Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured Part 17

Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured -

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+This New York City Man has had No Need for Trusses for 2 Years+

My troublesome rupture was perfectly held in place from the day I wore my Cluthe Truss until I found it unnecessary to longer wear the truss, and I have not had a truss on for nearly two years. I consider the Cluthe Truss the best in the world and I am glad to testify as per the above.

FRED. M. WILLIAMS, c/o W. D. Power & Co., 601 West 33rd St., New York City.

December 22, 1911.

+Rupture Now Cured and has No More Need of a Truss+

I have no more need of a truss of any kind, for I am entirely cured of my rupture, and the Cluthe Truss did it. You can use this if it will help anyone else afflicted the same as I was. I haven't worn my truss for some time.

L. H. WALCUTT, December 29, 1911.

509 E. Oak St., Masillon, Ohio.

+This Arkansas Man Cured by Cluthe Truss After Suffering 20 Years+

I cheerfully recommend the Cluthe Truss to anyone suffering from rupture. It is the only one I have ever seen, had or heard of that does the work thoroughly. I am practically cured of my rupture through using the Cluthe Truss, after having suffered for 20 years. It is because it is the only truss that will absolutely prevent the rupture from coming down.

W. B. CURTIS, October 2, 1911.

Haynes, Ark.

+Cluthe Truss Saves These Two from Surgeon's Knife+

My wife was saved from the knife after a wild midnight ride to the House of Mercy in an ambulance. We can never say too much for the Cluthe Truss. My wife was ruptured for 11 years and suffered great pains at times. We are both nearly cured. She has worn her Cluthe Truss since June of this year and I have worn mine since last Christmas. Many thanks to the Messrs. Cluthe for their wonderful truss.

MR. AND MRS. D. CHAMBERLAIN, September 26, 1911.

272 So. Dalton Road, Pittsfield, Ma.s.s.

+A Man 79 Years Old Practically Cured in 3 Months+

I have worn your truss about three months and it is worth its weight in gold. I believe I am cured. I forgot to put the truss on different occasions and did not notice my rupture or feel the slightest weakness.

I am working every day. The other trusses I wore only made me worse.

I shall still wear my Cluthe Truss-- I would not take any chances just now. I shall be pleased to recommend it to everyone ruptured.

JOSEPH DOBINSON, 381 Harvard St., Cambridge, Ma.s.s.

October 10, 1911.

+Soon Cured and Never Used Truss Since+

I verily believe that your truss is the best of all the trusses made, for after less than a year's use of the Cluthe Truss I laid it away and never had to use any truss since. Hoping that all who have suffered as I have in the past from rupture may find relief from this terrible affliction.

J. C. DE MOTT, 5 West Long Ave., Du Bois, Pa.

October 3, 1911.

+New Lease of Life for This Man+

I found the Cluthe Truss as different from all other trusses as a scientific balance is to a vise. I am 70 years old and have always been unable to take long walks, but the first Sunday I had your truss I walked a mile to my house and felt so good that I walked three miles more. Prior to getting your truss I could not walk half a dozen city blocks without great distress. I wish you great success towards suffering mankind.

JOHN DIVINE, 1238 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

September 6, 1911.

+Had Probably the Largest Display of Trusses before He Tried the Cluthe, Which Alone Holds+

Some months ago I was induced to make just one more venture in buying trusses. I admit that I had but mighty little faith, in fact I was well nigh discouraged. I had probably the finest and largest display of trusses of any man in the country, but none of them would hold my right side rupture. How thankful I am I tried just once more, and bought the Cluthe Truss! It holds splendidly and is so easy to wear that it gives me no trouble whatever.

H. C. VANDERHOEF, Belmont, New York.

December 19, 1911.

+Man 76 Years Old Cured+

My rupture has been entirely cured by the Cluthe Truss, and I have been without a truss for over a year. What this means, I alone can appreciate, as I am 76 years old.

CHAS. A. STEIN, 210 Catharine St., Elizabeth, New Jersey.

December 22, 1911.

+Tried All Remedies; Only the Cluthe Could Cure Him+

After suffering 5 years from rupture and trying all the remedies and trusses I could get (all of them failed) finally I ordered a Cluthe Truss, and now I am entirely well. I cannot find words to praise the Cluthe Truss high enough. Thanks to you for the benefits enjoyed from the best thing ever made for rupture.

ELISHA A. HARTMAN, Terre Alta, W.Va.

December 19, 1911.

+This Brooklyn, N.Y., Man Cured+

Let ruptured people know that the Cluthe Truss cured me of my rupture, and that I now have no need for a truss of any kind.

GEORGE DIEFENBACHER, 90 Fountain Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.

December 22, 1911.

+Now Well and Strong as She Ever Was+

I want to thank you for your help. Your Cluthe Truss has cured me completely. I am as well and strong as I ever was. You may use this, for I think anyone afflicted as I was would consider it a great blessing to know how to be cured without an operation.

MRS. WALTER De LONG, 814 North Cherry St., Galesburg, Ill.

March 28, 1911.

+Practically Cured in a Few Months+

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