A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 69

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CHLORINE. [Gr. +chloros+, _chloros_, green.] _Chlorine gas_, so named from its color.

CHORDA, -. [L.] A cord. An a.s.semblage of fibres.

CHOROID. [Gr. +chorion+, _chorion_.] A term applied to several parts of the body that resemble the skin.

CHYLE. [Gr. +chulos+, _chulos_, juice.] A nutritive fluid, of a whitish appearance, which is extracted from food by the action of the digestive organs.

CHYL-I-FI-CATION. [_chyle_ and L. _facio_, to make.] The process by which chyle is formed.

CHYME. [Gr. +chumos+, _chumos_, juice.] A kind of grayish pulp formed from the food in the stomach.

CHYM-I-FI-CATION. [_chyme_ and L. _facio_, to make.] The process by which chyme is formed.

CILIA-RY. [L. _cilia_, eyelashes.] Belonging to the eyelids.

CIN-E-RITIOUS. [L. _cinis_, ashes.] Having the color of ashes.

CLAVI-CLE. [L. _clavicula_, from _clavis_, a key.] The collar-bone; so called from its resemblance in shape to an ancient key.

CLEIDO. A term applied to some muscles that are attached to the clavicle.

CO-AGU-LUM. [L.] A coagulated ma.s.s, a clot of blood.

COCCYX. [Gr.] An a.s.semblage of bones joined to the sacrum.

COCHLE-A. [Gr. +kochl+, _kochlo_, to twist; or L. _cochlea_, a screw.] A cavity of the ear resembling in form a snail sh.e.l.l.

COLON. [Gr.] A portion of the large intestine.

CO-LUMNA, -.[L.] A column or pillar.

COM-MUNIS. [L.] A name applied to certain muscles.

COM-PLEXUS. [L. _complector_, to embrace.] The name of a muscle that embraces many attachments.

COM-PRESSOR. [L. _con_, together, and _premo_, _pressus_, to press.]

A term applied to some muscles, that compress the parts to which they are attached.

CONDYLE. [Gr. +kondulos+, _kondulos_, a knuckle, a protuberance.] A prominence on the end of a bone.

CON-JUNC-TIVA. [L. _con_, together, and _jungo_, to join.] The membrane that covers the anterior part of the globe of the eye.

COPPER. A metal of a pale, red color, tinged with yellow.

COR-ACOID. [Gr. +korax+, _korax_, a crow, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.] A process of the scapula shaped like the beak of a crow.

CORI-ON. [Gr. +chorion+, _chorion_, skin.] The true skin.

CORNE-A. [L. _cornu_, a horn.] The transparent membrane in the fore part of the eye.

COSTA. [L. _costa_, a coast, side, or rib.] A rib.

CRIBRI-FORM. [L. _cribrum_, a sieve, and _forma_, form.] A plate of the ethmoid bone, through which the olfactory nerve to the nose.

CRICOID. [Gr. +krikos+, _krikos_, a ring, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.] A name given to a cartilage of the larynx, from its form.

CRYSTAL-LINE. [L. _crystallinus_, consisting of crystal.] _Crystalline lens._ One of the humors of the eye. It is convex, white, firm, and transparent.

CUBI-TUS, -I. [L. _cubitus_, the elbow.] One of the bones of the forearm, also called the _ulna_.

CUBOID. [Gr. +kubos+, _kubos_, a cube, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.]

Having nearly the form of a cube.

CU-NEI-FORM. [L. _cuneus_, a wedge.] The name of bones in the wrist and foot.

CUSPID. [L. _cuspis_, a point.] Having one point.

CU-TANE-OUS. [L. _cutis_, skin.] Belonging to the skin.

CUTI-CLE. [L. _cutis_.] The external layer of the skin.

CUTIS VERA. [L. _cutis_, and _vera_, true.] The internal layer of the skin; the true skin.

DELTOID. [Gr. +delta+, _delta_, the Greek letter +Delta+, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.] The name of a muscle, that resembles in form the Greek letter +Delta+.

DENS. [L.] A tooth.

DENTAL. [L. _dens_, tooth.] Pertaining to the teeth.

DE-PRESSOR. [L.] The name of a muscle that draws down the part to which it is attached.

DERMOID. [Gr. +derma+, _derma_, the skin, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.] Resembling skin.

DE-SCENDENS. [L. _de_ and _scando_, to climb.] Descending, falling.

DIA-PHRAGM. [Gr. +diaphragma+, _diaphragma_, a part.i.tion.] The midriff; a muscle separating the chest from the abdomen.

DI-AR-RHOEA. [Gr. +diarre+, _diarrheo_, to flow through.] A morbidly frequent evacuation of the intestines.

DI-ASTO-LE. [Gr. +diastell+, _diastello_, to put asunder.] The dilatation of the heart and arteries when the blood enters them.

DI-GESTION. [L. _digestio_.] The process of dissolving food in the stomach, and preparing it for circulation and nourishment.

DIG-I-TORUM. [L. _digitus_, a finger.] A term applied to certain muscles of the extremities.

DORSAL. [L. _dorsum_, the back.] Pertaining to the back.

DU-O-DENUM. [L. _duodenus_, of twelve fingers' breadth.] The first portion of the small intestine.

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