The Stranger Part 11

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_Stra._ The sooner the better! They come this way. Now must I shut myself in my hovel, and lose this fine breeze. Nay, if they be your highbred cla.s.s of all, they may have impudence enough to walk into my chamber. Francis, I shall lock the door.

[_Goes into the Lodge, locks the door, and fastens the shutters._

_Fra._ And I'll be your centinel.

_Stra._ Very well.

_Fra._ Now should these people be as inquisitive as their maid, I must summon my whole stock of impertinence. But their questions and my answers need little study. They can learn nothing of the Stranger from me; for the best of all possible reasons--I know nothing myself.


_Countess._ There is a strange face. The servant probably.

_Bar._ Friend, can we speak to your master?

_Fra._ No.

_Bar._ Only for a few minutes.

_Fra._ He has locked himself in his room.

_Countess._ Tell him a lady waits for him.

_Fra._ Then he's sure not to come.

_Countess._ Does he hate our s.e.x?

_Fra._ He hates the whole human race, but woman particularly.

_Countess._ And why?

_Fra._ He may perhaps have been deceived.

_Countess._ This is not very courteous.

_Fra._ My master is not over courteous: but when he sees a chance of saving a fellow creature's life, he'll attempt it at the hazard of his own.

_Bar._ You are right. Now hear the reason of our visit. The wife and brother-in-law of the man, whose child your master has saved, wish to acknowledge their obligations to him.

_Fra._ That he dislikes. He only wishes to live unnoticed.

_Countess._ He appears to be unfortunate.

_Fra._ Appears!

_Countess._ An affair of honour, perhaps, or some unhappy attachment may have--

_Fra._ They may.

_Countess._ Be this as it may, I wish to know who he is.

_Fra._ So do I.

_Countess._ What! don't you know him yourself?

_Fra._ Oh! I know him well enough. I mean his real self--His heart--his soul--his worth--his honour!--Perhaps you think one knows a man, when one is acquainted with his name and person.

_Countess._ 'Tis well said, friend; you please me much. And now I should like to know you. Who are you?

_Fra._ Your humble servant. [_Exit._

_Countess._ This is affectation! A desire to appear singular! Every one wishes to make himself distinguished. One sails round the world; another creeps into a hovel.

_Bar._ And the man apes his master!

_Countess._ Come, brother, let us seek the Count. He and Mrs. Haller turned into the lawn-- [_Going._

_Bar._ Stay. First a word or two, sister. I am in love.

_Countess._ For the hundreth time.

_Bar._ For the first time in my life.

_Countess._ I wish you joy.

_Bar._ Till now you have evaded my inquiries. Who is she? I beseech you, sister, be serious. There is a time for all things.

_Countess._ Bless us! Why you look as if you were going to raise a spirit. Don't fix your eyes so earnestly. Well, if I am to be serious, I obey. I do not know who Mrs. Haller is, as I have already told you; but what I do know of her, shall not be concealed from you. It may now be three years ago, when, one evening, about twilight, a lady was announced, who wished to speak to me in private. Mrs. Haller appeared with all that grace and modesty, which have enchanted you. Her features, at that moment, bore keener marks of the sorrow and confusion which have since settled into gentle melancholy. She threw herself at my feet; and besought me to save a wretch who was on the brink of despair. She told me she had heard much of my benevolence, and offered herself as a servant to attend me. I endeavoured to dive into the cause of her sufferings, but in vain. She concealed her secret; yet opened to me more and more each day a heart, chosen by virtue as her temple, and an understanding improved by the most refined attainments. She no longer remained my servant, but became my friend; and, by her own desire, has ever since resided here. [_Curtseying._] Brother, I have done.

_Bar._ Too little to satisfy my curiosity; yet enough to make me realise my project. Sister, lend me your aid--I would marry her.

_Countess._ You!

_Bar._ I.

_Countess._ Baron Steinfort.

_Bar._ For shame! If I understand you!

_Countess._ Not so harsh, and not so hasty! Those great sentiments of contempt of inequality in rank are very fine in a romance; but we happen not to be inhabitants of an ideal world. How could you introduce her to the circle we live in? You surely would not attempt to present her to--

_Bar._ Object as you will--my answer is--_I love._ Sister, you see a man before you, who--

_Countess._ Who wants a wife.

_Bar._ No; who has deliberately poised advantage against disadvantage; domestic ease and comfort against the false gaieties of fas.h.i.+on. I can withdraw into the country. I need no honours to make my tenants happy; and my heart will teach me to make their happiness my own. With such a wife as this, children who resemble her, and fortune enough to spread comfort around me, what would the soul of man have more?

_Countess._ This is all vastly fine. I admire your plan; only you seem to have forgotten one trifling circ.u.mstance.

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