Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 14

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I'm a warrior, and I've done things, hard things in the execution of my duty. But from this moment on I will take care of these two people with all that's in me. They're mine.

They are my family.

Mel held himself off Emily Anne, his head bowed as he tried to catch his breath. For her part, their woman had a dreamy kind of smile on her face. Eyes closed, she ran her hands lightly over Mel's head. It didn't appear to bother her that her legs were still in the air, spread and suspended over her lover's arms.

Moving slowly, needing to be a part of them but unwilling to disturb their mood or the connection between them, he eased himself onto the bed beside Emily Anne on her left.

He could smell her arousal, a sweet siren-scent that made his c.o.c.k even harder than it had been just moments before.

Connor reached out and stroked her, running his finger up and down her side, just missing the plumpness of her breast.

"That was incredibly hot to watch."

"It was incredibly hot to experience," Mel said. He eased up onto his knees and slowly lowered Emily Anne's legs to the bed. Then he reached down and removed first one shoe, then the other. He rolled her stockings down one at a time, dropping a kiss on each thigh as he did so, then let her stockings fall to the floor.

"I didn't hurt you, precious?"

She opened her eyes and blinked. Then she smiled, reached out and caressed Mel's face. "Of course not. I didn't know I could get so high or feel so much. Thank you."

Connor saw in Mel's expression the sense of wonder he felt in his own heart. Mel leaned over and kissed her gently. "I'll be right back." He flicked a look at Connor, and said to Emily Anne, "I think Connor needs you, now."

She turned her head and met Connor's gaze. "Now that's just fine, because I need him, too." She looked over at Mel for a moment, then back to him. "I don't know why it is, but I don't feel as if I've done it right unless I have the both of you."

Connor flicked a glance at Mel. Did their woman understand the reason for that? He might very well be new at the menage lifestyle, but even he knew why Emily Anne felt that way.

It was because she loved them, and was meant to be loved by the both of them.

He very nearly told her so. But then he decided knowing it for fact, at the moment, was enough. He didn't need to hear the words spoken aloud right then and there.

Mel got off the bed and headed to the master bathroom. Connor stroked Emily Anne's face with just one finger.

"You have me so triggered. I'm afraid, sometimes, that I'll lose control with you and hurt you. I don't ever want to hurt you, Emily Anne."

"I know you don't."

The look in her eyes just then humbled him and made him feel as if he could move mountains at the same time.

She reached over and ran her fingertips lightly down his face. "Darlin', I'm not as fragile as all that, you know."

"Ah, but you are. And I don't mean that in a negative way." He angled toward her and kissed her lightly. "You're softer to the touch than I am." He picked up one of her hands and brought it to his lips. "I consider you to be a woman of strength, but I know I could hurt you and not even realize I was doing it."

He could tell she was neither offended, nor convinced.

Emily Anne sighed. "Connor, I'll tell you if I think things are getting out of hand, if I think you're on the verge of hurting me. And when I do, I know that no matter how 'triggered' you are, you'll stop. I have no doubt whatsoever about that." She grinned. "But the idea of a man losing control? The thought that a woman could make her man lose all control? That's an exciting thing to contemplate. And a woman wouldn't mind experiencing it, either, every now and again. I wouldn't mind experiencing it. Sometimes s.e.x should be raw and edgy and maybe more than just a little bit rough."

Then in a move that surprised him, she rolled until she lay on top of him. He let her have her way, lying flat on his back when she showed him that's how she wanted him. She wiggled her luscious body until his c.o.c.k was nestled snug between the lips of her c.u.n.t.

His gaze locked with hers as he ran his hands down her sides. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were pressed into his chest, so his thumbs, as he caressed down, didn't actually brush over her nipples. But he felt those twin succulent peaks pebble against him in response to his touch.

"A man likes to know he turns his woman on." Connor turned her words right back on her.

"You do. You both do. Sometimes it's so huge, this heat, this arousal. I honest to G.o.d didn't know it could be like that until you decided to make a move on me."

Connor wrapped his arms around her so that one hand splayed over her head. He exerted just a little pressure telling her without words what he wanted.

When she laid her mouth on his he plundered, using his lips and tongue to taste every bit of her mouth, to drink her in as if her essence alone could sustain his life.

The taste of her fired his blood, creating a craving in him that only she could quench. Without taking his lips from hers he lifted her hips slightly, holding her above him. Her hand surrounded his c.o.c.k, and then yes, she moved and took him inside her hot, wet p.u.s.s.y.

Wet and warm, tight and tantalizing, Emily Anne surrounded his c.o.c.k, bringing him home. She squeezed him, giving him the sweetest caress he'd ever had.

She grinned against his mouth and broke their kiss. With her hands on his chest she pushed herself upright. Sighing, closing her eyes, Emily Anne raised her arms above her head. Thrown up in victory-or maybe joy-that gesture proclaimed her a woman who'd taken hold of her own fate. Her lips stretched wide in a sultry smile, Emily Anne began to ride him, her body moving in a soft, steady, undulating pace.

Emily Anne Bancroft lost in s.e.xual abandon was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. How could this angel have ever thought herself unattractive, or unappealing?

"My G.o.d, look at you." Reverence laced Mel's words, and Connor knew his friend-his brother-felt the same way about her as he did himself.

"Glorious," Connor agreed. He flicked a glance at the man who stood watching and waiting. Connor nodded, giving permission for him to step into the moment with them. I guess I'm not the only one being careful.

Mel headed for the bedside table and the delights that Emily Anne had placed there for them to enjoy. He took both items with him back into the bathroom.

Connor knew Mel would return shortly, and that was fine.

He put his attention on the woman riding him. His hands slid up her body until he cupped her gorgeous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Overflowing his palms, her plump orbs felt softer than any flesh he'd ever stroked. He used his thumbs to pluck her nipples and smiled when those tiny points responded by turning into hard little b.u.t.tons.

Acting on pure male impulse, he squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, giving them a steady but firm pressure.

A veritable flood of hot, fragrant juices gushed around his c.o.c.k, accompanied by the sound of a very s.e.xy moan.

Emily Anne opened her eyes and looked down at him, pa.s.sion kissing a blush across her face and down her neck while arousal lit her eyes. "Do that again, please?"

"d.a.m.n, woman, you're perfect for us." Connor complied, and felt his c.o.c.k react to the heated look in her eyes by pulsing strongly in her c.u.n.t.

"That was incredible."

"It's called erotic pain, sweetheart, and I think you're going to really like all the different ways we know how to give it to you."

"I do want you to give me everything. I want to try it all."

Mel came to stand beside them. He looked down and watched the way Emily Anne rode Connor's c.o.c.k. Then he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Does that mean you're ready for some a.n.a.l play, sweetheart?"

"Yes, please. I think..." Her words faded off and her blush deepened.

Connor really looked forward to the day when she wouldn't stop herself from saying whatever was on her mind. "What do you think, Emily Anne? You can say absolutely anything you want to say to us."

"I think it'll be easier for me-the a.n.a.l play-if I'm really turned on while you're doing it."

If I ever meet that sorry son of a b.i.t.c.h I'm going to be hard pressed not to pound the s.h.i.+t out of him. Connor had a very strong suspicion Emily Anne's last boyfriend tried to have a.n.a.l s.e.x with her without any kind of preparation at all.

It took a great force of will for him to submerge his anger with Billy J. Cooper and focus only on her. Meeting her gaze, he found doing just that a lot easier than he would have imagined. G.o.d, she looks at me as if I'm her hero, and I haven't really done anything to deserve it. That was all the more reason for him to be careful in this relations.h.i.+p they were building, and not abuse her trust.

"Yes, angel eyes. It will be easier for you if you're really turned on." She had stopped moving on him so he brought his thumb and forefinger up to his mouth and wet them. Then he used those digits to stroke her c.l.i.t. Satisfaction filled him when her gaze lost its focus and the pa.s.sion returned to her eyes. "It's our job to make sure you're really turned on, that you enjoy everything we do with you, and that you're really well satisfied...over, and over and over again."

"That is exactly our job." Mel ran his hand down her back, kissed her head, and looked at Connor.

By the expression on his face, Connor saw that Mel had come to the same conclusions about Emily Anne's previous a.n.a.l experiences as he had. Then Mel turned Emily Anne's face toward himself.

"Precious, you have to let us know if we hurt you, okay? We won't lie to you. There will be a bit of discomfort for you, but if we do it right, what you feel will be only erotic pain."

"Just like when I pinched your nipples earlier," Connor said.

"I promise you that I'll tell you if it hurts more than I can take." Emily Anne stretched up toward him, so Mel bent down and gave her another kiss. Then he met Connor's gaze and nodded.

"Come here, baby," Connor said. "Lay your head on my chest and let Mel have that pretty a.s.s of yours."

Emily Anne lay down on Connor, her head turned to the side so that if she tried really hard, she could manage to see what Mel was doing behind her. All the b.u.t.terflies in Central Texas were alive and well and living in her stomach. Connor's heartbeat sounded in her ear, strong and steady. His hands caressed her back, and she counted it a miracle that she wasn't shaking like a leaf.

"I set the lube in a cup of warm water, precious." She guessed Mel must have done that when he went into the bathroom a few moments before.

Mel swept one hand over her bottom, in a sweet, gentle caress. At the same time the fingers of his other hand found their way to the crevice between her a.s.s cheeks. He stroked her there gently with a slow kind of petting that fired her blood. She began to relax as tiny skittering explosions of arousal shot from where he was touching her all the way through her body to her c.l.i.t.

She couldn't hold back the slight moan, or prevent her body from seeking more of his touch.

Connor flexed his c.o.c.k inside her. She licked her lips and gave him a squeeze right back.

Mel removed his fingers just for a moment. When he brought them back, they were covered with something slightly warm and very silky and slick.

Emily Anne s.h.i.+vered, and the men chuckled.

"How's that feel so far, honey?"

"Different. s.e.xy, but different. Like..."

"Like what?" Connor asked.

"Like tiny little electric shocks going off and streaking all over my body."

"I remember reading somewhere that there are a lot of little nerve endings here." Mel rubbed his finger back and forth across her a.n.u.s. "Nerve endings that can deliver pleasure as well as pain."

Recalling the last time someone touched her a.n.u.s, she could certainly attest to the pain part. But there could be no denying the pleasure that was snaking through her body, right then, either.

Connor gently stroked over her back and used his thumbs to brush the sides of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He used his hands to anchor her back, and then thrust up with his hips, pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k into her even deeper than it was already seated.

Mel added more lubricant and made his touch against her firmer. She moaned because with each pa.s.s of his finger over her a.n.u.s, her arousal grew.

"I'm going to press my finger inside you, precious. Tell me if it gets to be too much." He leaned over her and kissed the middle of her back. When his finger began to press forward, she felt the beginning of the burning sensation she remembered so well and an echo of fear, of helplessness, reverberated through her.

Emily Anne nearly opened her mouth, nearly told him to stop. But the burning didn't flare into a raging fire. In fact, it eased just slightly, becoming a heat and an ache that actually fed her arousal, making it higher and hotter.

She s.h.i.+vered and moaned and wiggled her bottom, seeking more from Mel even as she squeezed Connor's c.o.c.k inside her p.u.s.s.y.

"Angel eyes, your nipples are trying to bore holes in my chest and your p.u.s.s.y just gushed. That tells me you're doing okay."

"More." She felt the beginnings of a climax, those tingles that promised Nirvana, but held down the way she was, she didn't know how to reach for it.

Mel began to move his finger in and out of her a.s.s, and oh G.o.d, the sensations were indescribable. Had she been afraid it might sting? Suddenly she wanted more of a sting, more of a burn.

"Please. I need more. I want to come."

"Don't come yet, honey." Mel softened his command by kissing her again, a sweet b.u.t.terfly caress on her shoulder. He continued to finger f.u.c.k her, but it felt as if he was moving his finger in a circle as well as in and out.

Then he withdrew from her a.s.s and the immediate sense of loss made her whimper.

"Hang on." Connor held her close and thrust up into her again. Before she could beg, she felt Mel's fingers return, with more lube. He pressed and the burn started all over again, heavier than before.

"I've got two fingers inside you, precious. Still okay?"

The sound that emerged from her throat must have meant something to them, because both men responded with low, satisfied-sounding murmurs of their own.

Emily Anne closed her eyes, focusing on the strange and wonderful sensations coursing through her body. Having her head on one lover's chest and his c.o.c.k inside her, while the other lover knelt close to them both and played with her a.s.s had to be the most naughty, most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. She wanted to move, to pull more of these delicious feelings toward her, but she wasn't sure how.

Almost before the thought finished, her muscles proved that they seemed to possess knowledge her mind lacked, because her hips began a quivering kind of rocking that seemed to make everything she was experiencing just then more, made it better.

"Mmm, sweetheart. You really want to come, don't you?" Connor thrust up into her as if answering her increased movement.

"I need..." She didn't know if she could even really tell them exactly what she needed. She needed to get closer, and closer still to each and both of these men. She needed to find out what all she'd never known existed for lovers to share.

And yes, she very much needed to come.

"All right, now, precious. Just a little bit longer." Mel s.h.i.+fted behind her and she felt his fingers slide out of her.

Something else pressed against her almost immediately and she understood it was the b.u.t.t plug.

"Come here, love. Kiss me." Connor's deep voice washed over her. She went where he led, raising her head off his chest, eager for his kiss. He combed his fingers through her hair and anch.o.r.ed her, his tongue strong and commanding as he slid it against hers. He wooed her with his mouth every bit as much as he seduced her with his c.o.c.k, his thrusts above and below in sync, short and sharp and urgent.

Mel leaned over her and the pressure against her a.n.u.s burned anew. She felt herself being stretched even more than she'd already been stretched. But instead of shying away from the sensation, from the bite of pain and the stronger pressure, she welcomed them. Her excitement grew, her heart pounded and it felt as if her blood raced through her veins.

"Oh...oh, yes...I need just a bit...oh, yes!"

Mel slid the b.u.t.t plug all the way into her at the same moment that Connor reached down and brushed his fingers against her c.l.i.t. The climax exploded inside her, sending unimagined pleasure to every part of her body, every nerve, every molecule. For this heart-stopping, mind-dizzying s.p.a.ce in time, her body s.h.i.+vered as each part of her connected to these men and the ecstasy they selflessly served her.

Chapter 15.

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