The Stranger Part 14

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_Stra._ The hand of misery lies heavy on me.--But how came you here?

What want you?

_Bar._ Strange! Here was I ruminating how to address this mysterious recluse: he appears, and proves to be my old and dearest friend.

_Stra._ Then you were not in search of me, nor knew that I lived here?

_Bar._ As little as I know who lives on the summit of Caucasus. You this morning saved the life of my brother-in-law's only son: a grateful family wishes to behold you in its circle. You refused my sister's messenger; therefore, to give more weight to the invitation, I was deputed to be the bearer of it. And thus has fortune restored to me a friend, whom my heart has so long missed, and whom my heart just now so much requires.

_Stra._ Yes, I am your friend; your sincere friend. You are a true man; an uncommon man. Towards you my heart is still the same. But if this a.s.surance be of any value to you--go--leave me--and return no more.

_Bar._ Stay! All that I see and hear of you is inexplicable. 'Tis you; but these, alas! are not the features which once enchanted every female bosom, beamed gaiety through all society, and won you friends before your lips were opened! Why do you avert your face? Is the sight of a friend become hateful? Or, do you fear, that I should read in your eye what in your soul? Where is that open look of fire, which at once penetrated into every heart, and revealed your own?

_Stra._ [_With asperity._] My look penetrate into every heart!--Ha! ha!


_Bar._ Oh, Heavens! Rather may I never hear you laugh than in such a tone!--For Heaven's sake tell me, Charles! tell me, I conjure you, what has happened to you?

_Stra._ Things that happen every day; occurrences heard of in every street. Steinfort, if I am not to hate you, ask me not another question.

If I am to love you, leave me.

_Bar._ Oh, Charles! awake the faded ideas of past joys. Feel, that a friend is near. Recollect the days we pa.s.sed in Hungary, when we wandered arm in arm upon the banks of the Danube, while nature opened our hearts, and made us enamoured of benevolence and friends.h.i.+p. In those blessed moments you gave me this seal as a pledge of your regard.

Do you remember it?

_Stra._ Yes.

_Bar._ Am I since that time become less worthy of your confidence?

_Stra._ No!

_Bar._ Charles! it grieves me that I am thus compelled to enforce my rights upon you. Do you know this scar?

_Stra._ Comrade! Friend! It received and resisted the stroke aimed at my life. I have not forgotten it. Alas! you knew not what a present you then made me.

_Bar._ Speak then, I beseech you.

_Stra._ You cannot help me.

_Bar._ Then I can mourn with you.

_Stra._ That I hate. Besides, I cannot weep.

_Bar._ Then give me words instead of tears. Both relieve the heart.

_Stra._ Relieve the heart! My heart is like a close-shut sepulchre. Let what is within it, moulder and decay.--Why, why open the wretched charnel-house to spread a pestilence around?

_Bar._ How horrid are your looks! For shame! A man like you thus to crouch beneath the chance of fortune!

_Stra._ Steinfort! I did think, that the opinion of all mankind was alike indifferent to me; but I feel that it is not so. My friend, you shall not quit me without learning how I have been robbed of every joy which life afforded. Listen: much misery may be contained in a few words. Attracted by my native country, I quitted you and the service.

What pleasing pictures did I draw of a life employed in improving society, and diffusing happiness! I fixed on Ca.s.sel to be my abode. All went on admirably. I found friends. At length, too, I found a wife; a lovely, innocent creature, scarce sixteen years of age. Oh! how I loved her! She bore me a son and a daughter. Both were endowed by nature with the beauty of their mother. Ask me not how I loved my wife and children!

Yes, then, then I was really happy. [_Wiping his eyes._] Ha! a tear! I could not have believed it. Welcome, old friends! 'Tis long since we have known each other. Well, my story is nearly ended. One of my friends, for whom I had become engaged, treacherously lost me more than half my fortune. This hurt me. I was obliged to retrench my expenses.

Contentment needs but little. I forgave him. Another friend--a villain!

to whom I was attached heart and soul; whom I had a.s.sisted with my means, and promoted by my interest, this fiend! seduced my wife, and bore her from me. Tell me, sir, is this enough to justify my hatred of mankind, and palliate my seclusion from the world?--Kings--laws--tyranny--or guilt can but imprison me, or kill me.

But, O G.o.d! O G.o.d! Oh! what are chains or death compared to the tortures of a deceived yet doting husband!

_Bar._ To lament the loss of a faithless wife is madness.

_Stra._ Call it what you please--say what you please--I love her still.

_Bar._ And where is she?

_Stra._ I know not, nor do I wish to know.

_Bar._ And your children?

_Stra._ I left them at a small town hard by.

_Bar._ But why did you not keep your children with you? They would have amused you in many a dreary hour.

_Stra._ Amused me! Oh, yes! while their likeness to their mother would every hour remind me of my past happiness! No. For three years I have never seen them. I hate that any human creature should be near me, young or old! Had not ridiculous habits made a servant necessary, I should long since have discharged him; though he is not the worst among the bad.

_Bar._ Such too often are the consequences of great alliances.

Therefore, Charles, I have resolved to take a wife from a lower rank of life.

_Stra._ You marry!--Ha! ha! ha!

_Bar._ You shall see her. She is in the house where you are expected.

Come with me.

_Stra._ What! I mix again with the world!

_Bar._ To do a generous action without requiring thanks is n.o.ble and praise-worthy. But so obstinately to avoid those thanks, as to make the kindness a burden, is affectation.

_Stra._ Leave me! leave me! Every one tries to form a circle, of which he may be the centre. As long as there remains a bird in these woods to greet the rising sun with its melody, I shall court no other society.

_Bar._ Do as you please to-morrow; but give me your company this evening.

_Stra._ [_Resolutely._] No!

_Bar._ Not though it were in your power, by this single visit, to secure the happiness of your friend for life?

_Stra._ [_Starting._] Ha! then I must--But how?--

_Bar._ You shall sue in my behalf to Mrs. Haller--You have the talent of persuasion.

_Stra._ I! my dear Steinfort!

_Bar._ The happiness or misery of your friend depends upon it. I'll contrive that you shall speak to her alone. Will you?

_Stra._ I will; but upon one condition.

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