The Earl of Essex Part 9

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My friend--my friend destroy'd! Why could not mine-- My life atone for both--my blood appease?

Can you, my friend, forgive me?

_South._ Yes, oh yes, My bosom's better half, I can.--With thee, I'll gladly seek the coast unknown, and leave The lessening mark of irksome life behind.

With thee, my friend, 'tis joy to die!--'tis glory!

For who would wait the tardy stroke of time?

Or cling like reptiles to the verge of being, When we can bravely leap from life at once, And spring, triumphant, in a friend's embrace?

_Enter RALEIGH._

_Ral._ To you, my Lord Southampton, from the queen, A pardon comes; your life her mercy spares.

_Ess.e.x._ For ever blest be that indulgent power Which saves my friend! This weight ta'en off, my soul Shall upward spring, and mingle with the bless'd.

_South._ All-ruling Heavens! can this--can this be just?

Support me! hold, ye straining heart-strings, hold, And keep my sinking frame from dissolution!

Oh, 'tis too much for mortal strength to bear, Or thought to suffer!--No, I'll die with thee!

They shall not part us, Ess.e.x!

_Ess.e.x._ Live, oh, live!

Thou n.o.blest, bravest, best of men and friends!

Whilst life is worth thy wish--till time and thou Agree to part, and nature send thee to me!

Thou generous soul, farewell!----Live, and be happy!

And, oh! may life make largely up to thee Whatever blessing fate has thus cut off, From thy departing friend!

_Lieut._ My lord, my warrant Strictly forbids to grant a moment's time.

_South._ Oh, must we part for ever? Cruel fortune!

Wilt thou then tear him hence?--Severe divorce!

Let me cling round thy sacred person still,-- Still clasp thee to my bosom close, and keep Stern Fate at distance.

_Ess.e.x._ Oh, my friend! we'll meet Again, where virtue finds a just reward!

Where factious malice never more can reach us!

I need not bid thee guard my fame from wrongs: And, oh! a dearer treasure to thy care I trust, than either life or fame--my wife!

Oh, she will want a friend!

Then take her to thy care--do thou pour balm On her deep-wounded spirit, and let her find My tender helps in thee!--I must be gone, My ever faithful, and my gallant friend!

I pr'ythee, leave this woman's work.--Farewell!

Take this last, dear embrace--Farewell for ever!

_South._ My bursting breast! I fain would speak, but words Are poor--Farewell!-- But we shall meet again--embrace in one Eternal band, which never shall be loosed. [_Exit._

_Ess.e.x._ To death's concluding stroke, lead on, Lieutenant.-- My wife!--Now reason, fort.i.tude, support me!

For now, indeed, comes on my sorest trial.


Oh, thou last, dear reserve of fortune's malice!

For fate can add no more,-- Oh, com'st thou now to arrest my parting soul, And force it back to life?

_Rut._ Thou sole delight-- Thou only joy which life could ever give, Or death deprive me of--my wedded lord!

I come, with thee, determined to endure The utmost rigour of our angry stars!

To join thee, fearless, in the grasp of death, And seek some dwelling in a world beyond it!

_Ess.e.x._ Too much, thou partner of this dismal hour, Thy gen'rous soul would prompt thee to endure!

Nor can thy tender, trembling, heart sustain it.

Long years of bliss remain in store for thee; And smiling time his treasures shall unfold To bribe thy stay!

_Rut._ Thou cruel comforter!

Alas! what's life--what's hated life to me?

Alas, this universe, this goodly frame, Shall all as one continued curse appear, And every object blast, when thou art gone.

_Ess.e.x._ Oh, strain not thus the little strength I've left, The weak support that holds up life! to bear A few short moments more, its weight of woe, Its loss of thee! Oh, turn away those eyes!

Nor with that look melt down my fix'd resolve!

And yet a little longer let me gaze On that loved form! Alas! I feel my sight Grows dim, and reason from her throne retires: For pity's sake, let go my breaking heart, And leave me to my fate!

_Rut._ Why wilt thou still Of parting talk?

Oh, that the friendly hand of Heaven would s.n.a.t.c.h Us both at once, above the distant stars, Where fortune's venom'd shafts can never pierce, Nor cruel queens destroy!

_Ess.e.x._ The awful Searcher, whose impartial eye Explores the secrets of each human heart, And every thought surveys, can witness for me, How close thy image clings around my soul!

r.e.t.a.r.ds each rising wish, and draws me back To life, entangled by that loved idea!

_Lieut._ My lord, It now grows late.

_Ess.e.x._ Lead on.

_Rut._ Stay, stay, my love! my dearest, dying lord!

Ah! whither wouldst thou go? Ah, do not leave me! [_Faints._

_Ess.e.x._ Thou sinking excellence! thou matchless woman!

Shall fortune rob me of thy dear embrace, Or earth's whole power, or death divide us now?

Stay, stay, thou spotless, injured saint!

_Lieut._ My lord, already you have been indulged Beyond what I can warrant by my orders.

_Ess.e.x._ One moment more Afford me to my sorrows--Oh, look there!

Could bitter anguish pierce your heart, like mine, You'd pity now the mortal pangs I feel, The throbs that tear my vital strings away, And rend my agonizing soul.

_Lieut._ My lord----

_Ess.e.x._ But one short moment, and I will attend.

Ye sacred ministers, that virtue guard, And s.h.i.+eld the righteous in the paths of peril, Restore her back to life, and lengthen'd years Of joy! dry up her bleeding sorrows all!

Oh, cancel from her thoughts this dismal hour, And blot my image from her sad remembrance!

'Tis done.-- And now, ye trembling cords of life, give way!

Nature and time, let go your hold!--Eternity Demands me. [_Exeunt ESs.e.x and LIEUTENANT._

_Rut._ Where has my lost, benighted soul been wand'ring?-- What means this mist, that hangs about my mind, Through which reflection's painful eye discerns Imperfect forms and horrid shapes of woe?-- The cloud dispels, the shades withdraw, and all My dreadful fate appears.--Oh! where's my lord?-- My life! my Ess.e.x! Oh! whither have they ta'en him?


_Qu. Eliz._ To execution!--Fly with lightning's wing, And save him!

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