Settling Day Part 30

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'I'll have her,' he muttered. 'Abe Dalton must do the trick. He _can_ manage it, and he shall.' The look on his face was not pleasant to see.

Sal knew nothing of race-courses, and had only been to Swamp Creek three or four times.

She was helpless, and blundered about in the crowd until, by good chance, she came across Constable Doonan. She at once recognised a friend, and recalled what Willie had told her Doonan had said about her.

The constable recognised her, and was surprised to see her in such a place.

'Where is Willie?' she asked. 'Please tell me where I can find him. Mr Shaw told me he had won the race.'

'Mr Shaw!' said Constable Doonan. 'Have you been with him?'

'I met him a few minutes ago. He said Willie had won.'

'I hope you do not have much to say to Rodney Shaw,' said Doonan.

'No, I do not like him. I am afraid of him. He is a bad man, and he is no friend to Jim Dennis,' she said.

'I will take you to Willie,' said Doonan. 'Come with me.'

Sergeant Machinson saw Sal speak to Doonan, and when they walked away together he intercepted them, and, drawing the constable aside, said,--

'You know very well you ought not to be walking about with that woman.

That is not part of your duty. Do you think it is?'

'Yes. She asked me where Willie Dennis was, and I thought there was no harm in showing her. She is Jim Dennis's housekeeper, and looks after his place well. She is a very decent woman, let me tell you.'

Sergeant Machinson laughed.

'Housekeeper, eh! He seems to pick out the best he can find. Does she come from about here?'

'Yes, I believe so, and she has been with him for some years.'

'Well, take her to Dennis, and be quick; but remember it's not the sort of thing to do here--people notice it,' said the sergeant.

'You go to the deuce,' said Doonan as he walked off, but the sergeant did not hear him.

He took Sal to the buggy, and when she saw Willie she looked frightened, he was so pale.

'What's the matter, lad?' she asked. 'What ails you?'

'He is over-excited,' said Jim, 'and something happened him last night.'

'Happened him!' she exclaimed.

'Yes, he was knocked on the head, but we mean to find out who did it,'

said Jim.

The woman's eyes blazed angrily.

'Let me help you to find out,' she said eagerly.

'What can you do, Sal?' asked Jim, surprised.

'I'll find him out. They shall not hurt you, Willie, for nothing.'

'Where are you going?' called Jim as she walked away.

Sal did not look round, but went straight on to where she saw Constable Doonan standing.

'Here again!' exclaimed the constable. 'Why have you left Willie?'

'Do you know what happened to him last night?' she said, answering him with another question.

'You mean at the doctor's place? Yes, I know about it; I wish I knew who did it.'

'You'll find out,' she said. 'Have you any idea?'

He looked at her doubtfully. He was very fond of Sal, but he did not know whether he ought to communicate any suspicions he might have to her. She saw him hesitate, and said,--

'Can't you trust me? I might be able to help you.'


'Yes, why not? They say blacks are more cunning than whites.'

'But you are not black, Sal; you are a woman of quite another colour,'

and he smiled at her.

'You do suspect someone. Tell me who it is.'

'I met Abe Dalton, alone, coming from the direction of the doctor's house. I thought it strange he should be there when all the people were at the Gum Tree, and wagering going on,' said Doonan.

'Where is Dalton?'

'I saw him last in Hyam's booth. You must not question him about it.'

'Leave that to me,' she said. Then, placing her hand on his arm, she added, 'Find out who did it. You will; I am sure you will.'

'All right, Sal, I'll do my best, but Sergeant Machinson may take the matter out of my hands.'

A contemptuous look came over her face.

'I don't think much of the sergeant,' she said. 'You are worth a dozen of him.'

Constable Doonan felt satisfied with himself, and thought Sal a woman of much discernment. He determined then and there to do what she asked, sergeant or no sergeant.

Wandering around, Sal saw Abe Dalton after the next race, and he also saw her.

'This will be a good opportunity of speaking to her,' he thought. 'I would like to do this bit of business for Rodney Shaw; he's rich, and a rich friend is always handy, more especially if he happens to be a partner in a suspicious transaction.'

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