Cymbeline Part 4

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Enter Pisanio, and Iachimo.

Pisa. Madam, a n.o.ble Gentleman of Rome, Comes from my Lord with Letters

Iach. Change you, Madam: The Worthy Leonatus is in safety, And greetes your Highnesse deerely

Imo. Thanks good Sir, You're kindly welcome

Iach. All of her, that is out of doore, most rich: If she be furnish'd with a mind so rare She is alone th' Arabian-Bird; and I Haue lost the wager. Boldnesse be my Friend: Arme me Audacitie from head to foote, Or like the Parthian I shall flying fight, Rather directly fly

Imogen reads. He is one of the n.o.blest note, to whose kindnesses I am most infinitely tied. Reflect vpon him accordingly, as you value your trust. Leonatus.

So farre I reade aloud.

But euen the very middle of my heart Is warm'd by'th' rest, and take it thankefully.

You are as welcome (worthy Sir) as I Haue words to bid you, and shall finde it so In all that I can do

Iach. Thankes fairest Lady: What are men mad? Hath Nature giuen them eyes To see this vaulted Arch, and the rich Crop Of Sea and Land, which can distinguish 'twixt The firie Orbes aboue, and the twinn'd Stones Vpon the number'd Beach, and can we not Part.i.tion make with Spectacles so pretious Twixt faire, and foule?

Imo. What makes your admiration?

Iach. It cannot be i'th' eye: for Apes, and Monkeys 'Twixt two such She's, would chatter this way, and Contemne with mowes the other. Nor i'th' iudgment: For Idiots in this case of fauour, would Be wisely definit: Nor i'th' Appet.i.te.

s.l.u.ttery to such neate Excellence, oppos'd Should make desire vomit emptinesse, Not so allur'd to feed

Imo. What is the matter trow?

Iach. The Cloyed will: That satiate yet vnsatisfi'd desire, that Tub Both fill'd and running: Rauening first the Lambe, Longs after for the Garbage

Imo. What, deere Sir, Thus rap's you? Are you well?

Iach. Thanks Madam well: Beseech you Sir, Desire my Man's abode, where I did leaue him: He's strange and peeuish

Pisa. I was going Sir, To giue him welcome.


Imo. Continues well my Lord?

His health beseech you?

Iach. Well, Madam

Imo. Is he dispos'd to mirth? I hope he is

Iach. Exceeding pleasant: none a stranger there, So merry, and so gamesome: he is call'd The Britaine Reueller

Imo. When he was heere He did incline to sadnesse, and oft times Not knowing why

Iach. I neuer saw him sad.

There is a Frenchman his Companion, one An eminent Monsieur, that it seemes much loues A Gallian-Girle at home. He furnaces The thicke sighes from him; whiles the iolly Britaine, (Your Lord I meane) laughes from's free lungs: cries oh, Can my sides hold, to think that man who knowes By History, Report, or his owne proofe What woman is, yea what she cannot choose But must be: will's free houres languish: For a.s.sured bondage?

Imo. Will my Lord say so?

Iach. I Madam, with his eyes in flood with laughter, It is a Recreation to be by And heare him mocke the Frenchman: But Heauen's know some men are much too blame

Imo. Not he I hope

Iach. Not he: But yet Heauen's bounty towards him, might Be vs'd more thankfully. In himselfe 'tis much; In you, which I account his beyond all Talents.

Whil'st I am bound to wonder, I am bound To pitty too

Imo. What do you pitty Sir?

Iach. Two Creatures heartyly

Imo. Am I one Sir?

You looke on me: what wrack discerne you in me Deserues your pitty?

Iach. Lamentable: what To hide me from the radiant Sun, and solace I'th' Dungeon by a Snuffe

Imo. I pray you Sir, Deliuer with more opennesse your answeres To my demands. Why do you pitty me?

Iach. That others do, (I was about to say) enioy your- but It is an office of the G.o.ds to venge it, Not mine to speake on't

Imo. You do seeme to know Something of me, or what concernes me; pray you Since doubting things go ill, often hurts more Then to be sure they do. For Certainties Either are past remedies; or timely knowing, The remedy then borne. Discouer to me What both you spur and stop

Iach. Had I this cheeke To bathe my lips vpon: this hand, whose touch, (Whose euery touch) would force the Feelers soule To'th' oath of loyalty. This obiect, which Takes prisoner the wild motion of mine eye, Fiering it onely heere, should I (d.a.m.n'd then) Slauuer with lippes as common as the stayres That mount the Capitoll: Ioyne gripes, with hands Made hard with hourely falshood (falshood as With labour:) then by peeping in an eye Base and ill.u.s.trious as the smoakie light That's fed with stinking Tallow: it were fit That all the plagues of h.e.l.l should at one time Encounter such reuolt

Imo. My Lord, I feare Has forgot Brittaine

Iach. And himselfe, not I Inclin'd to this intelligence, p.r.o.nounce The Beggery of his change: but 'tis your Graces That from my mutest Conscience, to my tongue, Charmes this report out

Imo. Let me heare no more

Iach. O deerest Soule: your Cause doth strike my hart With pitty, that doth make me sicke. A Lady So faire, and fasten'd to an Emperie Would make the great'st King double, to be partner'd With Tomboyes hyr'd, with that selfe exhibition Which your owne Coffers yeeld: with diseas'd ventures That play with all Infirmities for Gold, Which rottennesse can lend Nature. Such boyl'd stuffe As well might poyson Poyson. Be reueng'd, Or she that bore you, was no Queene, and you Recoyle from your great Stocke

Imo. Reueng'd: How should I be reueng'd? If this be true, (As I haue such a Heart, that both mine eares Must not in haste abuse) if it be true, How should I be reueng'd?

Iach. Should he make me Liue like Diana's Priest, betwixt cold sheets, Whiles he is vaulting variable Rampes In your despight, vpon your purse: reuenge it.

I dedicate my selfe to your sweet pleasure, More n.o.ble then that runnagate to your bed, And will continue fast to your Affection, Still close, as sure

Imo. What hoa, Pisanio?

Iach. Let me my seruice tender on your lippes

Imo. Away, I do condemne mine eares, that haue So long attended thee. If thou wert Honourable Thou would'st haue told this tale for Vertue, not For such an end thou seek'st, as base, as strange: Thou wrong'st a Gentleman, who is as farre From thy report, as thou from Honor: and Solicites heere a Lady, that disdaines Thee, and the Diuell alike. What hoa, Pisanio?

The King my Father shall be made acquainted Of thy a.s.sault: if he shall thinke it fit, A sawcy Stranger in his Court, to Mart As in a Romish Stew, and to expound His beastly minde to vs; he hath a Court He little cares for, and a Daughter, who He not respects at all. What hoa, Pisanio?

Iach. O happy Leonatus I may say, The credit that thy Lady hath of thee Deserues thy trust, and thy most perfect goodnesse Her a.s.sur'd credit. Blessed liue you long, A Lady to the worthiest Sir, that euer Country call'd his; and you his Mistris, onely For the most worthiest fit. Giue me your pardon, I haue spoke this to know if your Affiance Were deeply rooted, and shall make your Lord, That which he is, new o're: And he is one The truest manner'd: such a holy Witch, That he enchants Societies into him: Halfe all men hearts are his

Imo. You make amends

Iach. He sits 'mongst men, like a defended G.o.d; He hath a kinde of Honor sets him off, More then a mortall seeming. Be not angrie (Most mighty Princesse) that I haue aduentur'd To try your taking of a false report, which hath Honour'd with confirmation your great Iudgement, In the election of a Sir, so rare, Which you know, cannot erre. The loue I beare him, Made me to fan you thus, but the G.o.ds made you (Vnlike all others) chaffelesse. Pray your pardon

Imo. All's well Sir: Take my powre i'th' Court for yours

Iach. My humble thankes: I had almost forgot T' intreat your Grace, but in a small request, And yet of moment too, for it concernes: Your Lord, my selfe, and other n.o.ble Friends Are partners in the businesse

Imo. Pray what is't?

Iach. Some dozen Romanes of vs, and your Lord (The best Feather of our wing) haue mingled summes To buy a Present for the Emperor: Which I (the Factor for the rest) haue done In France: 'tis Plate of rare deuice, and Iewels Of rich, and exquisite forme, their valewes great, And I am something curious, being strange To haue them in safe stowage: May it please you To take them in protection

Imo. Willingly: And mine Honor for their safety, since My Lord hath interest in them, I will keepe them In my Bed-chamber

Iach. They are in a Trunke Attended by my men: I will make bold To send them to you, onely for this night: I must aboord to morrow

Imo. O no, no

Iach. Yes I beseech: or I shall short my word By length'ning my returne. From Gallia, I crost the Seas on purpose, and on promise To see your Grace

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