Your Plants Part 11

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=Forest Planting=

By H. NICHOLAS JARCHOW, LL. D. A treatise on the care of woodlands and the restoration of the denuded timberlands on plains and mountains. The author has fully described those European methods, which have proved to be most useful in maintaining the superb forests of the old world. This experience has been adapted to the different climates and trees of America, full instructions being given for forest planting of our various kinds of soil and sub-soil, whether on mountain or valley.

Ill.u.s.trated. 250 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.50

=The Nut Culturist=

By ANDREW S. FULLER. A treatise on the propagation, planting and cultivation of nut-bearing trees and shrubs adapted to the climate of the United States, with the scientific and common names of the fruits known in commerce as edible or otherwise useful nuts. Intended to aid the farmer to increase his income without adding to his expenses or labor. Cloth, 12mo. $1.50

=Cranberry Culture=

By JOSEPH J. WHITE. Contents: Natural history, history of cultivation, choice of location, preparing the ground, planting the vines, management of meadows, flooding, enemies and difficulties overcome, picking, keeping, profit and loss. Ill.u.s.trated. 132 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth.


=Ornamental Gardening for Americans=

By ELIAS A. LONG, landscape architect. A treatise on beautifying homes, rural districts and cemeteries. A plain and practical work with numerous ill.u.s.trations and instructions so plain that they may be readily followed. Ill.u.s.trated. 390 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.50

=Grape Culturist=

By A. S. FULLER. This is one of the very best of works on the culture of the hardy grapes, with full directions for all departments of propagation, culture, etc., with 150 excellent engravings, ill.u.s.trating planting, training, grafting, etc. 282 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.50

=Gardening for Young and Old=

By JOSEPH HARRIS. A work intended to interest farmers' boys in farm gardening, which means a better and more profitable form of agriculture.

The teachings are given in the familiar manner so well known in the author's "Walks and Talks on the Farm." Ill.u.s.trated. 191 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.00

=Money in the Garden=

By P. T. QUINN. The author gives in a plain, practical style instructions on three distinct, although closely connected, branches of gardening--the kitchen garden, market garden and field culture, from successful practical experience for a term of years. Ill.u.s.trated. 268 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.00

=Greenhouse Construction=

By PROF. L. R. TAFT. A complete treatise on green-house structures and arrangements of the various forms and styles of plant houses for professional florists as well as amateurs. All the best and most approved structures are so fully and clearly described that any one who desires to build a green-house will have no difficulty in determining the kind best suited to his purpose. The modern and most successful methods of heating and ventilating are fully treated upon. Special chapters are devoted to houses used for the growing of one kind of plants exclusively. The construction of hotbeds and frames receives appropriate attention. Over 100 excellent ill.u.s.trations, especially engraved for this work, make every point clear to the reader and add considerably to the artistic appearance of the book. 210 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.50

=Greenhouse Management=

By L. R. TAFT. This book forms an almost indispensable companion volume to Greenhouse Construction. In it the author gives the results of his many years' experience, together with that of the most successful florists and gardeners, in the management of growing plants under gla.s.s.

So minute and practical are the various systems and methods of growing and forcing roses, violets, carnations, and all the most important florists' plants, as well as fruits and vegetables described, that by a careful study of this work and the following of its teachings, failure is almost impossible. Ill.u.s.trated. 382 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.50

=Fungi and Fungicides=

By PROF. CLARENCE M. WEED A practical manual concerning the fungous diseases of cultivated plants and the means of preventing their ravages.

The author has endeavored to give such a concise account of the most important facts relating to these as will enable the cultivator to combat them intelligently. 90 ill.u.s.trations. 222 pages. 5 x 7 inches.

Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00

=Mushrooms. How to Grow Them=

By WILLIAM FALCONER. This is the most practical work on the subject ever written, and the only book on growing mushrooms published in America.

The author describes how he grows mushrooms, and how they are grown for profit by the leading market gardeners, and for home use by the most successful private growers. Engravings drawn from nature expressly for this work. 170 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.00

=Rural School Agriculture=

By CHARLES W. DAVIS. A book intended for the use of both teachers and pupils. Its aim is to enlist the interest of the boys of the farm and awaken in their minds the fact that the problems of the farm are great enough to command all the brain power they can summon. The book is a manual of exercises covering many phases of agriculture, and it may be used with any text-book of agriculture, or without a text-book. The exercises will enable the student to think, and to work out the scientific principles underlying some of the most important agricultural operations. The author feels that in the teaching of agriculture in the rural schools, the laboratory phase is almost entirely neglected. If an experiment helps the pupil to think, or makes his conceptions clearer, it fills a useful purpose, and eventually prepares for successful work upon the farm. The successful farmer of the future must be an experimenter in a small way. Following many of the exercises are a number of questions which prepare the way for further research work. The material needed for performing the experiments is simple, and can be devised by the teacher and pupils, or brought from the homes.

Ill.u.s.trated. 300 pages. Cloth. 5 x 7 inches. $1.00

=Agriculture Through the Laboratory and School Garden=

By C. R. JACKSON and Mrs. L. S. DAUGHERTY. As its name implies, this book gives explicit directions for actual work in the laboratory and the school garden, through which agricultural principles may be taught. The author's aim has been to present actual experimental work in every phase of the subject possible, and to state the directions for such work so that the student can perform it independently of the teacher, and to state them in such a way that the results will not be suggested by these directions. One must perform the experiment to ascertain the result. It embodies in the text a comprehensive, practical, scientific, yet simple discussion of such facts as are necessary to the understanding of many of the agricultural principles involved in every-day life. The book, although primarily intended for use in schools, is equally valuable to any one desiring to obtain in an easy and pleasing manner a general knowledge of elementary agriculture. Fully ill.u.s.trated. 5-1/2 x 8 inches. 462 pages. Cloth. Net $1.50

=Soil Physics Laboratory Guide=

By W. G. STEVENSON and I. O. SCHAUB. A carefully outlined series of experiments in soil physics. A portion of the experiments outlined in this guide have been used quite generally in recent years. The exercises (of which there are 40) are listed in a logical order with reference to their relation to each other and the skill required on the part of the student. Ill.u.s.trated. About 100 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $0.50

=The New Egg Farm=

By H. H. STODDARD. A practical, reliable manual on producing eggs and poultry for market as a profitable business enterprise, either by itself or connected with other branches of agriculture. It tells all about how to feed and manager, how to breed and select, incubators and brooders, its labor-saving devices, etc., etc. Ill.u.s.trated. 331 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $1.00

=Poultry Feeding and Fattening=

Compiled by G. B. FISKE. A handbook for poultry keepers on the standard and improved methods of feeding and marketing all kinds of poultry. The subject of feeding and fattening poultry is prepared largely from the side of the best practice and experience here and abroad, although the underlying science of feeding is explained as fully as needful. The subject covers all branches, including chickens, broilers, capons, turkeys and waterfowl; how to feed under various conditions and for different purposes. The whole subject of capons and caponizing is treated in detail. A great ma.s.s of practical information and experience not readily obtainable elsewhere is given with full and explicit directions for fattening and preparing for market. This book will meet the needs of amateurs as well as commercial poultry raisers. Profusely ill.u.s.trated. 160 pages. 5 x 7-1/2 inches. Cloth. $0.50

=Poultry Architecture=

Compiled by G. B. FISKE. A treatise on poultry buildings of all grades, styles and, and their proper location, coops, additions and special construction; all practical in design, and reasonable in cost.

Over 100 ill.u.s.trations. 125 pages. 5 x 7 inches. Cloth. $0.50

=Poultry Appliances and Handicraft=

Compiled by G. B. FISKE. Ill.u.s.trated description of a great variety and styles of the best homemade nests, roosts, windows, ventilators, incubators and brooders, feeding and watering appliances, etc., etc.

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About Your Plants Part 11 novel

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