Scientific American Volume 17, No. 26 December 28, 1867 Part 17

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I claim, 1st, The pivoted or jointed pointer, B, having a spring or equivalent weight attached, and arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

2d, The tube, A, provided with the slotted cap plate, b, and the nut, C, when used in connection with the pointer, for the purpose specified.

72,060.--ROOFING.--Orville Manly, Garrettsville, Ohio.

I claim, 1st, a roof composed of tiles, a and b, having s.p.a.ces, S, between them for a water tight cement, substantially as shown and described, and for the purposes set forth.

2d, The saturated tiles, a, and the saturated tiles, b, substantially as shown and described, and for the purposes set forth.

3d, The lower or outer row of tiles, b, when laid together, forming an eaves trough, substantially as shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

72,061.--REFINING CAST IRON AND CONVERTING IT INTO STEEL.--Emile Martin and Pierre E. Martin, Paris, France.

We claim the method and means for refining and converting cast iron into cast steel and other metals, substantially as herein shown and described.

72,062.--STRAW CUTTER.--John W. Mauzy, Richmond, and James Hughes, Cambridge, Ind., a.s.signor to James Hughes.

We claim, 1st, The combination of the side pieces, D D, constructed as described, containing the bearings for the cutting mechanism, the shearing bar, B, with square faces, and the spirally bladed knife, C, arranged substantially as described.

2d, The combination of the perforated rollers, E, ratchet wheels, F, pawls, H1, i add R, adjustable oscillating arm, G1, eccentric rod, L, and eccentric, M, respectively, constructed and arranged substantially as set forth.

3d, The arrangement of the cap, G, rollers, E E, covers, Q, sides pieces, D D, knife, C, and the driving and the feed mechanism, constructed and combined substantially as set forth.

4th, The feed rollers E, when constructed from sheet metal, and punched from the inside, forming projections as shown, for feeding the straw to the knife.

5th, The metallic side pieces, D D, constructed as described, in combination with the bar, B, knife, C, feed rollers, E E, arranged substantially as set forth.

6th, The combination of the eccentric, M, on the knife shaft, eccentric rod, L, and oscillating arm, G1, when the latter are so arranged as to regulate the cut by adjusting the point of attachment, substantially in the manner set forth.

72,063.--CONVERTIBLE SHOT GUN AND RIFLE.--Samuel McCulloch, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

I claim, 1st, The removable barrel, C, constructed with external collars, c, and secured within a shot gun barrel, A, by a screw, D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.

2d, Also the plug, F, for the purposes set forth.

72,064.--DERRICK.--D. J. McDonald, Gold Hill, Nevada.

I claim, 1st, The derrick standard, L, and frame, K, fitted in the derrick frame, J, and arranged as shown, for the ready adjustment of the standard, L.

2d, The fitting of the derrick frame, J, on the wagon frame, as shown, to wit by means of the circular plate, D, frame, F, and circular plate, G, with the wheel, E, and pinion, Y, to admit of the ready turning of the derrick, as set forth.

3d, The supports, D, provided with screws, a, and attached to the frame, B as shown, in connection with the levels, b, in platform, C, for the purpose of levelling the device, substantially as described.

4th, The angular platform, C, applied to the wagon, A, when used in combination with a revolving derrick frame, J, substantially as and for the purpose specified.

72,065.--AUGERS.--John A. McGee (a.s.signor to Theodore Mace), New York city.

I claim the boring instrument formed with a cutting edge extending outwardly from the base of the tapering screw, and curved backwards and downwards until it intersects the periphery of the tool, as and for the purposes set forth.

72,066.--DRY DOCK.--Israel J. Merritt, New York city.

I claim, 1st, The arrangement and combination with a floating section or dock, A, of one or more wells, through which a lifting chain or chains are pa.s.sed down to the vessel or object to be raised, substantially as described.

2d, The arrangement and combination of the lever, J, with the floating dock or section, A, and chain or chains, C, substantially as described.

3d, The shape of the well, B, the same being made flaring from its top downwards, so as to allow the chains to go or be conducted from the mouth of the well directly towards the vessel or object to be raised, substantially as shown.

72,067.--KNIFE AND FORK CLEANER.--John Merritt, New York city.

I claim, 1st, The combination of the circular disks, D, leather or equivalent rubbers, K, shaft, A, holding plates, E E', adjusting nut, G, and adjusting screw, I, with each other and with the box, B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

2d, The combination of the friction wheel, O, brush, N, and shaft, L, with each other, and with the disk, D, and box, B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

3d, The combination of the lever, M, spring, P, and hook, R, with the brush shaft, L, and box, B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth.

72,068.--MANUFACTURE OF LAMP BLACK.--A. Millochan, New York city, a.s.signor to R.N. Perlee, Jersey City, N.J.

I claim the method herein specified of manufacturing lamp black by condensing the carbonaceous vapors upon a surface directly over the flame, that is constantly kept sufficiently cool by artificial means.

72,069.--CAR BRAKE.--James Mitch.e.l.l, La Porte, Ind.

I claim, 1st, The combination of the lever, A, rod, B, lever, C, pawls, D and D1, spring, D2, and ratchet wheel, E, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

2d, The combination of the shaft, E3, collar, R, arm, R', collar, S, and shaft, I, substantially as set forth.

3d, The combination of the shaft, I, spiral collar, U, lever, T, and arm, R, for disengaging the brakes, substantially as set forth.

4th, The combination of the ratchet bar, P, with the inclined face, P1, and catch lever, G, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

5th, The combination of the ratchet bar, P, with its shoulder, P2, and the lever, T, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.

72,070.--AUTOMATIC TABLE FOR TEACHING.--Hannah Munson, Rockford, Ill., administratrix of the estate of Wm. C. Munson, deceased.

I claim the combination of the frame, A, with its pivoted pointers, C C, and hooks, e e, and movable bars, B B, with pointers and charts, D, as constructed, the whole being arranged and used substantially as and for the purpose specified.

72,071.--HYDRANT.--John G. Murdock, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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