Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story Part 17

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To: Mama

Sent: July 24, 2001

Hi Mama. Well, I saw sawbones again today, and now he thinks it might be something called giardia (some kind of nasty parasite) that's laying me low, which might have been caused by drinking bad water! (I'm going to change the filters.) He put me on this very powerful antibiotic (Flagyl) which is supposed to kill just about anything inside of me, including Jimmy Hoffa, just in case he's hiding out somewhere down there.

The good news is I had no fever last night. It was the first night since Tuesday that I haven't soaked through the sheets. I feel a lot better today, although I'm still I'm eating, albeit small amounts, and it's not taking me as long to choke down a meal, so all in all, I'm hopeful. I'll see how it goes. I'm certainly not any worse than I was.

From: Carrie

To: Mama

Sent: July 26, 2001

Subject: How can you be lonely with a parasite, and other burning questions.

I looked up Giardia on the 'net, and found a picture. Looks like a friggin' party hat with a string coming out of the top. They call it a "cystic" parasite. Cute, huh? Somehow, with the name Giardia, I pictured a chubby Italian guy in my stomach with a huge plate over his head waiting for my meals to drop! I'm asymptomatic in some ways. I'm constipated rather than having diarrhea, which most people get, and fever is unusual, tho it can occur. Still have some cramping and pain. Ate a whole bunch of spinach last night in hopes of Popeye-ing this b.u.g.g.e.r outta me!

From: Mama

To: Carrie

Sent: July 26, 2001

I'm glad you're feeling better, but my view is that you should have a battery of tests ANYWAY. Darling, I really think you should get a second opinion. Is there another doc in the vicinity? I know you don't want to get on a plane and come out to L.A. (where I wish you were at this time).

What about Boulder? It's a big city where there are bound to be specialists. I'll be more than happy to pay for your stay in a hotel, in a hospital, or whatever! You shouldn't fool around with this, even though you're feeling a little better. Why wait? Yes, it's a pain in the a.s.s, but you should be looked at by someone in the city in a sophisticated facility. It may take a day or three out of your schedule, but aren't you worth it?

Love, Mama

From: Carrie

To: Mama

Sent: July 30, 2001

My morning thoughts:

I will, of course, take care of myself. But I honestly have been feeling better. You know me, I'm not one to rush to the doc when everything's working okay. I'm not good at running around getting tested for what might be. But I have decided to begin exercising again, and will build myself back up slowly. This has taken me down quite a bit, so I have nowhere to go but up, and in a way, I'll have a somewhat clean slate. So I'm choosing to look at the whole sweaty episode as a positive one. Onward and upward.

My dear neighbor, Leo, is coming by today to show me how to change the water filters and to take a sample to get tested. I'm sure it'll turn out fine. I probably just got the aberration, "The Lone Giardia," if that, indeed, was what it was. Whatever the case, Mama, I'm getting better and that's all that counts for me right now. I'm even going out to dinner tonight! Mind you, I'm not a fan of Chinese food and NEVER go out for it in L.A. or NY, but HERE (!) there is a wonderful restaurant (run by Tony from Thailand!) that for some reason agrees with me. Go figure.

I intend on rereading my pages of "Sunrise" today, all these pieces of the puzzle that I'm just putting together w.i.l.l.y-nilly, that I pray will add up to a LIFE. I guess that's what we do in reality, too ... no real, honest-to-G.o.d "master plan," just ... life.

A pal sent me a personality test (that the Dalai Lama supposedly came up with) and my life priorities wound up being, in order:





Family first! If I had to choose between that and Career I would choose Family. Luckily, the twain meet often. As for Money, I've obviously been very blessed in this life, and I figure I'll always have just enough and sometimes extra. The Love part? Well, it's just not a priority 'cause I have it in spades with my family and my closest friends. As far as love goes, I suppose I expect love to always be there, so it's not a "priority"; it just IS.

From: Carrie

To: Mama

Sent: July 31, 2001

Mama, I think you might be right. My friendly parasite (or whatever the h.e.l.l it is) is back with a vengeance. Also, I coughed up a little blood for the first time. I called sawbones and he has yet to call me back. Much as I hate to leave my mountains, I know I must head out to L.A. to nail this sucker once and for all.

Thank G.o.d for my good neighbors, Ted and Vera. They'll look after my house and feed Pee Wee and the kitties while I'm gone, which I hope won't be long.

One good thing, though-I'll be able to see you and Jody and Erin.

Love you ...

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