W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892 Part 1

W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892 -

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W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892.

by Various.



Price 6s., gilt edges.

GIRLS OF THE TRUE BLUE: A School Story. By L. T. MEADE. With ten Ill.u.s.trations by Percy Tarrant. 6/

Girls of all ages are sure to be fascinated by the pathetic and highly interesting narrative of Nan Esterleigh, the orphan girl who makes her home with a friend of her mother's, where she has abundance of nice pets, good companions, and an atmosphere of wholesome comfort, and where she is quite happy until an act of deceit puts her in the power of an older and designing girl, and renders her at times very miserable. This wrong-doing is the shadow over her life, as she finds when Captain Richmond starts the Royal True Blue society, with its prize to be given for the best girl who had cultivated every side of her nature--moral, intellectual, and physical. She is seriously handicapped, and the prize falls, through an error, to the designing girl who has ruined her happiness. Misfortune brings this maiden to a better mind and true repentance, and Nan comes to her own again in the esteem and respect of every one. There are many other attractive girl characters in this entertaining story.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _From_ A NEST OF GIRLS. 6/]

A NEST OF GIRLS; or, Boarding School Days. By E. WESTYN TIMLOW. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by H. R. Richards. 6/

Here we are introduced to a bevy of smart, clever, American girls in a boarding-school, just at the time that Winifred Douglas becomes teacher of English Literature there. Winifred was wise, if only four-and-twenty, and the love she felt for her work was only equalled by the sense of responsibility she had for the impressionable girls under her charge. How she helped and influenced them for good, although she 'hurt sometimes,'

comes out in the story, which is brimful of life and vivacity.

The lady and the doings of a circle of immensely smart girls keep up the interest of this wholesome picture of girl-life.

SEVEN MAIDS. By L. T. MEADE. With ten Ill.u.s.trations by Percy Tarrant. 6/

'A sweetly written and graceful story of girl-life.'--_Scotsman._

THE ODDS AND THE EVENS. By Mrs L. T. MEADE. With ten Ill.u.s.trations by Percy Tarrant. 6/

'Full of fun and adventure. Told in the manner to interest and amuse children of any age.'--_Birmingham Gazette._

Price 5s.

A VERY NAUGHTY GIRL. By L. T. MEADE. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W.

Rainey. 5/

All spirited maidens will follow with interest the training and development of the character of Evelyn Wynford, heiress of Castle Wynford, who, when she arrives from Tasmania at her uncle's house, which will afterwards be her own, is extremely self-conscious though clever, and is wilful, selfish, vain, and altogether unladylike. Her maid Jasper is her evil genius. As the story develops, her aunt, her cousin, and others begin to have a wholesome influence over her; then certain misdemeanours, which land her in serious trouble, humble her, and leave her much changed and truly repentant. The 'Naughty Girl' becomes transformed into a wise and comely young woman.

COURAGE AND CONFLICT. A Series of Stories by G. A. HENTY, G.

MANVILLE FENN, F. T. BULLEN, FRED WHISHAW, &c. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 5/

The names of the writers here are a guarantee for the sound entertainment provided in this companion volume to _Dash and Daring_, _Peril and Prowess_, and _Venture and Valour_. The story by Mr G. A. Henty is one of pioneering in the days of the early settlers in America, when the natives were troublesome, and who in this case rose up and nearly exterminated the white people. Mr G. M. Fenn tells a funny seaside story; while Andrew Balfour, Captain North, Walter Thornbury, James Patey, Fred Whishaw, Harold Bindloss, and others contribute das.h.i.+ng stories of peril and adventure, and great heroism in the hour of danger.

[_From_ GIRLS OF THE TRUE BLUE, _by L. T. Meade; price 6s._]

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'He is not horrid at all,' said Nan, very cross.

PAGE 64.]


With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 5/

Mr Fenn transports his readers to the South African veldt, where, in imagination and in reality, so many of his countrymen have been for the past two years, and helps them to understand by means of this brisk and exciting tale what so many of our gallant soldiers have had to endure. This new story mainly follows the fortunes of two young men in khaki--Drew Lennox and Bob d.i.c.kenson--in and around the village of Groenfontein, which is bravely held by a little British force against the Boers.

Sometimes half-starved, and subjected to night and day attacks, they make a little Gibraltar of the place, and ever render a good account of themselves. Something is always happening within or without Groenfontein, and in the end the story leaves Drew Lennox captain and V.C.

MISS NONENt.i.tY. By L. T. MEADE. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W.

Rainey. 5/

_Punch_ says--'My Baronitess informs me that she has not the slightest hesitation in advising everybody young enough to enjoy the story to make the acquaintance of _Miss Nonent.i.ty_, by L. T.

Meade. She will be found a very delightful person, who proves herself to be a "Miss Somebody," and of considerable importance, too.'

CHARGE! OR BRITON AND BOER. By GEORGE MANVILLE FENN. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. H. C. Groome. 5/

'For a rattling war story for boys, there are few better hands than Mr Manville Fenn.'--_Outlook._


With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 5/

'The moral appearing to be that men have many admirable qualities, conspicuous among which is bravery.'--_Scotsman._

TOM'S BOY. By the Author of _Laddie_, _Tip-Cat_, &c. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by Percy Tarrant. 5/

'Both he and the people round about him are made uncommonly interesting.'--_Scotsman._

FIX BAY'NETS! or, The Regiment in the Hills. By G. MANVILLE FENN.

With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. H. C. Groome. 5/

'The story is full of spirit and dash.... Gedge is a fine specimen of the Tommy Atkins species, and may be not improperly ranked with Mr Rudyard Kipling's creations.'--_Spectator._

[_From_ A VERY NAUGHTY GIRL, _by L. T. Meade; price 5s._]

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'I say,' cried the girl, coming up eagerly, 'I have lost my way.']

LIGHT O' THE MORNING. The Story of an Irish Girl. By L. T. MEADE.

With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Rainey. 5/

'Mrs Meade has never written anything better.'--_Yorks.h.i.+re Post._

PERIL AND PROWESS. Being Stories told by G. A. HENTY, G. MANVILLE FENN, A. CONAN DOYLE, W. W. JACOBS, D. KER, C. R. LOW, D. LAWSON JOHNSTONE, ANDREW BALFOUR, and others. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 5/

'The stories are of supreme interest, and admirably told.'--_Birmingham Gazette._

'No boy with healthy animal instincts could help reading and enjoying _Peril and Prowess_.'--_Edinburgh Evening News._

DASH AND DARING. Being Stories told by G. A. HENTY, G. MANVILLE FENN, D. KER, and many others. With eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. H. C.

Groome. 5/

'The volume is one to be treasured by British boys.'--_Liverpool Post._

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