Settling Day Part 24

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'Of course it could be done, but there would be the deuce to pay about it. Besides, you couldn't keep her when you had her. She would go back, and as likely as not Jim Dennis would shoot you or burn your place over your head.'

'I'll risk all that. Can you get her? Your gang ought to be able to manage it.'

'It's a difficult job, but it could be done. What's your price?'

'A hundred pounds when she is brought to my house,' said Shaw.

'I'll think it over and let you know, but you are a fool for your pains.

Fancy risking so much for a black gin.'

'She is not a black gin, she is a very fine woman,' said Shaw.

Abe Dalton shrugged his shoulders and looked at the speaker with undisguised contempt, which was, however, lost upon him.

'Is it a bargain?' asked Rodney Shaw.

'I'll do my best. Money down, mind you, and you take all the blame,'

said Dalton.

'Agreed,' said Rodney Shaw; 'and the sooner you kidnap her the better.'

'A little bit of "blackbirding" ash.o.r.e,' laughed Dalton, and Shaw joined him in his mirth.

When Dr Tom and Jim Dennis had seen Neptune safely locked up for the night, with the black fellow inside his box, they walked home together.

'Willie's asleep,' said Jim, as he saw him lying on the floor.

'Funny little chap. Why didn't he lie on the couch?' said Dr Tom; then, with his practised eyes, he noticed how still and unnaturally calm the lad was. He stooped over him and gave an exclamation of surprise, with a tone of alarm in it.

Jim Dennis was down on his knees beside the boy in a moment.

'He must have fainted and fallen out of his chair,' said Dr Tom, picking him up and placing him on the sofa.

Jim Dennis was in an agony of fear. He seemed utterly helpless. Dr Tom felt Willie's head, and found a lump at the back where he had been struck with the pestle.

'Jim, he's been hit on the head, and a heavy blow it must have been.

Keep quiet and I'll soon pull him round.'

Jim Dennis looked on half dazed. He could not realise what had happened.

In a short time, under Dr Tom's treatment, Willie came round, and, opening his eyes, looked about him.

'Oh, my head,' he said faintly, and seemed on the verge of going off again.

The blow was severe, but not so serious as might have been expected.

When he had recovered sufficiently, they questioned him as to what had happened, but he knew nothing about it, or how he had been struck.

'I went to sleep in the chair, and I remember nothing more,' said Willie.

'There's been some dirty work here,' said Jim. 'Let me find out who has done it, that's all.'

'Shall I be able to ride to-morrow?' asked Willie. 'My head seems to go round and round. Oh, I do hope I shall be able to ride Neptune.'

'Don't worry about that, Willie,' said his father.

'After a good night's rest you will feel better,' said Dr Tom. 'I think you will be able to ride. I'll fix you up with a good nerve tonic in the morning.'

Willie smiled faintly; his head was very painful and ached badly.

He was put to bed and a sleeping-draught given him; after which he rested peacefully.

'We must get to the bottom of this business,' said Jim. 'I should not wonder if Dalton had a hand in it. He'll find he has gone a step too far if I can sheet it home to him.'

'That blow might have killed him,' said Dr Tom. 'It must have been a heavy weapon he was struck with.'

'Is there any danger?' asked Jim, anxiously.

'No, you can rest a.s.sured of it; but the little chap has had a narrow escape,' said the doctor.



The lad pa.s.sed a peaceful night, but it was an anxious time for Jim Dennis and Dr Tom when he awoke next morning. They had money at stake, but it counted for little. Willie's health was far more to them than any paltry wagers. They were very much afraid he would not be fit to ride, and they knew how the lad would feel about it, and how jubilant certain people would be over the mishap.

Willie, however, was much better than Dr Tom expected.

The sleeping-draught and the night's rest had pulled him together wonderfully, and, although he staggered and for a few moments seemed dazed when he got out of bed, he soon recovered.

'I shall be all right in an hour or two,' he said. 'My head still swims, but one of Dr Tom's tonics will soon pull me round. I am going to ride Neptune and win on him.'

'Bravo, laddie!' said Dr Tom. 'There's pluck for you, Jim.'

'Have you no idea how this happened?' asked his father.

'No. I did not even feel the blow,' said the lad.

'I'll stroll round to the Gum Tree,' said Jim, 'and perhaps I may pick up some information there.'

'As you please,' said Dr Tom. 'Only don't forget this, keep your head cool and your temper well in hand. I will look after Willie.'

Although it was early, the people were already astir, for a great day was before them. Jim Dennis went round to Neptune's box and found the horse all right, and Dr Tom's black fellow had been true to his trust.

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