Maori Religion and Mythology Part 11

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Thence they went on to Ohou-kaka, so named by Kahu from a parrot-feather _hou-kaka_, which he took from the hair of his head, and stuck in the ground to become a _taniwha_ or spirit monster for that place. When they reached the place where their canoes had been left they launched two, a small sacred canoe for Kahu, and a large canoe for the others. Then they embarked, and as they paddled along coming near a certain beach, Kahu threw off his clothes, and leaped ash.o.r.e, naked. His two grandsons, Tama-ihu-toroa and Uenuku, laughed and shouted "Ho! ho! see, there go Kahu's legs." So the place was named Kuwha-rua-o-Kahu. In this way they proceeded, giving names to places not before named, till they reached Lake Rotorua. They landed at Tuara-hiwi-roa, and remained there several nights, and built a _whata_, or food-store raised on posts; so that place was named Te Whata.

Then going on by way of the Hot Springs, they arrived at Te Pera-o-tangaroa, and Wai-o-hiro, the stream where Tu-o-rotorua formerly dwelt. Next they came to Ngongotaha, which Kahu named Parawai, after his garden at Maketu.

After they had dwelt two whole years at Parawai Kahu determined to visit his nephew Taramainuku. Taramainuku and Warenga, the elder brothers of Ihenga, had abandoned the land at Moehau. The former had gone to the Wairoa at Kaipara, and the latter to the Kawakawa at the Bay of Islands, and had settled there. So Kahu set out with his son-in-law Ihenga, and his son Tawaki, and some travelling companions. He left behind at Parawai his daughter Hine-te-kakara, and her son Tama-ihu-toroa. He also left Uenuku, the son of Tawaki, and his wife, Waka-oti-rangi, to keep possession of Parawai as a permanent abode for them.

Arriving at the hills they rested, and Kahu sought a shelter under a _rata_ tree, which he named Te Whaka-marumaru-o-Kahu (Kahu's shelter).

Thereupon Ihenga perceiving that Kahu was giving his own name to the land, pointed to a _matai_ tree; for he saw a root jutting out from the trunk of the tree resembling a man's thigh; he therefore named it Te Ure-o-Tuhoro. He named it after his father's _ure_ to weigh down the name of Kahu, his father-in-law, so that the place might go to his own descendants. And it went to his descendants, and is now in possession of Ngat.i.tama. As they went on Kahu's dog caught a _kakapo_, so he named the place Te Kakapo. A little further on they came to a part of the hill where a stone projected from the face of the cliff. Then Kahu chanted a _karakia_ called _Uru-uru-whenua_:-

I come to Matanuku, I come to Matarangi, I come to your land, A stranger.

Feed thou on the heart of the stranger.

Put to sleep mighty spirits, Put to sleep ancient spirits, Feed thou on the heart of the stranger.

So he named the place Matanuku, which name remains to this day.

Arriving on the banks of the river Waikato he crossed over and rested while food was being cooked. The young men were very dilatory, and Kahu was angry at their laziness; so he named the place Mangare. Afterwards they came to the river Waipa, crossing which they pa.s.sed over Pirongia to Waingaroa, and thence along the sea beach to the mouth of the river Waikato. Here they fell in with Ohomairangi. He came in Tainui. He was the brother of Tuikakapa, a wife of Houmaitahiti, and mother of Tama-te-kapua and Whakaturia.

From Waikato they proceeded along the sea beach to Manuka, so named by Kahu who set up a _manuka_ post there as a _rahui_ or sacred mark. Here Kahu's companions embarked in a canoe, while he prevailed on a _taniwha_ or sea monster of that place, named Paikea, to carry him on his back. At length they drew near to Kaipara, and falling in with some of the men of Taramainuku were conveyed by them in their canoes to Pouto, where Tara was residing on the banks of the river Wairoa.

The _tangi_ resounded, and speeches of welcome followed-"Come here, come here, my father. Come to visit us, and to look on us. I have deserted your elder brother and your father" (meaning their bodies left buried at Moehau).

Then Kahu spoke-"Welcome us, welcome us, my _Ariki_. Behold us here. I the suffering one come to you. I thought that you, my _Ariki_, would seek me. But it is well, for I now behold you face to face, and you also behold me. I and your younger brother will return to our own place, that I may die on the land which your grandfather5 in his farewell words to me and my elder brother named as a land for you. I was deserted by my elder brother on account of our strife about the garden. But that land is not for the younger brother only-no, it is for all of you alike. But I will not part with your younger brother, and for this reason I gave him your cousin for wife."

5 Tama-te-kapua.

"It is well," said Taramainuku; "has not your son, Tawaki, a child?"

"Yes, Uenuku."

"Then carry home with you his cousin to be his wife."

To this Kahu consented. So Taramainuku's daughter, Hine-tu-te-rauniao, was given to Kahu to return with him to Rotorua. The son of Uenuku and Hine was Rangitiki.

Then Taramainuku's wife placed food before the guests, _toheroa_5, eels, _hinau_54, _k.u.mara_, _hue_55, and a basket of _para_.56

5 _Toheroa_, a species of bivalve.

54 _Hinau_, berry of Elocarpus dentatus.

55 _Hue_, a small gourd.

56 _Para_, a species of fern having a tuberous root.

When Kahu saw the _para_, he asked, "What food is this?"

"It is _para_," replied his nephew.

"And where does it grow?" asked Kahu.

"It grows in the woods."

"Ho!" said Kahu, "this is the food your ancestor ate. It is the _raho_ of your ancestor, Tangaroa. This is the first time I have tasted _para_.

You must call this place Kaipara."

Kahu returned homewards from Kaipara, but Ihenga stayed with his elder brother. Kahu returned by way of Waitemata, embarking in a canoe at Takapunga. He pa.s.sed by Motu-ihe, and Paritu on the north of Waiheke, and crossed over to Moehau. There he found Huarere and his family. The _tangi_ being ended, speeches were made. Meanwhile food was prepared; and when they had finished eating the food, Huarere said, "Your _papa_ (uncle) has been here."

"Who?" inquired Kahu.


"Ho! where is he?"

"He has gone away," replied Huarere. "He came in search of you. He set up a stone for a token for you."

"e, e, my _papa_, e, e," murmured Kahu.

Huarere continued: "After the arrival of your _papa_ he went directly to disinter the bones of Tama and Tuhoro."

"That is well," said Kahu.

Having remained three nights Kahu and his companions, with Huarere, climbed to the summit of the mountain where Tama-te-kapua had been laid to sleep. Therefore the mountain was named Moe-hau-o-Tama, or Sleeping Sacredness of Tama. After three nights Kahu went on to the forest, and set up a _Ri_, or sacred mark, as a warning to prevent anyone from pa.s.sing further that way. It remains there to this day. Then descending to the beach he turned his face towards the mountain, and chanted a lament to the resting place of his elder brother; so that place was named Tangi-aro-o-Kahu. He then went to see the stone which Ngatoro had set up as a token for him. That place is named Te Kohatu-whakairi-a-Ngatoro, and the stone remains there to this day. Then he climbed another hill, and placed a stone on its summit. The stone was named Tokatea. Thence they travelled along the ridge of the hills till they reached a lofty peak. They ascended it, and remained seated there, while Kahu looked about on every side. "Ho! ho!" said Kahu, "this is an island," and turning to Huarere, "your land, my child."

They went along the ridge of the hills that they might see the goodness of the land. The goodness of the land was seen, and Kahu said to his nephew, "The goodness of the land is this; there are two flood tides.

The east tide flows while the west tide is ebbing." Then they descended to the water side, where they saw fish called _aua_,57 so they named the water Wai-aua.

57 _Aua_, a fish resembling the herring.

Kahu and Huarere then parted. The descendants of Huarere grew and multiplied there, and all those lands became filled with them.

Kahu went on his way to Rotorua, and after several days reached the place where the river Waihou divides into two branches. There he rested, and when he felt the soft sea-breeze over the rippling tide, words of affection came from his lips; so the place was named Muri-aroha-o-Kahu (the regret of Kahu). On they went, and climbing a lofty mountain Kahu looked towards the sea, and thus gave vent to his affection: "Ah! my love to Moehau, alas for the land of my father, and of my elder brother, far away over the sea." So that mountain was named Aroha-tai-o-Kahu.

Then Kahu turned his face landward, and murmured words of affection toward the land at t.i.tiraupenga, to Tia and Maka. Hence the name of the other mountain, Aroha-o-uta-o-Kahu. They then travelled along the mountain ridge which he named Tau-o-hanga. This name belongs to the whole mountain ridge from Moehau as far as the Wairoa.

At length they entered the forest which extends towards Rotorua. Rain fell, and they were drenched with water dripping from the trees. Then Kahu chanted an invocation to Rangi, and the rain ceased. Kahu named the place Patere-o-Kahu, from their having been drenched with the rain. At the birth of the son of Hopo, the child was named Patetere.

At length they pa.s.sed through the forest, and arrived at Parawai. Their journey was ended, for they had reached the dwelling place of his daughter, and of his daughter-in-law, and of the two children, Uenuku and Tama-ihu-toroa.

The following day Hinetekakara said to Kahu, "Sir, Marupunganui has crossed over to the main land."

"Where?" inquired Kahu.

"To the Ngae."

Then said Kahu, "To-morrow we will go to Motu-tapu."

So when daylight came they set out, and found Tu-o-rotorua dwelling on the island; but his father was not there. Tu welcomed Kahu in these words: "Come my _teina_ to your island to be its _Ariki_."

"Yes," replied Kahu, "this sacred island is mine; but do you, my _Ariki_, continue to dwell on it."

Thus the island was given up to Tu-o-rotorua. But the _mana_ of the land was Kahu's. Hence the song of Taipari before mentioned58; for Taipari sprang from the race of Tama-ihu-toroa. Tama's son was Tuara, and Tuara was an ancestor of Taipari.

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