Settling Day Part 48

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At the end of the first mile Tatters still held the lead, and was going so well that some people thought he might retain it to the end.

At this distance Defiance crept up closer with Target, and Willie kept Grey Bird near them.

As they pa.s.sed the stand Tatters led, the bright orange jacket showing out distinctly.

The favourite was going well, pulling Ashton out of the saddle.

'Willie's on the rails,' said Mr Dauntsey. 'I hope he will not be shut in next time round.'

'It is good going there,' replied Jim, 'and he'll manage to get through, never fear.'

Dr Tom was excited; he had never stood a chance of handling such a lump sum before. Six hundred pounds! It seemed untold wealth to him.

He fixed his eyes on the grey horse and did not see any of the others.

Round the turn and past the road they swept, the orange jacket still in the lead, but the others were gradually drawing nearer. It was a fine race so far, all the runners being well together.

Willie was anxious for an opening, and it came sooner than he antic.i.p.ated. As they entered the back stretch, round the bend, Target ran wide and bored Defiance out, and this gave Willie a chance.

With marvellous quickness he shot Grey Bird through the opening and went along at a great rate after Tatters. It was a good bit of horsemans.h.i.+p, and recognised as such on the stands.

'That up-country fellow knows how to ride,' said someone at the back of Jim Dennis's party.

'He does indeed. It was a fine move on his part to squeeze through; there was some risk in it. Won't Ashton be mad! He fancies he is the only man can do such things,' replied the gentleman with him.

Jim Dennis was in high spirits and so were his friends.

'He must be as cool as iced water,' said Dr Tom, 'to slip through like that. What a run I am having for my money.'

'And you look like winning it,' said Mr Dauntsey.

The yellow jacket was fast drawing nearer the orange, and a couple of lengths behind Grey Bird came the favourite, and Target, followed by Hova, Baby, Warfare and Walwa, the remainder going well.

Past the top bend they went, and there was a great race for the home turn.

Willie 'hugged' the rails with Grey Bird, and he felt his mount was going better than he had ever done. The horse seemed to feel the excitement of his surroundings and the exultation of being at the head, or nearly so, of a Sydney Cup field.

Grey Bird was not a 's.h.i.+rker' at any time, but he was surpa.s.sing himself on this occasion.

Jack Ashton was very wrath when he saw the grey shoot past him on the rails, and he was now making up for the ground he had lost.

Defiance, despite his big weight, held his own, and as the turn into the straight was reached Ashton sent him along at top speed, and drew alongside Grey Bird as they rounded the bend.

Willie saw the white jacket, and recollected what Hurley, the rider of Target, had said to him.

Jack Ashton closed in upon him until Defiance seemed to bore Grey Bird right on to the rails.

The riders' legs actually touched, but Willie kept his head and sang out,--

'Ride fair. Give me room!'

Jack Ashton made no reply, but tried his best to head Grey Bird.

This was more than he could accomplish, and he set his teeth and vowed vengeance on Willie Dennis.

Neck and neck they raced together, with Tatters a couple of lengths ahead, and Target, Warfare and Walwa close behind, Bung Bung coming fast on the outside.

The crowd on the stand and the lawn was seething with excitement.

The favourite was drawing ahead, the white jacket looked dangerous, and visions of spoiling the bookmakers arose in the minds of his backers.

'What a pace!' exclaimed Dr Tom.

'It's a terribly fast race,' answered Jim; 'but Grey Bird is as fleet as the wind.'

'If Willie can hold his own with Jack Ashton he's a young wonder. Ashton has frightened many a lad out of a race. Look there! He'll have Grey Bird over the rails,' said Mr Dauntsey, the latter part of whose remark was caused by Ashton boring on to Jim Dennis's horse.

'That's not fair riding,' said Dr Tom.

'It's foul riding,' said Jim, 'and Ashton ought to be reported for it. I hear he is fond of cutting things fine.'

'The rider of the favourite, I suppose, thinks he may take liberties,'

said Dr Tom.

'He'll not take them with my horse,' said Jim.

The excitement was rising every moment; it was evident a desperate struggle was at hand, for Bung Bung and Warfare, not to mention Target and Walwa, were all dangerous. It was an open race three furlongs from home, and the pent-up feelings of the people at last found vent.

At first there was a rumbling sound, which grew and swelled into a sort of roar, and culminated in loud shouts.

'The favourite!' 'The favourite!' 'Defiance wins!' 'Go it, Ashton!'

'Bravo, Jack!'

Then a momentary pause in the din, and again!

'Grey Bird!' 'Grey Bird!' 'Bung Bung has it!' 'Walwa!' 'Walwa!'

according to the wishes of the backers of these horses.

Tatters had run himself out, and although Jones managed to hold the lead he knew his mount was beaten.

As Tatters fell back it became necessary for Willie to pull out and pa.s.s him, but Jack Ashton did not mean him to do so.

The crack jockey took in the situation at a glance.

Tatters was falling back beaten, and he raced Defiance level with him, completely blocking Grey Bird, unless Willie Dennis risked going round the leaders.

At this critical moment Willie almost slipped out of his saddle, his left stirrup's leather having given way. He swayed to one side, and for a second thought it was all up with him, but by a vigorous effort he righted himself.

They were all in view of the crowd on the stand, and a terrific cheer went up as he made his clever recovery. It was a marvellous bit of work, and lovers of racing are not slow at recognising skill and pluck.

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