My Treasure Part 2

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"Ho! mas-ter ba-by boy.

Where are you go-ing?

Dark are the win-try skies: Soon 'twill be snow-ing.

Back to the nur-se-ry, Where the fire's glow-ing."

"I doe back"-- stamps his foot.

"No! I are doe-ing Down to my busi-ness.

A big boy I'm drow-ing.

Just where my pa-pa does, Dat's where I'm doe-ing."




THESE are Jack and Jill. Do you not see their pail? They fill it with salt wa-ter.


"WHAT a sweet lit-tle lamb!" said May. "No: it is a wolf. I must run: he will eat me."


"PLEASE, Mrs. Wright, moth-er would like to bor-row a cup of milk for ba-by's sup-per. Our cow has strayed a-way, and Tom has gone to find her."--"Of course she shall have it, Tom," said Mrs. Wright. "How is ba-by?" Tom's lit-tle ba-by sis-ter had been ver-y ill, and they had all been a-fraid that she would not live. But now she was much bet-ter. Tom told Mrs. Wright this, and then ran home.



THERE was a little lad Whose name was Tad, Down by the sea.

"A-ha! a-ha" cried he: "A play-fellow I see, Com-ing to play with me."


But soon he changed his cry: The tears came in his eye.

"Let go!" he cried; "let go!

You don't play fair, you know.

O mam-my, quick! Boo-hoo!

He'll bite my finger through!"



MEG and her lit-tle sis-ter Bell went for a walk in the mea-dow. A cow came down to the brook to drink. Bell was pick-ing some flow-ers, and did not see her un-til she was close up-on her. Then she gave a loud cry, and ran to Meg, and clutched tight hold of her dress. Meg soon set her fears to rest; and the cow looked on with wide o-pened eyes, as much as to say, "What a fool-ish child this is! I give her milk ev-er-y day."



BET-TY came to make a call on Pol-ly. So Pol-ly got out all her toys, and put them on the floor in a great heap, and they each sat down be-side them. Bet-ty liked best of all a stuffed rab-bit that squeaked when you squeezed it; and she tucked it un-der her arm, and took it all a-bout from room to room with her. Pol-ly at last, when she saw how much she liked it, gave it to her for her ver-y own; and Bet-ty went home hap-py, with the rabbit on her arms.




A LIT-TLE girl Read in her book, How a wick-ed boy A wild bird took From out its nest In the green-wood tree.

A cap-tive now 'Tis forced to be, And flut-ters its poor wings all day long, And beats the bars of its cage so strong.

"Poor lit-tle bird!"

She soft-ly cried; Then on her head Her hood she tied, Took down the cage Of her own bird, Opened the door, With joy-ous word.

"Fly, lit-tle bird, a-way,"

quoth she, "Back to your home in the green-wood tree."


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