Poems By a Little Girl Part 9

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There is a brook I must hear Before I go to sleep.

There is a birch tree I must visit Every night of clearness.

I have to do some dreaming, I have to listen a great deal, Before light comes back By a silver arrow of cloud, And I rub my eyes and say It must be morning on this hill!


A scarlet bird went sailing away through the wood . . .

It was only a mist of dream That floated by.

Bare boughs of my apple-tree, Beautiful gray arms stretched out to me, Swaying to and fro like angels' wings . . .

It was only a mist of dream That floated by.


Snowflakes come in fleets Like s.h.i.+ps over the sea.

The moon s.h.i.+nes down on the crusty snow: The stars make the sky sparkle like gold-fish In a bowl.

Bluebirds are gone now, But they left their song behind them.

The moon seems to say: It is time for summer when the birds come back To pick up their lonesome songs.


Snowflakes are dancing.

They run down out of heaven.

Coming home from somewhere down the long tired road They flake us sometimes The way they do the gra.s.s, And the stretch of the world.

The gra.s.s-blades are crowned with snowflakes.

They make me think of daisies With white frills around their necks With golden faces and green gowns; Poor little daisies, Tip-toe and s.h.i.+vering In the cold!


Oh big red poppy, You look stern and st.u.r.dy, Yet you bow to the wind And sing a lullaby . . .

"Sleep, little ones under my breast In the moons.h.i.+ne . . ."

You make this lullaby, Sweet, short, Slow, beautiful, And you thank the dew for giving you a drink.


As I walked through my garden I saw a b.u.t.terfly light on a flower.

His wings were pink and purple: He spoke a small word . . .

It was Follow!

"I cannot follow"

I told him, "I have to go the opposite way."


The clouds were gray all day.

At last they departed And the blue diamonds shone again.

I watched clouds float past and flow back Like waves across the sea, Waves that are foamy and soft, When they hear clouds calling Mother Sea, send us up your song Of hushaby!


Narcissus, I like to watch you grow When snow is s.h.i.+ning Beyond the crystal gla.s.s.

A coat of snow covers the hills far.

The sun is setting; And you stretch out flowers of palest white In the pink of the sun.


I saw a little snail Come down the garden walk.

He wagged his head this way . . . that way . . .

Like a clown in a circus.

He looked from side to side As though he were from a different country.

I have always said he carries his house on his back . . .

To-day in the rain I saw that it was his umbrella!


The cherry tree is red now; Cherry tree nods his red head And calls to the sun: Let down the birds out of the sky; Send home the birds to build nests in my arms, For I am ready to feed them.

There is a little girl coming for cherries too . . .

(I am that little girl, I who am singing . . .) She is coming with hair flying!

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