Le Cocu Part 47

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"My dear love," said Ernest, "we should go into society as we go to the theatre, not to please others but to enjoy ourselves; when the play is tiresome, you are not compelled to stay to the end."

"And Monsieur Dulac?" I said after a moment; "you have not mentioned him, Ernest. Don't be afraid to tell me what you know. I suppose that he is more devoted than ever to Madame Blemont."

"You are mistaken; he had no sooner recovered from his wound, and that was not long ago, than he went on a journey; I am told that he has gone to Italy."

I confess that that news pleased me. And yet what did it matter to me now whether it was Dulac or some other man who was attentive to Madame Blemont, as I should have nothing more in common with that woman? Madame Blemont! She still called herself so, Ernest a.s.sured me. I hoped that she would have resumed her mother's name. Was it not cruel to be unable to take one's name away from a woman who dishonored it? If Madame Blemont should have other children, they too would bear my name and would share my property. Was that justice? But divorce was prohibited, because it was considered immoral! Oh! of course it is much more moral to leave to a guilty wife the name of the husband whom she abandons, and to strange children a t.i.tle and property to which they have no right!

And Ernest insisted that I should return to that circle where Madame Blemont was welcomed and made much of; whereas they would consider that they compromised themselves by inviting dear little Marguerite, who loved her children, devoted herself to her family and made Ernest happy; and why? because she was not married. Oh! that society, overflowing with vices and absurd prejudices, disgusted me! I left it to Madame Blemont; I did not propose to share anything with her thenceforth.

I promised my friends to go often to see them. I had not yet made up my mind what I would do; but I still intended to travel, to leave Paris, especially since I knew that Madame Blemont had returned.

My concierge informed me that a gentleman had called to see me for the third time. From the description that he gave me I could not doubt that it was Belan, and I ordered the man always to tell him that I was out.

He also handed me a card upon which was the name of Giraud. Would those people never leave me to myself? Unluckily my business had made it necessary for me to leave my address at my former apartment; but I determined to settle all the cases which had been placed in my hands with all possible speed, in order that I might leave Paris as soon as possible.

I spent a part of every day going about to my former clients, to whom I restored their papers, on the pretext that my health compelled me to abandon my profession. In my peregrinations I occasionally saw Belan or Giraud, but I always succeeded in avoiding them. I had just finished my last business. I felt free once more, and was congratulating myself upon being able to follow my inclinations, when, as I walked rapidly through the Palais-Royal, I was stopped by Belan. That time I had no opportunity to avoid him.

"Ah! I have caught you at last! Upon my word, I am in luck; where in the devil have you been hiding, my dear friend? I have been to your apartment a great many times, but you are always out."

"I have many matters to arrange, my dear Belan, and at this moment I am in a great hurry."

"I don't care for that, I don't propose to let you go; I have too many things to tell you. But I say, have you left your wife?"

"Yes, we could not agree."

"That is what I said at once: 'They did not agree.' I admit that you are generally blamed; you are looked upon as a jealous husband, a domestic tyrant."

"People may say what they choose; it is quite indifferent to me."

"And you are right. As for myself, if I only could separate from my mother-in-law! Great heaven! how happy I would be! But Armide refuses to leave her mother, and the result is that I am constantly between two fires: when one is not picking a quarrel with me, the other is. To be sure, I am perfectly at ease now concerning my wife's fidelity. The marquis no longer comes to see us; I don't know why, but he has entirely ceased his visits. As for Armide, she has become so crabbed, so sour; mon Dieu! there are times when I think that I should prefer to be a cuckold, and to have my wife amiable; and yet----"

"Belan, I am obliged to leave you."

"Pshaw! what's your hurry? You are very lucky now, you are living as a bachelor again; you are raising the deuce----"

"I am giving my whole attention to settling up my business, and----"

"Oh, yes! playing the saint! I know you, you rake! faith! between ourselves, I will tell you that I too have made a little acquaintance.

Look you, we men are not saints, and although one is married, one may have weaknesses, moments of forgetfulness; indeed, that is quite legitimate for us. But I have to take the greatest precautions, for if my wife or my mother-in-law should surprise me----"

"Adieu, Belan. I wish you all the pleasure in the world."

"But where are you going so fast? I will go with you."

I was not at all anxious for the little man's company; and to get rid of him, I told him that I was going to the Bois de Boulogne. He clapped his hands and cried:

"Parbleu! how nicely it happens! That is just where I have arranged to meet my little one--near the Chateau de Madrid. I never see her except outside the barrier."

"But I have business in another direction."

"Never mind; we will take a cab and drive to the Bois together."

I could not refuse; it mattered little to me after all whether I went to the Bois; I had plenty of time. And once there, I knew how to rid myself of Belan.

We took a cab. On the way Belan talked to me about his wife, his mistress, his mother-in-law, and my duel with Dulac; which he believed to be the result of our quarrel over the cards. I was careful not to undeceive him.

When we arrived at the Bois, Belan insisted that I should go with him and be introduced to his acquaintance. I a.s.sured him that somebody was waiting for me too; but to satisfy him I agreed to meet him two hours later at the Porte Maillot; and I determined not to be there.

Belan left me at last, and I entered a path opposite to that which he had taken. The weather was fine; it was four o'clock and there were many people, especially equestrians, in the Bois. I stood for several minutes watching the young people who came there to display their costumes and horses, and their skill in riding. There had been a time when I myself enjoyed that pleasure; but now nothing of the sort had any temptation for me.

A cloud of dust announced the approach of a party. I thought that I could see two women among the riders, and I stopped to look at them. The cavalcade came up at a gallop and pa.s.sed close to me. Having glanced at one of the ladies, I turned my eyes upon the other. It was Eugenie,--Eugenie, dressed in a stylish riding habit, and riding gracefully a spirited horse. She almost brushed against me, her horse covered me with dust and I was utterly unable to step back. I stood there, so startled, so oppressed, that I had not the strength to walk.

The cavalcade was already far away, and my eyes were still following it; I stood in the same spot, benumbed, motionless, with no eyes for anything else. Other hors.e.m.e.n came up at a fast gallop. I did not hear them. They called to me: "Look out!" but I did not stir. Suddenly I felt a violent shock; I was thrown down upon the gravel, and a horse's hoof struck me in the head.

My eyes closed and I lost consciousness. When I came to myself, I found myself in one of the cafes at the entrance to the Bois. I saw many people about me; among others, several young swells. One of them said to me:

"I am terribly distressed, monsieur; I am the cause of your accident. I shouted to you, however; but my horse had too much impetus, and I could not stop him."

"Yes, that is true," observed a man who was holding my head; "I can testify that monsieur shouted: 'Look out!' but why should anyone ride like the wind? I shouted to you: 'Stop!' but prout! you didn't stop."

I recognized Pettermann; it was he who was behind me. I accepted the apology of the young cavalier and told him that I bore him no ill will.

I rea.s.sured him concerning my wound, although I felt very weak, for I had lost much blood. Someone had sent for a carriage and I asked Pettermann if he could go with me.

"What's that? can I!" replied the tailor; "why, if I couldn't, I'd go with you all the same. As if I would leave in this condition an excellent neighbor of mine who paid me forty francs in advance! Prout!

you don't know me!"

They bandaged my head and helped me into the cab. Pettermann seated himself opposite me and we returned to Paris.

On the way, my wound occupied my attention much less than the meeting I had had. I asked Pettermann if he had not seen a woman riding past me when they took me up and carried me away.

"When you were thrown down," said the tailor, "I was within thirty yards of you. I was walking, loafing, I had nothing to do. However, I did go to your room this morning, monsieur, to ask you for your cloth; but I never find you in the morning and at night I can't find your door."

"That isn't what I asked you."

"True. Well, then, I was walking, and I had just noticed some ladies pa.s.s on horseback. Prout! but they rode finely! Other horses came along and I stepped to one side; and it was then that I saw you. They shouted: 'Look out!' I don't know what you were looking at, but you didn't move; and yet I said to myself: 'That gentleman isn't deaf, for he heard me sing well enough.' Still the horses came on. I shouted 'Look out!' to you myself, and I sung out to the riders to stop; but prout! you were already on the ground, and with a famous scar! The young men stopped then. I already had you in my arms. The man who knocked you down was in despair, I must do him justice. We carried you to the nearest cafe; and when I said that I was your neighbor and that I knew you, they sent for a cab; and then you opened your eyes. But never mind! you got a rousing kick!"

"And while I was unconscious, you saw no other people near me? Those ladies on horseback--did not one of them come back?"

"No, monsieur; there was no other lady near you except the one that keeps the cafe; but she washed your head; oh! she didn't spare the water!"

I said no more. I was beginning to suffer terribly; the carriage made me sick, my head was on fire and my brain in a whirl. At last we reached my home. Pettermann and the concierge carried me upstairs, put me to bed, and went to call a doctor. I had a violent fever; soon I was unable to reply to the people about me; I did not know them.

One evening I opened my heavy eyes and glanced about my room. It was dimly lighted by a lamp. I saw Pettermann sitting at a table, with his head resting on one of his hands, and his eyes fastened upon a watch which he held in the other. I called him feebly; he heard me, uttered a joyful cry, dropped the watch, and ran to my bed.

"Ah! you are saved!" he cried as he embraced me. "The doctor said that you would recover consciousness to-night, before nine o'clock. I was counting the minutes; there are only five left and I was beginning to doubt the doctor's word. But you recognize me! _Sacredi_! you are saved!"

He embraced me again, and I felt tears upon my cheeks. So there were still some people who loved me! That thought relieved me. I held out my hand to that excellent man, pressed his hand, and motioned to him to sit down beside me.

"First of all," he said to me, "you are going to drink this; it's some medicine ordered by the doctor, and you must do what he orders, since he has cured you. I believe in doctors now."

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