Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Rogue Journey Vol 4 Chapter 3

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Rogue Journey -

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Chapter 3: Captured Orphen

It’s dark, he’s all alone, floating.

He couldn’t tell if he was standing or floating——he couldn’t feel his body. He seemed to feel something from his fingertips, it was a warm feeling. Then a cold one.

Suddenly his eyes were filled with light——he couldn’t see himself, but he could clearly see a figure in front of him. A thin silk dress swaying in the light, it was a little girl.

She suddenly began to speak.

“Are you, Orphen?”


He was unable to reply.

“Sorry……I would like to apologize.”

Her expression became humble. Seeing this, he became a little less tense.

“I’m so sorry, I really am——it’s my fault that you were attacked……”

……He didn’t understand. Was he attacked? He couldn’t remember anything——or there was nothing to remember. His name, he didn’t know it either. Or he simply didn’t want to remember it.

She didn’t have an explanation for this.

“You wanted to take Majic back, so the Dragon attacked you……”


“I didn’t want him to be taken away. Maybe I was jealous, since he can get other’s help.”

She said those words very clearly, but he wasn’t so sure what she meant by them.

“But I didn’t think the Dragon would make you useless……”

Dragon——that term left a great impression on him. This feeling, it made him want to run away.

“I will make every effort to heal you. Though it may take some time.”

While she was speaking, the darkness around him gradually became thin.

“Also, don’t go against Makudogaru. Don’t kill him. He is this villages——”

And then the darkness disappeared into the light, he could hear no more.


(……What happened?)

(Where am I——?)

(Who am I——?)

(Where is the pain——?)

(What part of my body is breathing——?)

(d.a.m.n it……)

He turned his body. It was a simple action. He felt pain from his left shoulder. He was wounded.

(I can’t remember anything……)

Some things came to mind. A girl appearing in the dark——

He was afraid of something, humble eyes——

He opened his eyes. It was dark at first——then the light came. The light seemed to be coming from behind him. He lay there sideways, his body lying face against the wall. Walls were all around him, it appeared he had slept on the floor. He thought he was in some sort of cave. At that time——

“You’re awake, sorcerer.”

That voice……someone was talking to him. His memory was a little fuzzy, he could vaguely remember the face of which that voice belonged to. The man was known as Makudogaru, he was the leader.

He rolled in the opposite direction.

Something entered his line of sight, it was a pair of shoe’s——the shoes of Makudogaru. They were a pair of dirty hiking boots, another pair set not far away, they seemed to be his comrades. Further away amidst the dazzling light, he could see iron bars and a staircase.

It was very clear to him that he was locked in an underground cell. The door to the cell was slightly open, standing in front of him was Makudogaru and another. The glanced upwards at him, his clothes were bloodstained and he had an a.s.sortment of weapons.

(Can I stand up?)

He asked himself. He should be able to do it, but for some reason he couldn’t.

Makudogaru coldly gazed down upon him.

“Tell me your name, sorcerer.”


He didn’t answer——or rather he couldn’t.

(My first name?)

He remembered something——his mind in chaos, it was like a dream——

Upon getting no reaction, Makudogaru sighed.

“Why do you remain silent?”

“Of course he won’t obediently answer our questions.”

The man with the sword said, laughing afterwards.

“You know what, Sarua?”

The man wearing the military jacket was called——Sarua. Orphen remembered this.

“This man is from the Tower of Fang. Elite black sorcerers hail from there. Whatever his reasons for coming here, he certainly won’t tell us.”

Makudogaru laughed.

(——The Tower of Fang……)

Orphen was familiar with this word——for he had spent more than half of his life at that place.

Makudogaru continued talking:

“Let him suffer a little bit, maybe that will loosen his tongue.”

“Torture? On a sorcerer? These guys have undergone resistance training.”

Sarua shook his head as he spoke. Slowly, Makudogaru became angry.

“Do you forget who the boss around here is?”

“Of course not.”

Sarua chuckled.

“This is your village——the heart.”

Makudogaru was satisfied hearing this. He nodded, then looked at Orphen.

“I will not only ask about your name. What happened to the other villagers? Did you kill them?”


That word was absurd to him. He unconsciously exposed a smile.

But this seemed to anger Makudogaru.

“What’s so funny!?”

The leader kicked him in the face. Orphen silently glared back at him, his face red from the impact.

Makudogaru saw his silence as obedience, slowly, with a look of satisfaction on his face, he spoke:

“My name is Makudogaru——you are currently in the holy great heart, a sacred place. Me and my men are soldiers who serve a powerful Dragon, we will protect it and our homeland with our lives.”


He didn’t respond. Sarua shrugged his shoulders, Makudogaru continued his speech:

“Simply put, you and your apprentice will be executed. I don’t know why members of the Tower of Fang have come here, but you won’t be leaving this place alive.”


He remembered something.

“Now get some rest——we await your recovery. Then you’ll regret coming here.”

Makudogaru grinned at him, then both him and Sarua left the cell. Ensuring that the door was locked, they walked up the staircase.

Orphen used what magic he had to heal his shoulder wound, afterwards he slept. About an hour after his sleep, he recovered all his memory.


“……Why do you live in a room like this?”

This question made her feel very embarra.s.sed——Fiena looked out the window, she scowled.

(Right now she isn’t a priestess)

Majic came to this conclusion.

She turned. She was wearing ordinary civilian clothes indoors, they were made out of white linen.

“I don’t generally show myself in front of people.”

“Show yourself?”

Majic asked, a self-deprecating smile ran across Feina’s face.

“I am just for show——I unite the people of the village when important ceremonies are held, then……sometimes miracles happen.”

“Miracles……like healing people’s wounds?”

Feina didn’t answer. She looked back and forth across the room.

Majic also looked around——he noticed he was in the tower at the centre of the village, it was about ten meters off the ground. However, it wasn’t very s.p.a.cious. The room was only a handful of steps across. The room had a desk, a small round table, and a simple bed. Majic was lying on top of it.

Majic was wearing girl’s pyjamas, he lay motionlessly on the bed——under the pyjamas was bandages. It seemed the wounds he sustained from Makudogaru hadn’t healed yet, but he felt no pain. According to Fiena, he was ready to stand up and walk, but he was reluctant.

She was looking for something on the table——she picked up a kettle and cup, pouring water and putting it to her mouth.

“Has the wound stopped hurting?”

“Huh? Yeah……I guess so. However, when I move my body I feel a little muscle cramp.”

“I think that’s because the skin hasn’t connected right. I’m not a doctor, though the magic used was really powerful.”

“Is that right? My master is also strong with magic……”

Having said that, he thought of himself as a student——he didn’t know whether to regard this as a disadvantage or an advantage in this situation. Majic’s body shook a little, but he quickly put that fear behind him.

“Uhm, why am I dressed like this?”

The girl’s pyjamas he was wearing were too big for him. Feina moved the cup away from her mouth, a smile appeared across her face.

“Because that’s all I had, there was no other way for me to take care of you in my house.”

“Hehehe, I guess so.”

Then, Majic quietly whispered to himself.

(Hopefully I’ll get to see Master and Cleo again……though I don’t know how things will turn out……)

Majic thought for a moment, his face turned white.

“Anyway, whose clothes are these?”

Majic asked a question. The answer was simple for Feina.

Suddenly the door opened. Makudogaru entered with a grim look on his face. He attendant Sarua or his bodyguards weren’t with him, he was alone. Upon seeing him, Feian’s body shuddered.

“Are you ready, Feina?”

“What……do you mean?”

He didn’t know when Feina’s demeanour changed back to the “priestess”——Majic felt this was her defensive posture.

Makudogaru restlessly lifted his face.

“I’ve already told you about it......soon it will happen.”

“……I understand.”

Feina whispered.

Makudogaru’s patience was wearing thin, he took a deep breath and said:

“You said the same thing yesterday, and the day before that.”

“I think——”

Majic couldn’t hear her whisper. Though Makudogaru heard it clearly——he stared intently back at her.

“What did you just say?”

“I said……I……”

Feina repeated herself softly, but she still couldn’t be heard. Majic watched anxiously as her priestess demeanour collapsed.

Makudogaru took a step forward.

“Six months ago, when you were lost in the woods, I protected you.”

“……I didn’t get lost.”

She looked down and took a step backwards. Makudogaru quickly raised an eyebrow.

“You didn’t get lost? Then what were you doing?”

“I was looking for something.”

“Looking……for what?”

Feina’s voice was trembling.

“Looking…for you.

Hearing this, Makudogaru exposed a look of surprise.

“So you had a guide, didn’t you?”


Feina didn’t answer. Makudogaru took another step forward.

“You are indispensable for our plans, it would be impossible without you. We thank you.”

He shrugged.

“But we need a response, don’t we? You have the power, Feina.”

“The power……that sort of thing……”

Feina was hesitant. Makudogaru interrupted her:

“Indeed, you have the power——right? Because you can use Dragon magic.”


This was too much for Majic, he mind suddenly went blank.

Makudogaru continued:

“Use your power to find the heart of the forest. Only you can do this, Feina.”


Feina continued to mumble. Makudogaru violently grabbed her by the chest.

“You know better than this. I spared that boy for you——that should be enough.”

Makudogaru pointed at Majic. Majic felt scared, he couldn’t move his body.

Makudogaru continued talking:

“If you want a breath of fresh air, open a window——if you want earth under your feet, you are allowed to walk in the forest for three days! And yet you refuse to help me! Kindness should be repaid with kindness!”

“You’ve said enough.”

Majic said, he then took a deep breath, and cried:


He used that as an incantation, and released magic. In an instant, Makudogaru was lifted off the floor and flung across the room. Feina watched in amazement as Makudogaru hit the round table. Majic got up from the bed, his wound was still not fully healed, so he moved slowly.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d sorcerer——”

Makudogaru uttered. His face grim and tired. Majic generally wasn’t used to fighting, but right now he was ready for anything.


Behind him the girl cried. Majic quietly said something:

“Sorry, I won’t be able to chant incantations fast enough. Short ones will have to do.”

Makudogaru smiled, he put something in his left hand.

“Oh——so you know how to use it?”

“Yes. My master taught me. And Royal Law prohibits the manufacture and possession of such a thing. Why do you have it?”


Makudogaru stood up.

“If I want something, I get it. Just like how someday I’ll accept the G.o.ddess’ greeting.”


Majic was surprised.

“You mean the three G.o.ddess’ of fate that the Kimurakku church wors.h.i.+p, right?”

“In a way, yes——but the G.o.ddess give us strength, not ignorance, sorcerer.”

Makudogaru gestured towards his pistol.

“You and your magic cannot hope to match this power. In the heart of the forest……”


Majic groaned. Makudogaru gradually reached for his pistol.

(If this guy really uses his gun——)

A cold sweat went down Majic’s spine.

(I’ve got to kill him before he kills me. But——)

To Majic the exact thought of killing someone was beyond his imagination. He’s never killed, not even in his dreams. In fact, he never thought it would be necessary.

Makudogaru continued to speak. His eyes burning with fire.

“This is a necessary weapon, it protects the village, and more…Feina.”

“Feina is not your possession.”

Majic cried, waving his hand into the air. At the same time, Makudogaru grabbed his pistol faster than expected.

“Sword of light——”

Majic tried to shout, he was stunned. He was unable to release magic.

(It failed!)

Makudogaru pointed the gun directly at his forehead.

(I’m going to die!)

Makudogaru didn’t fire, he just stood there motionlessly. He wore a cold expression on his face.

“You did this……Feina.”

“……I did.”

Behind Majic, Feina answered. This angered Makudogaru, he said:

“I can’t move my arm……release your hold on me.”

“I’ll do it as long as you don’t kill magic?”

(Is this mental domination?)

Majic looked at her. He remembered what his master Orphen had told him, only white sorcerers could use mental domination. But even so, he didn’t hear Feina utter an incantation.

(This isn’t human magic.)

Makudogaru’s arm went down to his sides. He took a deep breath, and put the pistol back in its holster.

“It’s happening the day after tomorrow, be ready for it.”

Upon hearing this, Feina was shocked. Majic didn’t know what they were talking about, he remained silent. Makudogaru went to exit the room.

“Wait a second——”

She wanted to stop him. Makudogaru slammed the door shut in her face.

The room fell silent, Majic leaned against the bed. He was exhausted. He looked at Feina and asked:

“What’s the plan?”


She didn’t answer. Majic slowly stood up.

“……Where are they clothes I came here with?”

“Do you want to leave the village?”

Feina’s eyes became restless.

“Of course not.”

Majic didn’t know why he said this, he wanted to be back with his friends.

“At least not now. That guy Makudogaru is dangerous, we’ve got to take action.”


She was puzzled. Majic suddenly went silent, he then said:

“Why do you ask? Of course I want to escape from here.”


“Master is probably looking for me as we speak, he’s probably worried sick.”

“That guy……”

“He’s awesome, I bet my master could turn Makudogaru into dog food.”

“I’m sorry, I forgot to mention this.”


Feina spoke in a low tone:

“That man you speak of was caught.”


“What the h.e.l.l, ahhhh!”

“……Don’t yell, you’re giving me a headache.”

Orphen muttered. He lay in the dirty dungeon, his head felt like a bunch of bees were buzzing around it. He didn’t want to move much, or else the hangover would worsen. The wound on his left shoulder still hadn’t healed fully, if he tried moving it too much he might collapse from the pain.

Though the pain would help refresh his memory. Even with the pain he just wanted to forget everything, hoping his mind would drift off and end up somewhere else. Orphen recalled this though.

(What a load of s.h.i.+t.)

Standing in front of his cell were two guards and two others. Majic listened to the girl speaking for a moment, then they left.

At the same time, Orphen wondered if this was a dream. The girl appeared again.

“He was apprehended, he also can’t move much.”

Majic grabbed the iron bars. His apprentice had a couple holes in his s.h.i.+rt, there were traces of blood stains that were obviously cleaned.

“It’s a miracle that you’re alive. You survived an attack by the Deep Dragon.”

He wanted to say more, but he could feel Feina’s body tremble——he thought it was all an illusion. In this state, there was a chance the illusions could get worse. Majic went on to say:

“I’m glad that you are alive, but there’s something you’ve got to know——”

“Ah, shut up. Are you here to rescue me or not?”

“Listen, in about a day something big is going to happen.”

Feina tugged at Majic’s sleeve, he looked backwards, thinking for a moment.

“Uh…oh, Feina’s going to do a little favour for us, but——”

(This kid, he’s so excited in front of that girl.)

Orphen thought.

“I’m going to have to work on my own. Anyway, how are your injuries?”

“I’ve been better, still suffering from that mental attack. But how are you getting me out of?”

“Just leave it up to me.”

“That’s a relief.”

The sarcasm was obvious. He then looked closer at the girl.

“You are the one called Feina, correct? I have something to ask you.”


The little girl stuttered——she was afraid to look him in the eye, her eyes were pointed downwards.

“This underground cell is connected to the tower and the village. Next to the tower is a large building, what’s inside it?”


The girl went silent. Perhaps she was forbidden to speak of it——or didn’t want to, this was obvious to Orphen.

He decided to ask about something else.

“……About yesterday. That Dragon appeared in the middle of the village……why was that?”

“W-What do you mean?”

She said, still avoiding eye contact. Orphen sighed.

“The Deep Dragon is the guardian of the forest——it’s said in legends that it wipes out human villages it comes across in this forest in the blink of an eye, but it didn’t attack anyone——Also, is it really the patron saint of this village?”


“It’s fine if you don’t want to answer——but could you at least tell us why we were attacked upon entering this forest.”

“……It’s because you are a sorcerer. We were notified by two small people that you would be arriving.”

“Those darn racc.o.o.n dogs……they are always giving me trouble.”

For the next while they traded stories about what happened, Majic mentioned Makudogaru’s pistol and Feina’s magic.

Orphen said softly:



She looked at him. Orphen was brief.

“Thanks for the treatment, you saved my life.”

“That was nothing……”

“You treated master?”

Majic asked. Orphen didn’t want to hear Feina tell him the entire story, he cut to the chase:

“I’m not entirely sure, it was like——my spirit has been destroyed——she helped bring my humanity back.”

“That’s right.”

Feina said positively.

“That’s some power you wield, tell me more about it.”


She didn’t answer. Her hands moved to her chest, she glanced over at Majic. It seemed she was accustomed to look to others for support.

“I asked a question, don’t look at him——answer.”

“Master, this isn’t an interrogation——”

Majic protested.

“I’ll answer. I’ll……I’ll……”

Her voice was getting smaller and smaller.

“You must obviously wield a strong force, what are you afraid of?”


Feina didn’t answer. It looked like she had become the priestess once again.

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About Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Rogue Journey Vol 4 Chapter 3 novel

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