Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 30

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After wearing the Cluthe Truss for 9 months I laid it aside for a season. I had nothing that would hold my Rupture in until I got your Truss. It has been a blessing to me. G.o.d bless you and yours. My Rupture has not been out since I laid Truss off, which is over 2 months ago. In future when sending out your pamphlet, add my name to it. It will show my people what the CLUTHE TRUSS has done for me.

E. A. HOWELL, Sr., R. No. 7, Box 40, Booneville, Miss.

+Now Does Heaviest Work+

I have worn the Cluthe Truss for 18 months and my Rupture has not been down in all that time. When not working I am now able to go without the Truss. But my work in the hay and grain business is very heavy and I wear the truss when lifting those heavy bales to be on the safe side.

JOHN K. MATTHEWSON, 528 Was.h.i.+ngton St., Providence, R.I.

+Himself Cured by Cluthe Truss; Recommends It to Others+

Some time ago you furnished me with a Cluthe Truss which cured my rupture. To-day in conversation with a customer who is ruptured I strongly advised your Truss and he asked me to send you his order, which I do.

GEORGE W. GILL, Main St., Pincher Creek, Alta, Canada.

+Wants Others to Know of Cluthe Truss+

I consider myself cured by the Cluthe Truss and am glad to do all I can to help anyone who is ruptured by recommending your Truss. Hoping to see my name in your book so I can be of help to others, I am,

ELMER P. WILDES, 9 West Daine St., Beverly, Ma.s.s.

+Indian Chief Cured by Cluthe Truss+

I will always recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only one that did me any good. I am sure I am cured, but at present will not stop wearing it and take any chances, as I am riding on horses nearly all the time, and a trotting horse is the worst thing for any truss or rupture. My rupture never came down. Your truss never hurt me. I shall gladly answer all letters when they send me return stamped envelope.

CHIEF IODINE, U.S.S., 625 3rd St., San Diego, Cal.

October 20, 1911.

+With Cluthe Truss on He Can Now Work on His Farm+

I was operated on for my rupture, but that did me no good. I then ordered the Cluthe Truss and it has been a great blessing to me for I can work now and tend to my farm. May G.o.d bless you in your good work.

JAMES M. TRIPP, Waverly, Penna.

+Double Ruptured 12 Years, Cured by Cluthe Truss+

I had been ruptured twelve years and in all that time I never found a truss or treatment that did me any good until I tried yours. Now I go about without any truss, as I am completely cured-- thanks to the Cluthe Truss.

S. A. ANDREWS, Elm St., Stratford, Conn.

+Enjoys All Kinds of Comfort from Cluthe Truss+

One month ago I bought a Cluthe Truss, believing at the time I was throwing my money away, as I had purchased so many other appliances during the 40 years I have been ruptured and spent hundreds of dollars.

But I must say for once my money was well spent. Since I have worn the Cluthe Truss I have enjoyed all sorts of comfort. It has held the rupture perfectly since applied. It is clean and agreeable to wear; in fact, I cannot realize I wear a truss. I will with pleasure explain and show my truss to anyone in this section, doubting the above.

ABE STIEWEL, President, Little Rock Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark.

+Cluthe Truss Cured Rupture of 45 Years' Standing+

I left my Cluthe Truss off recently, and there was no sign of my rupture coming out. It cured my rupture of 45 years' standing. Wis.h.i.+ng you success.

JOHN P. FARBER, 279 Portland Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

+Ruptured 44 Years; Helped by Cluthe Truss+

I was ruptured on both sides about 45 years ago by jumping from train in a terrible head-on collision. I bought all kinds of trusses and spent considerable money. Then I got a Cluthe Truss and can now do any work in safety. You are a benefactor of mankind. I had to give up my regular work on train before using the Cluthe Truss.

C. MYGATT, 83 Hudson St., Port Jervis, N.Y.

+Cluthe Truss Cured This Man+

From the time I put the Cluthe Truss on in June until I took it off the following May as cured of my rupture, it never once let go or slipped.

You may use my name in any way you please if by so doing you can help others.

S. B. CONNELLY, Pioneerville, Idaho.

+Now Goes Without a Truss+

My rupture is cured, as I can go about without my truss. It is too much to believe. It is the Cluthe Truss that cured me.

J. BUZZELL, Fernandina, Fla.

+Cured Scrotal Rupture of 30 Years' Standing+

To-day is the 10th anniversary since you fitted me with the wonderful Cluthe Truss and I feel that I must not let this day pa.s.s without letting you know my opinion of it. Since that day 10 years ago my rupture, a very bad scrotal rupture of some 30 years' standing, has not come down from that day to this, and I am permanently cured. I wish I could tell every poor afflicted mortal throughout this land about the Cluthe Truss, and how much suffering and misery it would save them.

I wish you and your four n.o.ble sons a long and happy life for the great good they have done and are still doing.

WM. H. BUSHFIELD, 55 Tuers Ave., Jersey City, N.J.

+Cluthe Truss Cured This Boy After Others Failed+

I wish to say that the Cluthe Truss I bought for my boy has cured his rupture. I had four other appliances for him before I got the Cluthe Truss, but it remained for the Cluthe Truss to cure him.

EDWARD PETERSON, Penn Ave., Dover, N.J.

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