Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Rogue Journey Vol 3 Epilogue

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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Rogue Journey Book 03 - Spectre, Sleeping on My Chest - Chapter 7 - Epilogue   Chapter 7 – Epilogue   Tap......tap......tap...... The footsteps were slow and rough. It was dark everywhere, looking into the darkness you would stare into nothingness. The smell of the charred wood was intense, the entire mansion had been burned down to the ground, the only thing that remained was the bas.e.m.e.nt. The smell of sewage remained, even though the heat evaporated the sewage water, the air was filled with a rancid smell. On the floor was pieces of a broken sink, shards of gla.s.s were everywhere, a peculiar body laid on the floor. Tap……Tap…… The footsteps stopped at the entrance to the bas.e.m.e.nt. The owner of the footsteps lifted his right arm, and chanted: “I give birth to thee, tiny little spirits.” With the sound of the incantation, a small fire appeared in his hand. The room was illuminated——and so too was the person. It was a young dark haired man, probably around twenty years old. Large bags were under his eyes, they had a sinister look, as he squinted them. The youth had a quiet demeanour, the air around him was strange. His mouth slowly opened.
“I think something is wrong……” He said in a questioning tone. Then someone answered. “……You mean me?” The voice came from a huge fish on the floor. It lay there motionless, its lower abdomen was torn off, blood was all over the floor, the air smelled a little like gas. “You really are alive, Fonogorosu. I’ve got questions, three in fact.” The youth——it was Orphen. He scratched the headband on his forehead. “I’m guessing you don’t have much time left for questions, I’ll try and be quick. About the statue of the G.o.ddesses, I want to hear you say it, what meaning does it have?” “…………” Fonogorosu was silent for a moment, then he said: “I was a heretic, an apostate——are you satisfied with that answer?” “So you wanted the statue of the G.o.ddesses to be destroyed, I thought this place was originally some kind of religious meeting place. Maybe you cursed the G.o.ds, or lived in fear of them.” Fonogorosu didn’t answer, he angrily asked the next question. “I’ll ask the second question. Why did you want to make man-made beasts? Even the dragon race has exceeded their fighting abilities, and there isn’t even any war now.” “……Like the previous question and answer. I’m afraid……an equal fighting force is needed.” “……What are you afraid of?” “I can’t say. He said I would die. Speaking of the dead——in any case, my body has already perished. Death no longer matters, but I want to die in their hands. I don’t want to know if the soul is destroyed. If you think you know the words——” His voice was filled with emptiness, it echoed throughout the room. “Then you might be able to understand it. I was in Kimurakku.” “The Churches Headquarters in Kimurakku……?” Orphen asked, but Fonogorosu was silent. Orphen sighed deeply, he also wanted to ask him about Ramon Fonogorosu. He asked another question. “……How are you able to speak?” The fishes body lay there motionless, there was no sounds coming from it. It was exactly like a corpse. But then a sound echoed in the bas.e.m.e.nt…… Fonogorosu didn’t answer. Orphen suddenly noticed that the belly of the fish was cracking open, he could see a vague silhouette——it was a skinny withered old man, he was wrapped in robes, he looked afraid. In the blink of Orphen’s eye, it disappeared. ……Maybe, maybe he became a true undead. Orphen thought, as he quietly clenched his right hand. The fire in his hand disappeared. “……Goodbye, Fonogorosu.” Orphen said, he then turned around. He footsteps echoed in the bas.e.m.e.nt as he walked away. The only thing that was left in that room was darkness, pieces of gla.s.s, rubble, water marks, the dead body of a man-made fish beast, the lonely souls of the undead, and many lost secrets.   ***   “Well, Dortin! Let’s take advantage of this opportunity!” Vulcan shouted. He ran out of the Inn, jumping onto the road leading to the next village, Dortin chased after him. He whispered: “......Who would have known things went so smoothly?” Vulcan intended to get away scot free from the loan shark, as to avoid paying him the money he was owed. However, he was caught and mercilessly beaten for thirty minutes to the point where his joints were dislocated, but now he has recovered, and started running as fast as a rabbit. Though his brother wasn’t as fast. “Slow down, brother!” Dortin was slowly catching up, but Vulcan wasn’t slowing down. “Must we escape from this village?” “That goes without saying!” Vulcan simply answered. He held one finger in the air. “Onward, to the hope of tomorrow! I am the Masmaturian Bulldog, Volcano Vulcan, I will be victorious!” “In other words, that won’t happen.” Dortin looked helpless. Vulcan hesitated for a moment, he was going to reprimand him, but he thought of something else. “However, my brother!”
“Hey!” “Listen to me!” “Back at that place——” “What!” “They tied a rope to your feet!” “My feet?” “Yes, a rope……” By the time Vulcan knew what he was saying, his face hit the ground. It seemed someone pulled on the rope. “You are such an idiot……” “I’m sorry, but you didn’t give me time to tell you.” Dortin said, staring at Vulcan on the ground. “What b.a.s.t.a.r.d did this prank……I’m going to dice him up and cook him with some dried mushrooms……” Vulcan slowly stood up, and grabbed hold of the rope, it was tied to a black silhouette not far away. “Hehehehe……” “L-Loan shark!” Vulcan shouted. The silhouette——Orphen, grinned wildly. “Seems like you forgot about someone.” “D-d.a.m.n you, Dortin! You were the one who said I wouldn’t succeed.” “When did I say that……?” Dortin said, but no one was listening. The loan sharks eyes were full of energy, he lifted his arms up. “Okay! You owe me money plus interest! If you don’t pay me I’ll be forced to have you arrested.” “You should have some compa.s.sion when it comes to money.” Dortin whispered to Vulcan. “Come on, a little further and we’ll be out of here.” “No.” “Hey……just give me a second to……” “I don’t think so.” The black sorcerer smiled. Vulcan looked very frightened. “I know, you can use my body as payment.”  “Sure, I’ll bring you to a butcher and sell you.” The sorcerer smiled. Vulcan was so scared he couldn’t talk. At that time—— A black figure suddenly appeared on the road. The persons long black hair was full of sheen, the tall beautiful woman was wearing a full body leather outfit. Orphen noticed her, he turned away. “Don’t bully him, pity him.” The woman threw a flirtatious wink towards Orphen. Vulcan thought this beautiful woman was here to save him. “It’s a G.o.ddess!” Vulcan said to her, she lifted her leg and kicked Vulcan in the face. Her hand moved to her mouth, she couldn’t hold back the laughter, the sound of a metallic object came from her bag. “I want you to have this. Stop avoiding me.” “What is this, Hirietta?” The sorcerer asked. Hirietta replied: “It’s your reward for helping me.” “Oh……” It was a leather bag, it was full of coins. The coins looked a little different from what was normally used on the continent, regardless of this fact, the value isn’t diminished. He didn’t know if they were copper or gold, but he didn’t care as the bag was full of money. The sorcerer wondered for a moment, but he shook his head. “I don’t want it.” “Me me me me me……” Vulcan said. “I bet you don’t need a woman to give you money. Stop trying to be such a gentleman.” Hirietta shot Orphen a puzzled look. “Just take it, this isn’t dubious money. It’s money that I’ve saved since running away from home.” “Dubious money, that sounds about right.” Vulcan was now trying to stand up, he tried to reach for the money, Hirietta kicked him back to the ground. “It’s alright, I don’t need it.” “Why is that?” “Because I didn’t do this for the money.” Orphen got closer to Hirietta, nearing Vulcan on the ground.  At that moment—— “I have you now!” Vulcan jumped to his feet, he hit Orphen in the foot with the blunt side of his sword. The sorcerers face instantly turned white, the pain was intense, he groaned out aloud. “Hurry, Dortin!” Vulcan screamed, as tried to break free of the rope. “I should have expected a move like that……” “The money……” “I’ll make you scream so much you’ll be having nightmares in the middle of the night……” Hirietta then stepped in front of Orphen, but he shook his head. “How about I make it more interesting.” “What have you got in mind?” Dortin said, wondering if it was something mischievous. Hirietta smiled. “Well, this man——he is very talented, even though he’s a little awkward. Help him out a little.” Orphen was perplexed. “No, I won’t accept any kind of him from them two. Besides, I’ve already got a partner.” Orphen flatly refused. He then looked around, he saw that the rope was cut, and Vulcan had already started running away. “…………?” Orphen smiled. “Hey, Majic! Did you get that rope ready?” “Yes!” There was a tree across the road——a rope was tied to the tree, it lead to another tree across the road, Majic pulled it and Vulcan ran straight into it, sending him face first into the ground. “You beast!” Vulcan struggled, but he was too exhausted to move.  “It worked? It worked!” Hirietta and Orphen laughed together, this would probably be the last time they did this. Nevertheless, both of them valued and cherished the moments they spent together. Later in life Orphen would reflect on this village, and the scary ghost stories that he left behind for all the children of the village.

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