Sanders' Union Fourth Reader Part 5

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15. _Wh_, as in _wh_en, _wh_ere.

16. _Zd_, as in mu_s'd_; _zl_, daz_zle_; _zld_, muz_zl'd_; _zldst_, daz_zl'dst_; _zlst_, daz_zl'st_; _zlz_, muz_zles_; _zm_, spa_sm_; _zmz_, cha_sms_; _zn_, ri_s'n_; _znd_, rea_s'n'd_; _znz_, pri_s'nz_; _zndst_, impri_s'n'dst_.

V. Avoid blending the termination of one word with the beginning of another, or suppressing the final letter or letters of one word, when the next word commences with a similar sound.


His small eyes instead of His small lies.

She keeps pies " She keeps spies.

His hour is up " His sour is sup.

Dry the widow's tears " Dry the widow steers.

Your eyes and ears " Your rise sand dears.

He had two small eggs " He had two small legs.

Bring some ice cream " Bring some mice scream.

Let all men praise Him " Let tall men pray sim.

He was killed in war " He was skilled in war.

Water, air, and earth " Water rare rand dearth.

Come and see me once more " Come mand see me one smore.

NOTE.--By an indistinct Articulation the sense of a pa.s.sage is often liable to be perverted.


1. Will he attempt to conceal hi_s acts?_ Will he attempt to conceal hi_s sacks?_ 2. The man ha_d o_ars to row he_r o_ver.

The man ha_d d_oors to row he_r r_over.

3. Can there be a_n a_im more lofty?

Can there be _a n_ame more lofty?

4. The judge_s o_ught to arrest the culprits.

The judge_s s_ought to arrest the culprits.

5. Hi_s i_re burned when she told him he_r a_ge.

Hi_s s_ire burned when she told him he_r r_age.

6. He wa_s a_wed at the works of labor a_nd a_rt.

He wa_s s_awed at the works of labor a_n d_art.

7. He wa_s tr_ained in the religion of his fathers.

He wa_s st_rained in the religion of his fathers.


1. _Br_avely o'er _th_e _b_oi_st_e_r_ous _b_i_ll_ow_s_, _H_is _g_a_ll_a_nt_ _b_a_rk_ _w_a_s_ _b_o_rn_e.

2. _C_a_n_ _cr_a_v_e_n_ _c_owa_rds_ e_x_pe_ct_ to _c_o_nq_ue_r_ _th_e _c_ou_ntr_y?

3. _Cl_i_ck_, _cl_i_ck_, _g_oe_s_ _th_e _cl_o_ck_; _cl_a_ck_, _cl_a_ck_, _g_oe_s_ _th_e _m_i_ll_.

4. _D_i_d_ _y_ou _d_esi_r_e to _h_ea_r_ _h_i_s_ _d_a_rk_ a_nd_ _d_o_l_e_f_u_l_ _dr_ea_ms_?

5. "_F_ir_m_-_p_a_c_e_d_ a_nd_ _sl_ow, a _h_o_rr_i_d_ _fr_o_nt_ _th_ey _form_, _St_i_ll_ a_s_ _th_e _br_ee_ze_; _b_u_t_ _dr_ea_df_u_l_ a_s_ _th_e _st_or_m_."

6. _Th_e _fl_a_m_i_ng_ _f_i_r_e _fl_a_sh_ed _f_ea_rf_u_ll_y i_n_ _h_i_s_ _f_a_c_e.

7. _Th_e _gl_a_ss_y _gl_a_ci_e_rs_ _gl_ea_m_e_d_ i_n_ _gl_owi_ng_ _l_igh_t_.

8. _H_ow _h_igh _h_i_s_ ho_n_o_rs_ _h_ea_v_e_d_ _h_i_s_ _h_augh_t_y _h_ea_d_!

9. _H_e _dr_ew _l_o_ng_, _l_e_g_i_bl_e _lin_e_s_ a_l_o_ng_ _th_e _l_ove_l_y _l_a_ndsc_a_p_e.

10. _M_a_ss_e_s_ of i_mm_e_ns_e _m_a_gn_i_t_u_d_e _m_o_v_e _m_a_j_e_st_i_c_a_ll_y _thr_ough _th_e _v_a_st_ e_mp_i_r_e of _th_e _s_o_l_a_r_ _s_y_st_e_m_.

11. _R_ou_nd_ _th_e _r_ou_gh_ a_nd_ _r_u_gg_e_d_ _r_o_cks_ _th_e _r_a_gg_e_d_ _r_a_sc_a_l_ _r_a_n_.

12. _Th_e _str_i_pl_i_ng_ _str_a_ng_e_r_ _str_aye_d_ _str_aigh_t_ _to_wa_rd_ _th_e _str_u_ggl_i_ng_ _str_ea_m_.

13. _Sh_e u_tt_e_r_e_d_ a _sh_a_rp_, _shr_i_ll_ _shr_ie_k_, a_nd_ _th_e_n_ _shr_u_nk_ _fr_o_m_ _th_e _shr_i_v_e_l_e_d_ _f_o_rm_ _th_a_t_ _sl_u_mb_e_r_e_d_ i_n_ _th_e _shr_ou_d_.

14. _F_or _f_ear o_f_ o_ff_ending _th_e _fr_ight_f_ul fugitive, _th_e _v_i_l_e _v_a_g_a_b_o_nd_ _v_e_nt_u_r_e_d_ _t_o _v_i_l_i_fy_ _th_e _v_e_n_e_r_a_bl_e _v_e_t_e_r_a_n_.

15. A_midst_ _th_e _m_i_sts_, _w_i_th_ a_ngr_y _b_oa_sts_, _H_e _thr_u_sts_ _h_i_s_ _f_i_sts_ a_g_ai_nst_ _th_e _p_o_sts_, A_nd_ _st_i_ll_ i_ns_i_sts_ _h_e _s_ee_s_ _th_e _g_ho_sts_.

16. Peter Prangle, the p.r.i.c.kly prangly pear picker, picked three pecks of p.r.i.c.kly prangly pears, from the prangly pear trees, on the pleasant prairies.

17. Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb; now, if Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of _his_ thumb, see that _thou_, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of _thy_ thumb. Success to the successful thistle sifter.

18. We travel _sea_ and _soil_; we _pry_, we _prowl_; We _progress_, and we _prog_ from _pole_ to _pole_.



ACCENT and EMPHASIS both indicate some special stress of voice.

Accent is that stress of voice by which one _syllable_ of a word is made more prominent than others; EMPHASIS is that stress of voice by which one or more _words_ of a sentence are distinguished above the rest.


The accented syllable is sometimes designated thus: ('); as, _com-mand'-ment_.

NOTE I.--Words of more than two syllables generally have two or more of them accented.

The more forcible stress of voice, is called the _Primary Accent_; and the less forcible, the _Secondary Accent_.


In the following examples the Primary Accent is designated by double accentual marks, thus:

_Ed''-u-cate'_, _ed'-u-ca''-tion_, _mul''-ti-ply'_, _mul'-ti-pli-ca''-tion_, _sat''-is-fy'_, _sat'-is-fac''-tion_, _com'-pre-hend''_, _com'-pre-hen''-sion_, _rec'-om-mend''_, _rec'-om-mend-a''-tion_, _mo''-ment-a'-ry_, _com-mun''-ni-cate'_, _com'-pli-ment''-al_, _in-dem'-ni-fi-ca''-tion_, _ex'-tem-po-ra''-ne-ous_, _coun'-ter-rev'-o-lu''-tion-a-ry_.

NOTE II.--The change of accent on the same word often changes its meaning.


col'-league, _a partner_.

col-league', _to unite with_.

con'-duct, _behavior_.

con-duct', _to lead_.

des'-cant, _a song or tune_.

des-cant', _to comment_.

ob'-ject, _ultimate purpose_.

ob-ject', _to oppose_.

in'-ter-dict, _a prohibition_.

in-ter-dict', _to forbid_.

o'ver-throw, _ruin; defeat_.

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