The Stranger Part 9

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_Char._ Cousin Tim! Who is he?

_Pet._ Good lack! Don't you know cousin Tim? Why, he's one of the best tailors in all--

_Char._ A tailor! No, sir, I do not know him. My father was state coachman, and wore his highness's livery. [_Exit._

_Pet._ [_Mimicking._] "My father was state coachman, and wore his Highness's livery"--Well, and cousin Tim could have made his Highness's livery, if you go to that. State coachman, indeed! [_Going._

_Enter SOLOMON._

_Sol._ Peter, you ninny, stay where you are. Is that chattering girl gone? Didn't I tell you we would have a practice of our dance? they are all ready on the lawn. Mark me; I represent the Count, and you the Baron. [_Exit, with affected dignity. PETER follows, mimicking._


_The Lawn.--Seats placed.--Rustic Music.--Dancers are discovered as ready to perform._

_SOLOMON and PETER enter, and seat themselves._

_A Dance, in which the Dancers pay their reverence to SOLOMON and PETER as they pa.s.s. At the end, SOLOMON and PETER strut off before the Dancers._



_The Skirts of the Park and Lodge, &c. as before. The STRANGER is discovered on a seat, reading._

_Enter FRANCIS._

_Fra._ Sir, sir, dinner is ready.

_Stra._ I want no dinner.

_Fra._ I've got something good.

_Stra._ Eat it yourself.

_Fra._ You are not hungry?

_Stra._ No. [_Rises._

_Fra._ Nor I. The heat takes away all appet.i.te.

_Stra._ Yes.

_Fra._ I'll put it by; perhaps at night--

_Stra._ Perhaps.

_Fra._ Dear sir, dare I speak?

_Stra._ Speak.

_Fra._ You have done a n.o.ble action.

_Stra._ What?

_Fra._ You have saved a fellow creature's life.

_Stra._ Peace.

_Fra._ Do you know who he was?

_Stra._ No.

_Fra._ The only son of Count Wintersen.

_Stra._ Immaterial.

_Fra._ A gentleman, by report, worthy and benevolent as yourself.

_Stra._ [_Angry._] Silence! Dare you flatter me?

_Fra._ As I look to Heaven for mercy, I speak from my heart. When I observe how you are doing good around you, how you are making every individual's wants your own, and are yet yourself unhappy, alas! my heart bleeds for you.

_Stra._ I thank you, Francis. I can only thank you. Yet share this consolation with me:--my sufferings are unmerited.

_Fra._ My poor master!

_Stra._ Have you forgotten what the old man said this morning? "There is another and a better world!" Oh, 'twas true. Then let us hope with fervency, and yet endure with patience!--What's here?

_Enter CHARLOTTE, from the Park gate._

_Char._ I presume, sir, you are the strange gentleman that drew my young master out of the water?--[_The STRANGER reads._] Or [_To FRANCIS._] are you he? [_FRANCIS makes a wry face._] Are the creatures both dumb?

[_Looks at them by turns._] Surely, old Solomon has fixed two statues here, by way of ornament; for of any use there is no sign. [_Approaches FRANCIS._] No, this is alive, and breathes; yes, and moves its eyes.

[_Bawls in his ear._] Good friend!

_Fra._ I'm not deaf.

_Char._ No, nor dumb, I perceive at last.--Is yon lifeless thing your master?

_Fra._ That honest silent gentleman is my master.

_Char._ The same that drew the young Count out of the water?

_Fra._ The same.

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