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BRAZIL and coffee. Souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition.
1904. 28 pp.
CAFFe, IL: la coltivazione, la produzione, le imitazione, le falsificazioni, il valore economico, il fisiologico, appendice.
_Rio Janeiro_, 1910. 98 pp.
CRUWELL, G.A. and others. Brazil as a coffee-growing country.
_Colombo_, 1878. 150 pp.
DA COSTA SANTOS, H. Consideracoes sobre o nosso cafe. _Rio Janeiro_, 1881. 19 pp.
DAFERT, F.W. De bemesting en het drogen van kaffie in Brazilia.
_Amsterdam_, 1898. 250 pp.
---- uber die gegenwartige Lage des Kaffeebaus in Brazilien.
_Amsterdam_, 1898. Also in English, 1900; French, Paris, 1900.
DAHNE, EUGENIO. The story of So Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXVIII: 127.
DE OLTVEIRA, LUIZ TORQUATO, Marques. Novo methodo da plantaco fecundidade, durabilidade estrumaco e conservaco do cafe e extincco das formigas, exposto em beneficio da agricultura do Brasil e lugares cafeeiros, offerecido aos agricultores. _Rio de Janeiro_, 1863. 30 pp.
EMPIRE of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. _New York_, 1885. 71 pp.
KOEBEL, ROTHERY and TWENEY, editors. Enciclopedia de la America del sur. Agriculture, Brazil, v. I; So Paulo, v. IV. _London_ and _Buenos Aires_, 1913.
LALIeRE, AMOUR. Le cafe dans l'etat de Saint Paul (Bresil).
_Paris_, 1909. 417 pp.
MISSON, LUIS, and TeLLEZ O. Cultivo y beneficio del cafe en el Brazil: como se hacen en el estado de So Paulo. _Mexico_, 1907. 30 pp.
O FAZENDEIRO; revista mensal de agricultura, industria e commercio, dedicada, especialmente, aos interesses da lavoura cafeeiro. Anno 1, _So Paulo_, 1908.
PACHECO E SILVA, PERSIO. Do cafe no o este de S. Paulo. _So Paulo_, 1910. 64 pp.
PECKHOLT, THEODORO. Monographia do cafe. In his, Historia das plantas alimentares e de gozo do Brazil, v. 5. 1871-84.
SO PAULO, _Brazil_. Secretaria da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas. Il caffe. Brevi notizie per Eugenio Lefevre. 1904. 68 pp.
SCHUURMAN, G.A.E. De koffie-cultuur in Brazilie. _Amsterdam_, 1901.
67 pp.
SMITH, H.H. Brazil: Amazona and the coast. (Special chapters on coffee) _London_, 1880.
---- Culture of coffee in Brazil. Scribner's Magazine, XIX: 225.
Penny Magazine, IX: 484.
STORY of So Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. Pan American Union. Bulletin, 1915, XLI: 370-378.
TEIXEIRA, C. O cafe do Brazil. _Rio de Janeiro_, 1883. 24 pp.
WARD. R.D. Visit to the Brazilian coffee country. National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908-931.
CATER, R.W. Coffee in Central America. Chambers' Journal, LXXVI: 570.
CHOUSSY, FELIX. Cultivo racional del cafe en centro America. _San Salvador_, 1917. 92 pp.
FOX, ALVIN. Coffee growing in Central America. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 420-421.
ABBAY, R. Culture of coffee in Ceylon. Households Words, III: 109.
_Also_, Nature, XIV: 375.
CRUWELL, G.A. Liberian coffee in Ceylon. _Colombo_, 1878.
HULL, E.C.P. Coffee planting in southern India and Ceylon.
_London_, 1877. 324 pp.
KEEN, W. Coffee cultivation in Ceylon. _London_, 1871.
LEWIS, G.C. Coffee planting in Ceylon. _Colombo_, 1855.
SABONADIeRE, WILLIAM. The coffee-planter of Ceylon. _London_, 1870.
216 pp.
---- O fazendeiro de cafe em Ceylo. _Rio de Janerio_, 1875, 196 pp.
VAN SPALL, P.W.A. Verslag over de koffij en kaneelkultuur op het eiland Ceijlon. _Batavia_, 1863.
SAENZ, NICOLAS. Memoria sobre el cultivo del cafeto. _Bogota_, 1892. 65 pp. Also in French, _Bruxelles_, 1894. 121 pp.
CALVO, J.B. Coffee, its origin and propagation, its introduction and cultivation in Costa Rica. American Republics Bureau. Monthly Bulletin. 1904, XVIII: 1-6; 111-115.
---- Report on coffee with special reference to the Costa Rican product. Bureau of American Republics. Publications. _Was.h.i.+ngton_, 1901, 15 pp.
COSTA RICA. Government. Estudio e informe sobre el cafe de Costa Rica. _San Jose_, 1900. 48 pp.
FIELD, WALTER J. Coffee culture and preparation in Costa Rica. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1908, XV: 13.
SCHROEDER, JOHN. Coffee culture in Costa Rica. _San Jose_, 1890. 4 pp.