He started to sing Cryin' in the Rain. Beth felt the colour creep into her face. 'Don't you know this one?' Beth nodded that she did know the song.

'Well, don't be shy. Come on!' Johnny took her hand and guided her onto the stage.

Still feeling embarra.s.sed, Beth began to sing, softly at first. Then the mood took her and she forgot the crowd staring at her.

Her voice rose and she sang along in perfect harmony to Johnny. He realised that once she gained confidence, her singing ability would emerge. He urged her on into a medley of Everley Brothers. .h.i.ts.

She followed his lead. When the song finished, the applause that erupted from the audience was dynamic. They called for more, clapping and whistling. Johnny told them they would have to make do with that for now and maybe Beth would be kind enough to sing again for them later.

Turning to Beth as the crowd returned to their tables and the boys in the band went to get a drink, he told her she had a remarkable talent and could go places. He asked her to sing with him at the club Friday and nights, explaining he had been looking for a female singer for his band. He added that he was so pleased he had found her.

Beth was thrilled. She told him she would have to think it over before committing herself to every weekend. He walked her back to the table, saying that whenever she could would suit him to start with.

'You were fantastic, Beth. Absolutely fantastic!' enthused Francis.

Everyone at the table was commenting on how good she was and what a fantastic voice she had. Beth laughed and thanked them. She told them about Johnny's offer and they urged her to accept it.

'Where's Eddie?' Francis asked, looking around the table.

Kathy was wondering that herself. She had also noticed Dot's absence.

'He might be in the men's,' Tammi replied.

'Either that or he's met up with some of his mates at the bar. It's so crowded up there we wouldn't be able to see him from here,' Kathy added quickly. She didn't say anything about Dot's absence and neither did anyone else.

Francis was chatting with Beth. Eileen and Darcy were practically eating each other. Tammi was chatting to the young man she had been dancing with.

Kathy was sipping her drink and becoming increasingly angrier.

Dot's fingers were busy with the buckle on Eddie's belt. He was kissing her pa.s.sionately, his tongue probing her open mouth. She groaned and pressed closer to him. His hands slid under her short skirt and his fingers found her wetness. She had his belt undone and quickly slid his zip down, releasing his huge erection. She was gasping now as Eddie's fingers increased their exploration.

Together they staggered backward to lean against the brick wall. They were outside the club in a secluded corner of the car park.

Dot's skirt was up around her waist and her top was completely undone. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s were caressing Eddie's chest with erect nipples, adding to both their excitement.

Eddie sucked one nipple then the other as he lifted her up and thrust into her moistness.

She wound her long legs around his waist and he thrust deeper. Both oblivious to the fact someone could walk by. Their movements were frantic now and in moments they both reached an explosive climax. Dot tried to control her loud moan and Eddie leaned against the wall to get his breath back, eventually doing up his zip. Dot yanked her skirt down. No need to put her undies back on... she hadn't worn any!

'Well, Eddie darling, you've certainly still got what it takes!' she breathed.

He looked at her for a moment before replying, 'You too, Dot. Wanna cigarette?' He held out a packet of Marlborough red. Dot accepted and they stood in the shadows smoking. 'How're things with Kathy?' she asked.

Eddie flicked ash onto the ground.

'Good, Dot! But let's not talk about me and Kath after we've just been screwin'.'

Dot didn't push it, but she did say, 'Will you see me again? I can keep a secret. I mean, we are great together.' She ran her fingers down his chest, stopping where his s.h.i.+rt tucked into his jeans.

'Maybe.' He leant forward and flicked his tongue over her pouty mouth, adding, 'Do you want to go in first? We can't go in together.'

'Where've you been?' Kathy asked as Eddie pulled out a chair to sit down.

'Met a few fellas from work and they insisted I had a drink and a flutter on the pokies. Sorry babe, I should'a let you know where I was. I didn't think I'd be long.' He apologized.

'Beth sang. She was fantastic. Thought you would have heard her out in the lounge.' Kathy watched Eddie's face closely; he had coloured slightly.

'Uh, yeah, I did hear somethin' but I was so busy talkin' with the blokes I didn't pay much attention. She's that good, eh?'

'Yes, she's very good.' Kathy sipped her drink.

'I don't believe you,' she thought angrily.

'Dot left?' Eddie asked.

'I don't know... and don't b.l.o.o.d.y care! She's probably off s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g somewhere. Blokes go through her like trains through a tunnel!' Kathy snapped.

She had a sinking feeling in her stomach that she had just been lied to.

The girls all went to the ladies' room, leaving Eddie and Darcy at the table. Francis was taking his turn at the bar.

'Draggin' tonight?' Eddie asked Darcy, challenge thick in his voice.

'You wanna waste your time, Chancellor? I'm in. You know I'll s.h.i.+t all over ya!' Darcy laughed.

Eddie fumed. 'Pretty f.u.c.kin' sure of ya'self, aren't ya? Why don't ya just p.i.s.s off back to Newcastle.'

'Don't s.h.i.+t me, Chancellor. Worry ya, do I?'

Eddie glared across at Darcy. 'You're lucky we're not outside, f.u.c.k face, or I'd drop ya fair on ya a.r.s.e!'

'Is that right? Why wait till we're outside, s.h.i.+thead?' Darcy leapt from his seat and grabbed Eddie by his s.h.i.+rt collar. Eddie's chair went flying backwards.

The girls had just arrived back and Eileen pulled at Darcy's arm.

'Stop it, you b.l.o.o.d.y fool! You'll get us all thrown out!'

Kathy tugged at Eddie's arm. 'She's right, we won't be allowed in here again if you do this,' she said angrily.

Eddie and Darcy jerked apart but both were still bristling with anger.

'You'll keep p.r.i.c.k!' Darcy spat out.

'Ha, do I look worried? We'll meet on the Weir Road, usual place later, unless you're too gutless!'

Kathy sighed in despair. 'Oh Eddie, don't drag him again. You'll both end up getting killed!'

Eileen agreed, but no matter what they said, the rivals were determined to go ahead with the race.


Beth and Francis walked up the steps to the veranda at the back of Kia-Ora. The night had ended after the altercation with Darcy and Eddie.

'You were great tonight, Beth,' he said softly.

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