Trees of the Northern United States -
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=EE.= Leaves 1-4 in. long; flowers in pairs 48. _Lonicera._
=FF.= Leaves large, 6 in. or more long; two almost hidden buds, one above the other, in the axils of the leaves on the rapid-growing branches; flowers large, purple, blooming in early spring; fruit rounded pods 64. _Paulownia._
=FF.= Leaves large, 6 in. or more long; flowers large, white, blooming in June; fruit long pods 65. _Catalpa._
=FF.= Leaves 2-4 in. long, with red stems 3. _Cercidiphyllum._
=GG.= Leaves scattered singly over the stem, not in bundles or cl.u.s.ters. (=JJ.=)
=GG.= Leaves in large or small cl.u.s.ters. (=HH.=)
=HH.= Cl.u.s.ters in whorls of many leaves around the stem like an umbrella 100. _Sciadopitys._
=HH.= Leaves cl.u.s.tered in bundles of 2-6 93. _Pinus._
=HH.= Leaves cl.u.s.tered in bundles of over 8. (=II.=)
=II.= Leaves deciduous, soft 97. _Larix._
=II.= Leaves evergreen, rigid 98. _Cedrus._
=JJ.= Leaves hardly evergreen; spray quite slender.
=JJ.= Leaves fully evergreen. (=KK.=)
=KK.= Leaves awl or scale shaped, and mainly appressed to the stem. (=WW.=)
=KK.= Leaves linear or needle shaped, and decidedly spreading from the stem, though sometimes with a decurrent base. (=LL.=)
=LL.= Leaves narrowed to a distinct though short stem.
=LL.= Leaves sessile; if narrowed, not so abruptly as to form a petiole. (=MM.=)
=MM.= Leaves opposite or whorled on the stem. (=PP.=)
=MM.= Leaves rather spirally arranged around the stem, not just opposite. (=NN.=)
=NN.= Leaves linear to lanceolate, flattened, spreading quite squarely from the stem. (=OO.=)
=NN.= Leaves not flattened but 4-sided, curved, gradually enlarging from the tips to the bases, which are decurrent, and on the young twigs completely cover the stem; cones rounded; the scales not lapping 105. _Cryptomeria._
=OO.= Leaves about linear in form, of nearly the same width throughout, and usually fastened to the cylindrical stem by a distinct disk-like base; cones erect; scales lapping. 96. _Abies._
=OO.= Leaves about 2 in. long and gradually widening from the acute tips to the broad (1/8 in.) bases, which are decurrent on the stem 99. _Cunninghamia._
=OO.= Leaves -1 in. long, sharp-pointed, very flat, two-ranked, somewhat lanceolate in form; base narrowed almost to a petiole 102. _Sequoia._
=PP.= Leaves not decurrent, usually in whorls of three around the stem, sometimes opposite, acute-pointed; fruit small (1/8 in.), rounded, dark-colored berries 106. _Juniperus._
=PP.= Leaves decurrent on the stem, less than in. long.
=QQ.= Fruit small, globular cones; the scales not lapping 104. _Chamaecyparis._
=QQ.= Fruit small, elongated cones of few, lapping scales 103. _Thuya._
=RR.= Leaves usually but little flattened, but jointed to a short, brown petiole which is attached to a somewhat grooved twig; cones pendent, of lapping scales 94. _Picea._
=RR.= Leaves decidedly flattened, not jointed, but narrowed to a petiole which is usually green or greenish in color. (=SS.=)
=SS.= Leaves rounded or obtuse at the tip, distinctly two-ranked, usually less than 1 in. long; cones oval, 1 in. or less long, of lapping scales 95. _Tsuga._
=SS.= Leaves acute at the tip; fruit (found only on a portion of the plants, as the flowers are dioecious) drupe-like, with a single nut-like seed.
=TT.= Leaves not two-ranked, over 2 in. long 108. _Podocarpus._
=TT.= Leaves quite regularly two-ranked. (=UU.=)
=UU.= Leaves marked by two longitudinal lines; bruised or burned leaves with a very disagreeable odor (107a. _Torreya._)
=UU.= Leaves with the midrib forming a distinct ridge, odor not disagreeable. (=VV.=)
=VV.= Leaves usually less than an inch long 107. _Taxus._
=VV.= Leaves usually more than an inch long (107b. _Cephalotaxus._)
=WW.= Spray decidedly two-ranked, fan-like. (=YY.=)
=WW.= Spray branching in an irregular way, not two-ranked. (=XX.=)
=XX.= Fruit a purplish berry; bark shreddy 106. _Juniperus._
=XX.= Fruit a cone of thick, pointed, not lapping scales 102. _Sequoia._
=YY.= Cones elongated, of lapping scales 103. _Thuya._
=YY.= Cones globular, of peltate, valvate scales 104. _Chamaecyparis._
=ZZ.= Leaves very broad at base, half clasping the stem and rapidly narrowed to an acute tip; hardly at all spreading from the thread-like twigs; flowers pinkish, in spike-like cl.u.s.ters 6. _Tamarix._
=ZZ.= Leaves more elongated, quite even in width, not clasping the stem 101. _Taxodium._
[Footnote 1: Look on the elongated branches for the arrangement of the leaves; they are too closely cl.u.s.tered on the short side shoots. See page 18.]