Scientific American Volume Xxiv., No. 12, March 18, 1871 Part 27

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MILL OWNERS, ATTENTION.--Our Turbine Water Wheels still ahead. No complications. Simple, compact, and durable. Prices moderate.

VALENTINE & CO., Ft. Edward, N. Y.

THE WOODWARD STEAM-PUMP MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of the Woodward Pat. Improved Safety Steam Pump and Fire Engine, Steam, Water, and Gas Fittings of all kinds. Also Dealers in Wrought-iron Pipe, Boiler Tubes, etc. Hotels, Churches, Factories, & Public Buildings heated by Steam. Low Pressure. Woodward Building, 76 and 78 Center st., cor. of Worth st. (formerly of 77 Beekman st., N. Y.) All parties are hereby cautioned against infringing the Pat. Right of the above Pump. G. M. WOODWARD, Pres't.

BUERK'S WATCHMAN'S TIME DETECTOR.--Important for all large Corporations and Manufacturing concerns--capable of controlling with the utmost accuracy the motion of a watchman or patrolman, as the same reaches different stations of his beat. Send for a Circular.

J. E. BUERK, P. O. Box 1,057 Boston, Ma.s.s.

N. B.--This detector is covered by two U. S. Patents. Parties using or selling these instruments without authority from me will be dealt with according to law.

PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, COMBINING the maximum of efficiency, durability and economy, with the minimum of weight and price. They are widely and favorably known, more than 750 being in use. All warranted satisfactory or no sale. Descriptive circulars sent on application.


J. C. HOADLEY & CO., Lawrence, Ma.s.s.

46. Cortlandt st., New York.

$5 TO $10 PER DAY.

MEN, WOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS who engage in our new business make from $5 TO $10 PER DAY in their own localities. Full particulars and instructions sent free by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable work, should address at once. GEORGE STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine.


WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF $30 PER WEEK and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions.

Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall, Mich.


A sure cure for this distressing complaint is now made known in a Treatise of 48 octavo pages, on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations, published by Dr. O. Phelps Brown. The prescription was discovered by him in such a providential manner that he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known, as it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits, never having failed in a single case. The ingredients may be obtained from any druggist. Persons desiring a copy may address Dr. O. Phelps Brown, No. 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J., and it will be sent by return mail.

WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY GENERALLY. Specialties, Woodworth Planers and Richardson's Patent Improved Tenon Machines. Nos. 24 and 26 Central, corner Union st., Worcester, Ma.s.s. Warerooms 42 Cortlandt st., New York.


CINCINNATI BRa.s.s WORKS.--Engineers and Steam Fitters' Bra.s.s Work, Best Quality at very Low Prices. F. LUNKENHEIMER, Prop'r.


The simplest, cheapest, and best in use. Has but one needle! A child can run it!


Send for Circular and Sample Stocking to



from 4 to 36 inches. Also for car wheels. Address

E. HORTON & SON, Windsor Locks, Conn.

SILICATE OF SODA, IN ITS VARIOUS forms, manufactured as a specialty, by Philadelphia Quartz Co., 783 South 2d st. Philadelphia, Pa.


_Advertis.e.m.e.nts will be admitted on this page at the rate of $1.00 per line for each insertion. Engravings may head advertis.e.m.e.nts at the same rate per line, by measurement, as the letter-press._

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