Scientific American Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 Part 24

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97,892.--SOAP-HOLDING ATTACHMENT FOR SEWING MACHINES. Mary Dewey, New Albany, Ind. Antedated Dec. 10, 1869.

97,893.--CONCRETE FOR PAVING AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.--J. E. Dotch, Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C. Antedated Oct. 14, 1869

97,894.--APPARATUS FOR EXTINGUIs.h.i.+NG FIRES BY MEANS OF CHEMICAL AGENTS.--J. W. Douglas (a.s.signor to W. Douglas and B. Douglas), Middletown, Conn.

97,895.--LOOM TEMPLE.--Warren W. Dutcher (a.s.signor to Dutcher Temple Co.), Hopedale, Ma.s.s.

97,896.--VENTILATING HORSE COVER.--C. P. Eager (a.s.signor to P. B.

Eager), Boston, Ma.s.s.

97,897.--MANUFACTURE OF IRON AND STEEL.--Wm. Ennis, Philadelphia, Pa.

97,898.--SEEDING MACHINE.--James Finlayson, Albany, Oregon.

97,899.--CLOTHES WRINGER.--M. M. Follett, Lake City, Minn.

97,900.--BLOTTING PAD.--C. A. Gale, Demopolis, Ala.

97,901.--MANUFACTURE OF NUTS.--J. W. Gaskill and Jas. Christie, Phillipsburg, N. J.

97,902.--FIRE PLACE.--E. H. Gibbs, New York city.

97,903.--GRAIN DRILL.--Jacob F. Gibson, Chestnut Level, Pa.

97,904.--CARTRIDGE MACHINE.--Jabez H. Gill, Philadelphia, Pa.

97,905.--FIELD ROLLER.--Robert Glover, Tonawanda, N. Y.

97,905.--CORN PLANTER.--Henry Gortner, Nashport, Ohio.

97,907.--HINGE.--D. R. Gould (a.s.signor to himself and O. H. Green), Chestertown, N. Y.

97,908.--RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE.--G. A. Gray, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio.

97,909.--BUCKLE.--F. F. Greenwood, Horsney, England. Patented in England, Sept. 16, 1868.

97,910.--TOOL FOR CARVING WOOD.--L. L. Gunther, Chicago, Ill.

97,911.--PORTABLE DERRICK.--James R. Hammond, Sedalia, Mo.

97,912.--COAL STOVE.--B. R. Hawlev, Normal, Ill.

97,913.--GAS STOVE.--W. J. Hays, New York city.

97,914.--CONDENSING COLUMN FOR STILLS.--A. Hazzard, St. Louis, Mo.

97,915.--STOVEPIPE DRUM.--W. Hearle, Beamsville, Canada, a.s.signor to C.

L. Spencer, trustee, a.s.signor to Wm. Hearle and A. B. Johnson.


97,917.--WAs.h.i.+NG MACHINE.--Edward Heim, Pittsburgh, Pa.

97,918.--RAILWAY CAR COUPLING.--Noah Hill, Leavenworth City, Kansas.

97,919.--FIFTH WHEEL FOR CARRIAGES.--Richard Hoadly, Toulon, Ill.

97,920.--FRUIT JAR.--D. I. Holcomb, Henry county, Iowa.

97,921.--CORN CULTIVATOR.--J. C. Holmes, Wyoming, Pa.

97,922.--FRUIT JAR.--Thos. Houghton and H. H. Houghton, Philadelphia, Pa.

97,923.--CONDENSER.--John Houpt, Springtown, Pa.

97,924.--PROPELLING APPARATUS.--Robert Hunter, New York city.

97,925.--HEDGE TRIMMER.--A. H. Hussey, Mount Pleasant, Ohio.

97,926.--FENCE.--Daniel Johnson, Cranberry, Ohio.

97,927.--SAW SET.--J. M. Jones, Commerce, Mo.

97,928.--RUBBER SPRING FOR USE IN s.h.i.+PS, CARS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.--J. A. Joyner, New York city.

97,929.--CARPET STRETCHER AND TACK HOLDER.--F. W. Judd, New Britain, a.s.signor to himself and E. M. Judd, New Haven, Conn. Antedated Dec.


97,930.--PUBLIC URINAL.--William M. Kepler, Cincinnati, Ohio.

97,931.--WAs.h.i.+NG MACHINE.--John J. Kimball, Naperville, Ill.

97,932.--GRAIN STRIPPER.--J. O. King and Hiram A. Rice, Louisiana, Mo.

97,933.--BEEHIVE.--W. T. Kirkpatrick, Tamarva, Ill.

97,934.--LATCH.--G. W. Large, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

97,935.--SEWING MACHINE.--L. W. Lathrop, Nyack, N. Y.

97,936.--MANUFACTURE OF DRY WHITE LEAD.--G. T. Lewis, Philadelphia, and E. O. Bartlett, Birmingham, Pa.

77,937.--CHURN.--F. A. Lindal, Stockton, N. Y.

97,938.--SEEDING MACHINE.--M. F. Lowth and T. J. Howe, Owatonna, Minn.

97,939.--FERTILIZER OR GUANO.--Orazio Lugo, Baltimore, Md.

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