Dolly Reforming Herself Part 25

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_Matt._ [_Cautiously._] Ye-es.

_Dolly._ You remember how she waited for a lull in the talk, and then she said with that silly, simpering, appealing look----

_Harry._ Miss Smithson's look is not silly or simpering.

_Dolly._ Well, it's appealing, isn't it?

_Harry._ [_With a little chuckle._] Oh, yes, it's appealing.

_Dolly._ [_Enraged._] Oh! Dad!

_Matt._ [_Quiets her._] Shus.h.!.+--What did she say?

_Dolly._ She said with a very marked glance at me, "My dress allowance is a hundred and twenty a year, and I don't understand how any reasonable woman can wish for more!" What do you think of that?

_Matt._ Well, if she did say that, and if she glanced at you, it----

_Dolly._ Yes?

_Matt._ It wasn't very nice of her.

_Dolly._ Nice? It was an insult! A direct, intentional, abominable insult, wasn't it?

_Matt._ Yes, yes, decidedly, under the circ.u.mstances----

_Dolly._ And Harry ought to have resented it?

_Matt._ At his own dinner table he couldn't, could he?

_Dolly._ Yes! At least, if he couldn't resent it, he ought to have _shown_ that he resented it. Instead of that, he actually asked her to give me a few lessons in economy!

_Harry._ I did not!

_Dolly._ Pardon me, you did! Me! his wife! Lessons in economy!

_Harry._ And a thundering good thing if she had given you a few before you ran up these bills!

[_Dashes his hand on to the bills._

_Dolly._ There! You hear?!

_Matt._ Come, Harry, you oughtn't to have asked another woman to give your wife lessons in economy.

_Harry._ I didn't!

_Dolly._ Dad! You were there----

_Matt._ Yes, but I don't quite remember----

_Dolly._ You don't remember?! Surely you can remember a simple thing like that when your own daughter tells you it was so!

_Matt._ Now, Harry, what did you really say to Miss Smithson?

_Harry._ I said she might give _some_ women a lesson in economy.

_Matt._ Not meaning Dolly?

[_Giving him a wink to say "No."_

_Harry._ No-o.

_Dolly._ Then whom did he mean? Lessons in economy? Whom _could_ he mean if he didn't mean me?

_Harry._ Just so!

_Dolly._ Ah! There! You see, he owns it!

_Matt._ No, no, I'm sure he doesn't mean it! Did you, Harry?

[_Winking at_ HARRY.

_Dolly._ Then will he please say what he really does mean?

_Matt._ Now, Harry, what do you really mean?

_Harry._ Well, you remember that night of the dinner party at Folkestone.

_Matt._ [_Cautiously._] Ye-es.

_Harry._ After they'd all gone you and I went into the smoking-room, didn't we?

_Matt._ [_Cautiously._] Ye-es.

_Harry._ And you said, "Doll's in one of her high gales again!"

_Dolly._ High gales?! [_Indignant._] Father! You didn't say that?

_Matt._ No, no, my dear----

_Harry._ Excuse me, those were your exact words. High gales!

_Matt._ I don't remember.

_Dolly._ No, you don't remember anything.

_Harry._ You said, "What on earth was up between her and Miss Smithson at dinner?"

_Dolly._ You see! That proves exactly what I said!

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