Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 10

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"I never knew I could be a temptress. Y'all make me want to discover what else I can be. What we can be, together." She didn't even know if she could explain the utter joy coursing through her because these men thought her to be s.e.xy and desirable. Temptress. That wasn't a word she'd ever thought could be used to describe her.

Mel Richardson and Connor Talbot made her want things, too.

They made her want things that were close to the heart of her, her most cherished dreams.

She'd always dreamt of a family to come home to, with children playing in the yard. And now that dream had been redefined to include a couple of good, strong men who would be happy to grill dinner or play catch...or join in a little girl's tea party.

The dreams she'd never dared to share with anyone and that she'd thought she'd tucked away in her woman's heart bubbled close to the surface, because of these men.

"I don't know what you're thinking," Mel said, "But I like that look on you. Maybe someday you'll share your thoughts with us, precious."

She didn't really mean to be coy even as the slight smile stretched her lips. "Maybe I will."

Mel grasped her waist and held her firmly at the same time he thrust his hips against her. The slide of his c.o.c.k against her open slit and her c.l.i.t, caressing her silken folds but not penetrating, felt hot and hard and thrilling. The sensations shattered her logic and derailed her thoughts. Unable to help herself, she flexed her pelvic floor muscles.

Mel's quick grin told her he felt her little caress, despite the fact he hadn't entered her yet. His grin slowly slid into a look so aroused, so compelling, Emily Anne could have sworn her heart actually fluttered.

He moved his hands from her waist and used them to stroke up and down her body. His thumbs brushed over the sides of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His eyes followed the path of his hands, his expression riveted.

"Do you know how often I've imagined you here with us, just like this? I almost can't believe that you're going to let me have you." He flicked his gaze over to Connor. "I got so hot watching Connor f.u.c.k you, watching you suck my c.o.c.k. I was watching my dreams come true before my very eyes."

Did his hands tremble as he caressed her? The sound of the tub's jets and hitched breathing filled the room, the bathroom echo at once familiar and new. A ripple in the water brushed her hip a second before Connor's hand was there. He'd moved closer, making it easier for her to look at him and for him to watch whatever it was Mel planned to do to her.

The heat of the water, the lightly scented steam, and the simmering of arousal, both stimulated and soothed. In a flash of insight she understood the allure of a hot tub for lovers longing to become more intimate with one another.

The only thing separating them all was wet, churning heat.

She'd dared to initiate a kiss. Could she dare more?

Rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against Mel's chest she said, "I need to feel your c.o.c.k inside me, Melvin. When are you gonna f.u.c.k me?"

"Right now, precious."

He nearly swamped the edge of the tub when he stood with her in his arms. A tiny squeal of surprise escaped her lips before she clamped down on her wayward responses.

She wrapped her legs around his waist at the same time and gave a seductive roll of her hips, effectively caressing his hard c.o.c.k with her p.u.s.s.y.

"Vixen." He didn't step out of the tub but turned, and stepped toward the high shelf that held various items bathers might need. "Grab a condom, please. I have my hands full at the moment." To prove his point, he cupped her a.s.s cheeks in his hands and squeezed.

Emily Anne ignored her own trembling as she did his bidding, and brought down a plastic-wrapped packet from among the many that were strewn there. When he ran his hands over her legs and set her on her feet, she didn't waste any time opening that packet.

She'd never sheathed a lover before. It took her a moment, but she figured out which way to lay the condom on his c.o.c.khead. Oh, G.o.d, I love the way that feels, smoothing this bit of latex over his c.o.c.k.

She was tempted to extend the exercise but he circled her wrist with his fingers, stopping her.

"Emily Anne you have me so wired right now that I'll shoot my load in your pretty little hand if you're not careful. I'd much rather come in your c.u.n.t."

Then he lifted her and turned her to face Connor, and the edge of the tub. That man grinned.

"She loves to push us to our limits, my friend," Connor said.

"I've noticed."

Emily Anne noticed that on the bench beside Connor a white towel had been submerged, padding the hard plastic.

"On your knees, precious. Lean over the edge of the tub and hang on."

She did like to push them to their limits. The tight edge in Mel's voice made her wonder if she'd misjudged and pushed just a wee bit too far this time. She'd barely done as he asked when his hand caressed her bottom, one of his knees spread hers just a bit more, and the hot and swollen head of his latex-covered c.o.c.k teased the entrance of her p.u.s.s.y.

He positioned himself with his hand, and then pressed forward, entering her from behind in one firm, smooth thrust.

Chapter 11.

"Is this what you wanted, woman?"

Mel's voice held an edge she'd never heard before. Had she known he could be as dominant as Connor? Emily Anne s.h.i.+vered as the truth washed through her. Yes, she'd known it and longed to bring that side of him out.

"Mmm, yes. Oh, yes you feel so good inside me, Mel."

Leaning over the edge of the tub, she felt his engorged c.o.c.k filling her completely. The heat of his body as he ranged over her, the way his right arm encircled her waist and held her tight against him made her feel secure, and oh, so deliciously taken.

He eased his c.o.c.k almost all the way out of her again, and then slammed into her. "Your c.u.n.t feels wonderful wrapped around my c.o.c.k, precious. I have f.u.c.king dreamed of this moment."

Emily Anne had dreamed of it, too. As he continued to f.u.c.k her in that profoundly measured way, she admitted the truth to herself. From the first moment she set eyes on these men she'd wanted them. G.o.d, can't I at least think the words the way I feel them? I didn't just want them, I wanted their c.o.c.ks hard and f.u.c.king me. I wanted their mouths on my c.u.n.t, and their c.o.c.ks in my mouth. I wanted them every way a woman can want her two very own private d.i.c.ks.

He gave her two more long, deep strokes. "Tell me how you want it, Emily Anne. Do you want me to keep it up like this? Slow and solid? What do you want?"

Her arousal had begun to mushroom inside her, pus.h.i.+ng away the trappings of civilization and all the years of gentility her momma thought she'd instilled in her. It was a state that only these two men had ever brought her to, and it felt glorious!

"More. Faster. I want you to f.u.c.k me hard and fast and deep."

"Good girl. You must always tell us how you want us, precious." Mel kissed her ear. "Now I'm going to f.u.c.k you just the way you asked me to-hard and fast and deep."

Emily Anne moaned as Mel began to do just that. He f.u.c.ked her in a rhythm that spiraled her need and her arousal to never-before-dreamed-of heights. She gripped the edge of the tub, certain the entire house must be shaking with the force of the powerful, wonderful pounding he gave her.

He placed one hand on her hip and the other he laid on her head. He combed his fingers through her hair and then fisted the strands.

She felt held, dominated, and absolutely taken.

The sounds Mel made, a series of grunts and growls, spoke to her feral woman and pleasure shot through her, the pleasure of giving her mate a good ride. A few sounds escaped her own throat as her o.r.g.a.s.m came near, so very near but not nearly close enough.

"G.o.d, this is hot as h.e.l.l watching the two of you. Nothing has ever turned me on like this." Connor moved subtly closer. He reached down and stroked her just below her navel. "You want to come, don't you, baby? You want to cream all over Mel's c.o.c.k, just like you did mine."

"Yes, G.o.d, yes I want to come!"

She s.h.i.+vered when she felt Connor's touch slide down. "Let me just give you a hand with that, then."

He ran his fingers over the top of her c.u.n.t, just above where Mel's c.o.c.k impaled her. It didn't take Connor long to find her c.l.i.t. He began to stroke it and she whimpered because she was so very close and wanted to come so badly.

"I'll push you over, sweetheart." Mel's words sounded almost like a threat. His hand left her hip and caressed her bottom. Then his finger stroked down between her a.s.s cheeks and touched her a.n.u.s.

"Go over, baby." He pushed his finger against that tiny opening, a series of short jabs that sizzled and snapped along all her nerve endings. A slow burn where his finger pressed just added to the hunger-fires licking at her flesh.

Then Connor pinched her c.l.i.t, Mel pressed his finger into her a.n.u.s, and Emily Anne's body erupted into o.r.g.a.s.m, the thrill so huge, so vast, that she screamed as wave after wave pummeled her to her very core.

Mel kept his weight off her and fought for breath. At least now I understand that expression, "seeing stars." He'd never had such a mind-blowing o.r.g.a.s.m.

Making love to Emily Anne Bancroft was, quite literally, life-altering.

At the moment, she lay draped over the edge of the tub, her head bowed, her breathing labored and fast. The sound of the jets seemed loud suddenly when he hadn't actually heard them for the past several minutes.

There'd been nothing, truthfully, except his woman and the unparalleled thrill of his c.o.c.k being surrounded by her c.u.n.t and the joy of finally loving her. He placed a reverent kiss on her shoulder, then another one by her ear.

"I didn't hurt you?" He worried that he might have because he'd completely lost control near the end.


Mel grinned. He looked over and met Connor's gaze. His friend wore a smile that looked as sappy as his felt.

"Easy, precious." He carefully withdrew from Emily Anne's warm and comfortable body. When he stepped back, Connor reached over and lifted her into his arms, settling her on his lap.

Mel got out of the hot tub and took care of the condom. Grabbing a towel he ran it over himself quickly, sopping up most of the moisture. Then he snagged a couple of others and went back to the tub. He set one down for his partner then held the other open for Emily Anne.

Connor stood with her in his arms and handed her over to Mel.

"Y'all make me feel special." Emily Anne laid her head on his chest when he wrapped the towel around her. Right then, Mel felt like he could conquer the world.

"You are special." He sat on the bench and used the towel to blot the water from her body. She yawned, and he waited until she was done and then placed a light kiss on her lips.

Connor sat on the bench beside him, spread another towel over his knees, and lifted Emily Anne's legs onto his lap.

"Are you ticklish?" Connor asked.

"Sometimes. Not when I'm this relaxed, though, usually." She yawned again and then shook her head. "It's not late. I guess you both have worn me out."

Mel watched as Connor dried her feet. He would have been concerned about her words if she wasn't smiling. "I guess we'll just have to work at building up your stamina, precious."

"I'd like that." She reached up and caressed his chin. "I didn't know making love could be so good." She kissed him lightly, and when she leaned over to reach Connor, he helped her.

She gave his friend the same kind of gentle kiss.

"With us, it always will be." Mel cuddled her in close. "You know that, don't you? You're the center of us. We'll always take care of you and love you to distraction."

"I'm going to live in the moment, because I'm afraid to count on the future." Emily Anne inhaled a shuddering breath. "That kind of feels mean spirited of me, for me to say that especially right now when you're both being so sweet with me. I don't want you to think I'm a hard or mean woman."

"We certainly don't think you're either of those, angel eyes. Not by a long shot. You're cautious. That jerk Billy J did a number on you, but he wasn't alone. From what you've told us, it sounds as if your entire family has been abusive toward you. Of course it's going to take time until you find your confidence-in us, yes, but in yourself, as well."

"No, you must have misunderstood me. They never abused me. They've never hit me. Not ever. They've never even yelled at me or anything. I wasn't abused, Connor."

Her expression oozed earnestness. Mel met Connor's gaze for a moment. He understood exactly where that man's head was and they actually were on the same page when it came not only to their woman, but her family.

But he also understood Emily Anne's perspective. This would be a delicate balance to strike.

"Precious, we don't want to put a wedge between you and your family. Of course you love them and I'm pretty sure they love you, too. But raising you to believe that you're fat, that you're therefore somehow not ent.i.tled to the best that life has to offer? Yes, that is abuse, of a sort. It's emotional abuse." The kind of abuse, Mel knew, that hundreds if not thousands of young women had lived through in this modern age of television advertising and the emaciated super model.

Emily Anne sighed. In her eyes he could see disbelief. That was okay. Now that they'd dragged that subject out into the sunlight, as it were, Emily Anne's subconscious thoughts would circle around it, whether she wanted them to or not.

Words didn't always do their best work in the moments immediately after they'd been spoken. Sometimes, they settled in and made themselves at home first before starting to do their work.

He met Connor's gaze. That man nodded and then gave him a quick grin. He picked up one of Emily Anne's tiny, pretty red-toenailed feet and kissed it.

Their woman gasped and jerked, and both men laughed.

"Let's go see how that big-a.s.s bed works for sleeping in, shall we?" Mel kissed Emily Anne's ear.

He didn't give her a moment to think about it, he just got up with her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He'd straightened the bedding earlier and then turned it down so it would be ready for them.

He held her close and with her studied the behemoth piece of furniture.

"It sure is big," Emily Anne said.

"It certainly is that," Connor said.

"I reckon this is one of those moments you were talking about earlier-one of those awkward ones." She pointed with her hand. Mel got the message and set her on her feet. She looked from him to Connor. "So how do we do this, exactly? If we're all three going to spend the night in this very big bed, how do we arrange ourselves?"

Mel bent to her and gave her a quick kiss. "Connor and I discussed how a lot of this was going to work for us, precious, when we decided to see if you'd be interested in the both of us. We just figured that was for us to do, part of taking care of you. As for sleeping at night, we kind of lucked out because I prefer the right side and Connor likes the left. You, of course, will be in the middle."

"You'll be the honey in our man sandwich," Connor said.

Her eyes twinkled with laughter. Mel recognized the look of mischief in Emily Anne's eyes. "So I don't get a say in the sleeping arrangements?"

"Sure you do, precious. You get to decide if you lay on your left side, or your right."

"And if I'm a stomach sleeper?"

"That works, too." Connor moved so that they had their woman between them.

Mel had one of what his mother always called a heartbeat moment-a flash of time when it felt as if his heartbeat sounded louder as if to underline his sudden clarity of understanding. They were three people standing close, each of them naked, and each one of them was involved in this very intimate relations.h.i.+p they were building.

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