The Laws Of War, Affecting Commerce And Shipping Part 15

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[13: 1 Rob. Adm. Rep. 64.]

[14: 2 Wheaton, p. 19.]

[15: Lindo v. Rodney, Doug. 612; The Boedes l.u.s.t, 5 Rob. Rep. 233.]

[16: Per Lord Mansfield, Lindo _v._ Rodney.]

[17: Wolff _v._ Oxholm, 6 M. and S. 92.]

[18: Grot. book 2, chap. 18, sec. 344; book 3, chap. 5, sec. 77.]

[19: Whewell, Grot. vol. 3, p. 151, sec. 4; p. 165, sec. 4 (2).]

[20: 1 Kent's Com. p. 65.]

[21: Bynkersheok, Quaest. Sur. Pub. lib. i. cap. 3; 2 Wheaton, p. 26.]

[22: Robinson's Adm. Rep. p. 196.]

[23: The Hoop.]

[24: The Rapid, 8 Cranche's Rep. p. 155.]

[25: The St. Lawrence, 8 Cranche's Rep. p. 434.]

[26: The Juffrow Catharina, 5 Rob. 141.]

[27: 2 Wheaton, p. 37.]

[28: 1 Kent's Com. p. 67.]

[29: The Rendsborg, 4 Rob. Adm. Rep. 132.]

[30: Park, p. 497.]

[31: Toulmin _v._ Anderson, 1 Taunt. 227.]

[32: Potter _v._ Bell, T. Rep. 548; The Hoop, _supra._]

[33: Vandyck _v._ Whitmore, 1 East, 475.]

[34: Park, 502.]

[35: Park on Insurance; Arnold on Insurance; Gist _v_. Mason, I T. R.


[36: Idem.]

[37: The Immanuel, 2 Rob. Adm. Rep. 198.]

[38: Park, 502; Sewell _v_. Royal Exchange a.s.surance Co. 4 Taunt. 856; Wilson _v_. Marryat, 8 T. Rep. 31.]

[39: Willison _v_. Patterson, 7 Taunt. 439; _Vide_ Note on the War Bill Act, at the end of this part.]

[40: Per Gibbs, C.J. Antoine _v._ Morshead, 6 Taunt. 238. According to Mr. Serjeant Byles, a bill drawn by a British prisoner in favour of an alien enemy cannot be enforced by the payee. He cites no case in support of this a.s.sertion; but on the principle of the last case cited, if it were drawn for _subsistence and not for trade_, there seems to be no reason why it should not be legal.]

[41: Duhamel _v._ Pickering, 2 Starkie, 92.]

[42: Barker _v._ Hodgson, 3 M. & S. 270.]

[43: Liddard _v._ Lopes, 10 East. 526; Abbot, on s.h.i.+pping, 596.]

[44: 1 Kent's Com. 248; The Hiram, 3 Rob. Adm. 189.]

[45: 1 Kent's Com., 249.]

[46: Hadley _v._ Clarke, 8 T.R. 259; 3 Kent's Com. 249.]

[47: Abbot, on s.h.i.+pping, 599.]

[48: Pothier, Trait du Cout. de Joc. No. 140.]

[49: Story, on Partners.h.i.+p, pp. 447, 448.]

[50: Griswold _v._ Waddington, 16 Johns. Rep. U.S.]

[51: Story, on Partners.h.i.+p, 447.]

[52: Story, on Partners.h.i.+p, 449; Griswold _v._ Waddington, 15 Johns, 57; 16 Johns, 438.]

[53: Platt, on Covenants, 588; Doe _d._ Lord Anglesea _v._ Ch. Wardens of Rugely, 6 Q.B. 113, and cases there cited.]

[54: Cosmopolite, 4 Rob. 10, 11, in note.]

[55: 1 Term. R. Gist. _v._ Mason.]

[56: Per Buller, J. Bell _v._ Gilson, 1 Bos. _v._. Pull.]

[57: Case of Bella Guidita, cited 1 Rob. Adm. Rep. 207.]

[58: 1 Kent, p. 73]

[58: 1 Kent, p. 73]

[59: Per Eyre, C.J. Sparenburgh _v._ Bannatyne, 1 B. & P. 168.]

[60: Sparenburgh _v._ Bannatyne, 1 B. & P. 163.]

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