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GRIEBEL, C. Ueber den Kaffeegerbstoff. _Munchen_, 1903.
KoNIG, J. Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. 4th ed. _Berlin_, 1904. See v. 2, index for Kaffee, Koffen.
LOCKE, EDWIN A. Food values. _New York_, 1911. Coffee a.n.a.lysed p.
LYTHGOE, HERMANN CHARLES. Report on tea and coffee. _Was.h.i.+ngton_, 1905.
MARCHAND, N.L. Recherches organographiques et organogeniques sur le Coffea arabica L. _Paris_, 1864.
SESTINI, J. Il caffe; lettura fatta nell' inst.i.tutio tecnico di Fochi. _Firenze_, 1868.
STANDARDS of purity for food products. Tea, coffee and cocoa products. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary. Circ.
19, p. 16.
THORPE, EDWARD. Dictionary of applied chemistry. _London and New York_, 1912. See pp. 97-103.
w.a.n.kLYN, JAMES ALFRED. Tea, coffee, and cocoa: a practical treatise on the a.n.a.lysis of tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mate (Paraguay tea). _London_, 1874. 59 pp.
WARNIER, W.L.A. Bijerage tot de kennis der koffie, mededeeling uit het laboratorium van het Kolonial museum te Haarlem. _Amsterdam_, 1899. 23 pp.
WEYRICH, R. Ein Beitrag zur Chemie des Thees und Kaffees. _Dorpat_, 1872.
WILEY, H.W. Coffee and tea. In his, 1001 Tests of food, beverages and toilet accessories, pp. 10-18.
WINTON, ANDREW L. The microscopy of coffee. In his, Microscopy of vegetable foods, _New York_, 1916. 2 ed. pp. 427-438. Reprinted, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, XXI: 22-28.
ALLEN, A.H. Note on the examination of coffee. a.n.a.lyst, 1880, V: 1-4.
BAU, A. The determination of oxalic acid in tea, coffee, marmalade, vegetables and bread. Z. Nahr. Genussm, 1920, 40: 50-66.
BERTRAND, GABRIEL. Sur la composition chimique du cafe de la Grande Comore. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1901, Cx.x.xII: 162-164.
BINZ, C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kaffeebestandtheile. Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1878, IX: 31-51.
BoTSCH, K. Zur Kenntniss der Saligeninderivate. Monatshefte fur Chemie (Sitzungs berichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1880, I: 621-623.
CANADA (DOMINION). INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT LABORATORY. Coffee: results of a.n.a.lysis. _Ottawa_, 1888. Bulletin, 3. 8 pp.; 1891, Bulletin, 29. 19 pp.; 1892, Bulletin 31. 13 pp.
---- Ground coffee: results of a.n.a.lysis. _Ottawa_, 1904, Bulletin, 100. 7 pp.; 1909, Bulletin, 172. 37 pp.; 1910, Bulletin, 216. 22 pp.
CAZENEUVE, P. and HADDON. Sur l'acide cafetannique. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897, CXXIV: 1458-1460.
CHARAUX, CHARLES. Sur l'acide chlorogenique. Frequence et recherche de cet acide dans les vegetaux. Extraction de l'acide cafeique et rendement en l'acide cafeique de quelques plantes. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chemie, 1900, 7. ser, II: 292-298.
THE CHEMISTRY of a cup of coffee. Lancet, 1913, II, no. 2: 1563-1565. Reviewed in, Journal of Economics, 1914, VI: 466-467; Literary Digest, 1914, XLVIII: 376-377.
DOOLITTLE, R.E. and WRIGHT, B.B. Some effects of storage on coffee.
American Journal of Pharmacy, 1915, Lx.x.xVII: 524-526.
EHRLICH, J. Coffee in the laboratory. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.x: 569-570.
ERNI, H. The chemico-physiological relations of tea, coffee and alcohol. Nashville Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science, 1858-9, I: 641-656.
FRANKEL, E.M. Coffee by-products. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xIII: 43-44.
---- Coffee identification. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.xI: 158 159.
FRANKEL, F. HULTON. Calories in a cup of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.xI: 446-447.
GEISER, M. Welche Bestandteile des Kaffees sind die Trager der erregenden Wirkung? Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1905, LIII: 112-136.
GORTER, K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kaffees. Annalen der Chemie, 1907, CCCLVIII: 327-348; 1908, CCCLIX: 217-244; 1910, CCCLXXII: 237-246. Also, East Indies, Dutch. Dept. van Landbouw. Bulletins, 14, 33.
GRAF, L. Ueber Bestandtheile der Kaffeesauen. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie, 1901, pp. 1077-1082.
---- Ueber den Zusammenhang von Coffengehalt und Qualitat bei chinesischem Thee. Forschungs-Berichte uber Lebensmittel, 1897, IV: 88.
GUIGUES, P. Note sur l'origine du cafe. Bulletin des Sciences pharmacologiques, 1903, VII: 350-357.
HANAUSEK, T.F. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von F. Netolitzky: Ueber das Vorkommen von Krystallsandzellen im Kaffee. Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911, XXI: 295.
---- Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Frucht und des Samens von Coffea arabica L. Zietschrift fur Nahrungsmittel Untersuchung und Hygiene, 1890, IV: 237-257.
HARRIS, WILLIAM B. Scientific study of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 557-558.
HEHNER, O. An a.n.a.lysis of coffee leaves. a.n.a.lyst, 1879, IV: 84.
HOWARD, C.D. Report on tea and coffee. U.S. Chemistry Bureau.
Bulletin, 1907, CV: 41-45.
HUSSON, C. etude sur le cafe, le the, et les chicorees. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1879, 5. ser. XVI: 419-427.
JAFFA, M.E. Report on tea and coffee, 1910, with list of references. U.S. Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, 1911, Cx.x.xVII: 105-108.
LANCET special a.n.a.lytical sanitary commission on the composition and value of coffee extracts, The Lancet, 1894, II: 43-45.
LEPPER, H.A. Report on coffee. Journal of the a.s.sociation of Official Agricultural chemists, 1920, 4: 211-216.
LEVESIE, O. Beitrage zur Chemie des Kaffees. Archiv der Pharmacie, 1876, 3 ser. VIII: 294-298.
LIEBIG, J. von. Chemistry of a cup of coffee. Every, I: 135.
LOOMIS, H.M. Report on tea and coffee. Journal of the a.s.sociation of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1920, 3: 498-503.
MASON, G. and SAVINI E. Experiments with coffee. Staz. sper, agrar. ital., 1918, 51: 413-4.