Red Hot Part 48

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'b.l.o.o.d.y Mason b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, up ya selves the lotta ya! Always thought you'se were too good for the likes'a me. Well a.r.s.eholes, I'll show ya who's too f.u.c.kin' good.'

His harsh words carried off into the darkness with the breeze. The figure slunk back among the trees, swallowed up by the darkness of night.

On the other side of the orchard, the lights from Kia-Ora twinkled.

Karl called goodnight as he left by the front door. He was in a hurry to meet Mary and was already running late. He whistled as he hurried out to the car. As he reached it, he stopped and looked behind him. Something unnerved him.

'Ah, s.h.i.+t, can't let every b.l.o.o.d.y noise spook me,' he thought as he slid in behind the wheel and drove off.

The figure crept out from behind a tall pine tree. A quick search and he found what he was looking for. A flick of his wrist and the job was done!

Harvey waited impatiently for Ellie. She was late and he was anxious to be with her. He hadn't made love to her for a week now. His thoughts drifted to Mary. He didn't want her to know that he had discovered her affair with Karl. He laughed loudly. 'Think you're clever, don't ya? Well, we'll soon see who's clever!' He had known now for almost a year. He had been leaving a cafe in Wodonga when he spotted Karl and Mary across the other side of the street. Harvey had ducked quickly out of sight and watched as they got into Karl's car. The intimate way Karl had his arm around Mary told Harvey all he needed to know. This information would come in handy when the time came to put his plans into action.

'Not much longer and I'll have enough money and I'll be free. Thank f.u.c.k!' he thought.

The sound of a car pulling up interrupted his thoughts. 'Ellie... At last.' He smiled.

He quickly poured two of wine and placed them on the bedside table. He heard the cabin door open and then Ellie was there, framed in the doorway.

In two strides, he was across the room, wrapping her in his arms.

Ellie's arms went around his neck, her hands travelled through his hair. She felt his hands on her b.u.t.tocks, pulling her closer. She could feel his arousal. A moan escaped her lips as Harvey kissed her neck.

He guided her towards the bed, undressing her as they went. The last of her clothes fell to the floor. She lay back on the bed naked, watching as Harvey stripped his clothes off, dropping them beside hers. The bed creaked as he lowered his weight onto it.

He began kissing her feet. Slowly, he trailed the kisses up her legs, across her stomach, pausing to flick his tongue into her navel. Ellie gasped with pleasure. She reached for his shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh. As his expedition went up... kissing, licking, sucking, she felt his warm wet tongue on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Arching her body, she asked for more.

Harvey teased her rigid nipples with his tongue. He placed his mouth over one, sucking gently. To the other, he gave the same pleasure.

The exploration of her body started to drift downward again, lower and lower. She could feel his tongue at work in the hungry wetness between her legs, his mouth sucking, his tongue probing. Red hot spasms of ecstasy shot through her.

Harvey sensed her need and raised himself over her. Holding her gaze, he lowered his body, thrusting gently with his rigid p.e.n.i.s. Ellie wrapped her legs around him. Slowly in and out, he slid his hardness taking it out almost completely, toying with her, ma.s.saging the outside of her with his glistening tip. Ellie was frantic with arousal now, pleading for more. Harvey groaned in pleasure and gave her all of him, together moving faster, building to an explosion of pa.s.sion, forcing cries of pleasure from both of them as they reached their peak.

Harvey rolled to one side. Their bodies s.h.i.+ning, damp from their lovemaking. They lay spent, eyes closed. Ellie turned on to her side, trailing her fingers across his chest. He turned his head and smiled. She leaned over and kissed him lovingly.

'I love you, Harvey. I have never felt so fulfilled.'

'I love you too, my darling.' He reached across to the bedside table, pa.s.sing her a gla.s.s of wine. They clinked and sipped. Ellie reached for the bottle. Gently, she pushed Harvey back into the bed. With a teasing smile, she let droplets of wine fall in a trail down his chest onto his stomach and further. Her tongue followed until she reached Harvey's again rigid p.e.n.i.s. She sucked and licked and stroked with her tongue. She was driving him wild. He grabbed her, pulling her on top of him, thrusting his body into hers. He watched as her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently bounced with her movements. Her nipples were erect and pleading for attention; he rolled them between his forefinger and thumb. Ellie was arching backwards and he could clearly see her excitement, so he stroked it gently. She cried out. Their lovemaking became wild, almost savage, both moaning loudly. Finally they climaxed, once more they lay together, exhausted... completely satisfied.

After enjoying a meal at a cafe, Eileen and Darcy made themselves comfortable in his car as they watched a horror movie at the Wodonga Drive-In. Eileen wasn't finding the movie very frightening, but she wasn't about to let on to Darcy. He stretched his arm out along the back of the seat, touching her on the shoulder.

'Feel a little scared? You can move a bit closer if you want to.'

Eileen hesitated. She wanted to be closer to him, just felt a bit dubious.

'C'mon Eileen, I won't bite,' Darcy urged, ma.s.saging her shoulder.

She slid across the seat. Darcy wound his arms around her, pulling her closer. The only light inside the car was filtering though from the screen in front of them. Eileen felt a twinge of shyness at the feeling of being completely alone with him.

Darcy turned her face to meet his.

'Don't worry, Eileen, I'm not gonna hurt ya.' He bent his head and covered her mouth with his. His kiss sent Eileen's senses soaring. She felt herself instantly respond and her arms went around his neck. Her lips parted beneath his; she felt his tongue probe inside her mouth. Without warning, he slid them down onto the seat, kissing her deeply and she eagerly returned his kisses.

Darcy's breath was coming faster as he pushed his hand under her s.h.i.+rt. Eileen moaned and deepened her own kisses as new sensations shot through her.

It wasn't until Darcy ran his hand up her thigh that her sanity returned. Struggling, she pushed him away.

He sat up, very much aroused. Eileen was trembling, shocked that she had let things go so far. Embarra.s.sed, she attempted to rearrange her clothing.

'I... I'm sorry Darcy. I didn't mean for things to go so far!'

Darcy sat behind the steering wheel staring straight ahead, not answering immediately. He was very aroused and had to settle down.

After a minute, he looked at her and said, 'It's okay, babe, it's not all your fault. We both were carried away, eh? How about I get us a drink. Won't be long.' He reached over and squeezed her hand before opening the car door and heading for the kiosk.

'What the h.e.l.l was I thinking?' she thought, confused and emotional. 'What an idiot I am, I've just met the bloke.'


The full moon hung high over Hamilton valley, casting its golden glow over the earth below.

A figure emerged from behind the wattle trees that grew in cl.u.s.ters in the hills around the valley.

Tall and athletic, the figure stood silhouetted in the moonlight.

'I can't wait to see the look on their faces!'

He squinted at his watch, holding his wrist up so he could see the time in the moonlight. 'Hmm, better get goin'.' He disappeared into the trees.

An owl hooted from high up in a gum tree. Rabbits and possums scuttled away, disturbed by the intruder.

In the distance, the sound of cars and trucks could be heard travelling along the country roads nearby.

Karl was driving Mary back to her car. They had enjoyed a quiet romantic dinner. He had to cut the night short as had to be up at four thirty next morning. Mary understood. She was snuggled up close to him as they drove along.

She kissed his cheek. 'One day we won't have to part like this, Karl.'

Karl smiled affectionately at her. 'Well, sweetheart, that'll be the best day of my life.' He took one hand from the wheel and took her hand, squeezing gently.

The lights went out at Kia-Ora except for the outside light left on for Karl's return.

Up at Sam's, all the lights were out. Everyone had gone to bed.

Further up at Dawn's, the lights were also out except the outside one left on for Eileen.

Jeff snored softly beside Dawn in their four-poster bed. Dawn lay awake, unable to sleep until Eileen was safely home. She glanced across at the bedside clock, it showed 11.45pm.

'She should be home anytime now,' Dawn thought. 'I'll go make a hot chocolate. No use laying here staring at the ceiling. Eileen might like one when she gets home too.'

She slid quietly out of bed and slipped on her dressing gown, putting her feet into her slippers and padding silently to the kitchen. She reached into the cupboard for a saucepan. Filling it with milk, she placed it on the stove to heat. As she arranged two cups on saucers beside the sink, she glanced out the window.

'Oh!' she exclaimed loudly, backing away from the sink, covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide.

Dawn turned and ran back to the bedroom, shaking Jeff roughly to wake him. 'Jeff... Jeff! Wake up, Jeff!' Panic had her in its grip.

'Wha... What's tha matter?' Jeff sat up, rubbing sleepy eyes.

'Jeff, quick... It's Harry's hut... it's on fire!'

'What! ...b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l! ...Tell me ya jokin', please Dawn?'

'No, get up. I'll call the brigade.'

Jeff leapt out of bed and grabbed his overalls from where he had slung them over the bedroom chair. Quickly, he pulled them over his pyjamas. He ran from the bedroom, calling to Dawn, 'Dawn, ring Sam. I'll head over to the hut with the knapsack... try and stop it spreadin.'

Jeff raced outside, anxious to get over to Harry's hut and to prevent the fire spreading to the dry gra.s.sland surrounding it. If this happened, they'd have another disaster on their hands like the hill fire on Christmas Eve 1964.

'f.u.c.kin' h.e.l.l,' he muttered, s.n.a.t.c.hing the knapsack from its hook in the shed.

The lights snapped on at Sam's. Bleary-eyed from sleep, Sam staggered to the phone.

'Aah s.h.i.+t! We're on our way.' He dropped the receiver onto its cradle.

'What's wrong?' Connie had followed him out, tying her dressing gown.

Sam explained. She could hardly believe it. 'I'll wake Eric and Des you ring Kia-Ora and tell them. Mum'll get a fright when she hears those sirens.'

Down at Kia-Ora, Digger couldn't believe what he was hearing either. He dressed hurriedly and sped up Centaur Road in his ute.

Win stood with Emmie, Kath and Tammi on the back veranda, the familiar sound of screaming sirens approaching. 'How b.l.o.o.d.y familiar,' she whispered. 'Looks like we all counted our chickens a bit too soon!'

Emmie was quiet for a moment. 'You could be right, love. But it's been over a year now and there hasn't been a fire.'

'Mmm, well that old hut didn't light itself,' Win said thoughtfully.

'Well, we'll know soon enough I guess.' Emmie sighed deeply.

'C'mon Mum, I'll make you some warm milk and brandy. In fact, think I might have a brandy as well.' Win put her arm around her and coaxed her back inside the house.

Kathy and Tammi stayed outside, watching the flames leaping into the air.

The pink chev sped past Kia-Ora.

's.h.i.+t, Darc! It looks like Harry's hut!' Eileen was anxious to get home. She had panicked when the fire brigade had zoomed past them moments before.

'Who's Harry?' Darcy asked.

Eileen told him about her friends.h.i.+p with the old man and how he had died.

Darcy listened shocked at the sad and horrid story. He didn't know what to say, it was evident the old bloke had meant a lot to Eileen.

He pulled up outside Dawn's house. Eileen jumped out, staring towards the fire in utter disbelief.

'Oh, Darcy, it is Harry's hut! It's not fair, it's just not fair!' Tears welled in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. She sank to the ground and buried her face in her hands. 'His hut's gone. All his memories were in there... His little treasures... Now they're all gone.' She sobbed, broken.

Darcy squatted beside her and gently helped her to her feet. 'C'mon, sweetheart, let me take you inside.'

Over at the fire, the men were racing around franticly pouring water onto the flames that engulfed the little hut.

'Got any idea how this started?' shouted Frank Smith.

'Nope, but it didn't light its self. Heaven help us if it's the f.u.c.kin' firebug again!' Sam yelled above the crackling of flames.

Nat Willis shouted back, 'Tell you what, if that a.r.s.ehole has started again I'm not hangin' around waitin' for the cops to do somethin'; I'll go lookin' for the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, an' I swear I'll shoot 'im. We suffered too much last time!'

'Too b.l.o.o.d.y right mate, we'll be right there backin' ya up,' shouted another local farmer.

Gradually, the fire was brought under control, then finally extinguished. Harry's hut was gone. All that was left was a pile of ashes and a rusty old water tank blackened from the fire.

Packing up the hoses, the men sighed and headed back across the paddocks towards Dawn's. She met them in the backyard.

'Listen, Eileen's very upset. You know how fond she was of old Harry. How the h.e.l.l did this happen? Please don't tell me it's the firebug.'

Before she could get an answer, Eileen walked up behind her, asking flatly, 'He's at it again, isn't he?'

'We dunno for sure, la.s.s. We won't know for sure till mornin' when we can take a proper look,' Mr Johnson said to her. The kind old man squeezed her shoulder as he walked away.

Dawn asked them all inside for a hot cuppa, which they accepted gratefully.

Digger was the first to leave. He wanted to get back to the family. He knew they would be thinking the same as everyone else: that the firebug was back!

Kathy and Tammi were inside checking on Emmie.

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You're reading Red Hot by Author(s): Cheryl Alldis, Leonie Alldis. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 425 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.