A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 74

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PHOSPHOR-US. [Gr. +phs+, _phs_, the light, and +pher+, _pher_, to bear.] A combustible substance, of a yellowish color, semi-transparent, resembling wax.

PHRENIC. [Gr. +phrn+, _phrn_, the mind.] Belonging to the diaphragm.

PHYS-I-OLO-GY. [Gr. +phusis+, _phusis_, nature, and +logos+, _logos_, a discourse.] The science of the functions of the organs of animals and plants.

PIA MATER. [L., good mother.] The name of one of the membranes of the brain.

PIG-MENTUM. [L.] Paint; a preparation of colors.

PINNA. [L., a wing.] A part of the external ear.

PLA-TYSMA. [Gr. +platus+, _plats_, broad.] A muscle of the neck.

PLEURA, -. [Gr. +pleura+, _pleura_, the side.] A thin membrane that covers the inside of the thorax, and also forms the exterior coat of the lungs.

PLEURAL. Relating to the pleura.

PLEXUS. [L. _plecto_, to weave together.] Any union of nerves, vessels, or fibres, in the form of net-work.

PNEU-MO-GASTRIC. [Gr. +pneumn+, _pneumn_, the lungs, and +gastr+, _gastr_, the stomach.] Belonging to both the stomach and lungs.

POLLI-CIS. [L.] A term applied to muscles attached to the fingers and toes.

PONS. [L.] A bridge. _Pons varolii._ A part of the brain formed by the union of the crura cerebri and cerebelli.

POP-LIT-EAL. [L. _poples_, the ham.] Pertaining to the ham or knee-joint. A name given to various parts.

POSTI-CUS. [L.] Behind; posterior. A term applied to certain muscles.

PORTI-O DURA. [L., hard portion.] The facial nerve; 8th pair.

PORTI-O MOLLIS. [L., soft portion.] The auditory nerve; 7th pair.

PO-Ta.s.sI-UM. [L.] The metallic basis of pure potash.

PRO-BOSCIS. [Gr. +pro+, _pro_, before, and +bosk+, _bosk_, to feed.] The snout or trunk of an elephant or other animal.

PROCESS. A prominence or projection.

PRO-NATOR. [L. _p.r.o.nus_, turned downward.] The muscle of the forearm that moves the palm of the hand downward.

PSOAS. [Gr. +psoai+, _psoai_, the loins.] The name of two muscles of the leg.

PUL-MONIC. } } PULMO-NA-RY. } [L. _pulmo_, the lungs.] Belonging or } relating to the lungs.


PUPIL. A little aperture in the centre of the iris, through which the rays of light pa.s.s to the retina.

PY-LORIC. Pertaining to the pylorus.

PY-LORUS. [Gr. +pulros+, _pulros_, a gate keeper.] The lower orifice of the stomach, with which the duodenum connects.

RADI-US. [L., a ray, a spoke of a wheel.] The name of one of the bones of the forearm.

RA-DI-ALIS. Radial; belonging to the radius.

RADI-ATE. Having lines or fibres that diverge from a point.

RAMUS. [L.] A branch. A term applied to the projections of bones.

REC-RE-MEN-t.i.tIAL. [L. _re_, again, and _cerno_, to secrete.]

Consisting of superfluous matter separated from that which is valuable.

r.e.c.t.u.m. The third and last portion of the intestines.

RECTUS, -I. [L.] Straight; erect. A term applied to several muscles.

RE-SIDU-AL. Pertaining to waste matter.

RE-SIDU-UM. [L.] Waste matter. The fces.

RES-PI-RATION. [L. _re_, again, and _spiro_, to breathe.] The act of breathing. Inspiring air into the lungs and expelling it again.

RE-SPIRA-TO-RY. Pertaining to respiration; serving for respiration.

RETI-NA. [L., _rete_, a net.] The essential organ of sight. One of the coats of the eye, formed by the expansion of the optic nerve.

RO-TUNDUM, -A. [L.] Round; circular.

RUGA, -. [L.] A wrinkle; a fold.

SACCU-LUS. [L., dim. of _saccus_, a bag.] A little sac.

SACRAL. Pertaining to the sacrum.

SACRUM. [L., sacred.] The bone which forms the posterior part of the pelvis, and is a continuation of the spinal column.

SA-LIVA. [L.] The fluid which is secreted by the salivary glands, which moistens the food and mouth.

SALI-VA-RY. That which belongs to the saliva.

SANGUIN-E-OUS. [L. _sanguis_, the blood.] b.l.o.o.d.y; abounding with blood; plethoric.

SAR-TORI-US. [L. _sartor_, a tailor.] A term applied to a muscle of the thigh.

SCALA, -. [L., a ladder.] Cavities of the cochlea.

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