The Tarn of Eternity Part 21

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"Yes, I do believe it was my own."

The guards looked at each other in exasperation. Demo munched their bread, then picked up the chief guard's wine bottle. The latter half-heartedly attempted to retain it, but finally gave it to Demo.

"Save me a draught, if you'd be so kind," he growled rather sarcastically.

"Anyway, I started to climb to the next corridor. Just when I got to the top of the wall it struck me. Why fool with those twisting corridors. I'll merely jump from wall to wall and go in a straight line until I reach the outer wall. So I noted my shadow's direction from the rising sun, and headed south to the wall whereat I entered last night. It didn't take long at all, and here I am, and this wine is quite tasty. I fear I haven't saved you a full draught."

"From wall to wall he went. He didn't solve the maze at all, he jumped over it. I don't think that's really fair. Oh, well, certainly effective," the chief guard grumbled. "Yes, you are right, you saved me less than a draught."

He shook the empty bottle above his upturned lips, to no avail.

"I don't suppose you have any idea where he might have gone?"

"The minotaur? Well, the old boy has put on a little weight over the past century. I'd wager he moved mostly downhill, toward the sea. Much easier path to stroll, I'm thinking."

Demo nodded. As reasonable an a.s.sumption as any other. Off to the sea, then.

Demo heard the pounding waves long before reaching the sh.o.r.e.

As he broke out of the undergrowth onto the rock-strewn beach his eyes widened.

The huge waves seemed almost upon him, then broke, ending in a gentle flow lapping at his feet. The sea was not the gentle blue of calmer days, but a deep and angry green. The skies were dark on the far horizon where a powerful storm built and drove the pounding waves. White froth leaped high into the sky where water met solid boulders. And on one such boulder a creature sat. A creature that blended well with the nature's fury.

The unseen companion, barely discernible through mist and froth.

He closed his eyes, breathed deeply.

When he looked again the ma.s.sive boulder was bare.

Still, something moved. Beyond, on the beach, something stood.

He rubbed his eyes, lurched forward, the unstable stones twisting under his steps.

It had not moved, waited silently.

The minotaur!

"You don't have a bale of hay on you, by any chance? Or even a steak? I've been eating this sea weed for days now. Not that it's bad. Learned to enjoy it while in the Orient, years ago.

Great taste, yet enough is enough, really. By the way, I suppose I do look rather strange. They tell me I'm a minotaur, whatever that is. It does have some advantages, with four legs and all."

He reached down and picked up a handful of brown kelp, gnawed at it judiciously.

"Has a flavor all its own. Quiet different from dried seaweed I use to enjoy in j.a.pan. Actually, I learned to enjoy it with sesame seed and soy sauce. You wouldn't have either of those in your pouch, I suppose. No, well, I didn't expect it. Should never travel without them, though. Local supermarkets seem to run out so quickly. Would you care to join me in a swim?"

Demo glanced out to the raging sea. The waves, which he had thought to be huge before, now had doubled in height. Even the boulders seemed to rock under the force of the surge of water.

"No, I think I'll stay here and play in the sand. I'm just not in the mood for a swim today. The water does look lovely, though. Why don't you indulge yourself?"

"No, no! Never swim alone! And old safety rule I picked up somewhere. By the way, are you here vacationing?"

"Actually, I was looking for you."

The minotaur suddenly tensed, became alert.

"You aren't planning to take me back to that silly maze now, are you? I'd walk around that place once each day, and its windings back and forth made me seasick. I should never have bought that place.

"Ahh, a real salesman! The Realtor was so very enthusiastic. A month after I bought it he came to the door to ask how I liked the property. I invited him inside, and haven't seen him since.

I guess the place did have a few good points at that.

Personally, though, I prefer view property. And I'll certainly not go back! No indeed! Of course, they did feed me. But hay? Do I look like I would enjoy the taste of hay?" He stared defiantly at the boy.

"Oh, no! I definitely have no intent of taking you back there."

"I'm glad to hear that. You see, I've been a captive behind those walls so long! I want to see the world. I'm looking to join a carnival and travel from place to place. After all, I'd be major attraction, don't you think?"

Demo listened in disbelief, and in sudden glee. "A carnival!

Not a carnival. What you want to do is join a circus. Now that is the life. A three ring circus. The big top! Definitely, a circus!"

"I have no delusions of grandeur. Don't you think that might be presumptuous on my part. A little carnival would be sufficient."

"I have a . . . an acquaintance. I do believe we can have you as the chief attraction in the center ring. In fact, I'm sure of it. You would perform before the crown heads of Europe . . . I mean, before Zeus and all the G.o.ds on Olympus. Believe me, this . . . acquaintance would be more than pleased to have you."

"Wonderful, wonderful! When can we start?"

"Right now. And if you'll let me ride on your back I think we can make it in record time."

The gatekeeper was notably reluctant to allow their entrance.

Fortunately Hera was near and heard the argument. "Of course he can come in. It isn't every day we have such handsome company.

And Zeus is looking forward to your return. He always is." She said the last in a sardonic tone.

It puzzled Demo at times, how the words said one thing, but the tone implied something quite different.

Hera announced them. "Zeus, your ringmaster and his chief attraction have arrived."

Zeus, who was staring at his cups, looked up.

"Poor year for nectar. And now you're back. What else can go wrong!"

The division had seemed fair and equitable. Zeus to receive the Heavens, Poseidon the oceans, and himself the nether world. Oh, they differed a bit in the dimensions, but when the dimensions were so large what mattered it?

Pluto sat on his throne, reminiscing.

We were all young bucks in those days, before Cronus and Rhea were driven out. Actually, as parents go, they hadn't been too bad. Old fas.h.i.+oned, believed in discipline - they just wouldn't give in to the whims of their children. It finally reached the point that something had to be done.

Zeus got the word first.

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