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Unity in Dispersion, A History of the World Jewish Congress. New York, 1948.
VALENTIN, HUGO. Rescue and Relief Activities in Behalf of Jewish Victims of n.a.z.ims in Scandinavia. In: Yivo Annual of Jewish Social Science; New York, 1953; Vol. VIII.
VENEZIS, ILIAS. Archbishop Damaskinos. Athens, 1952; in Greek.
VOGT, PAUL. Judennot und Christenglaube. Zurich, 1943; in German.
VOGT, PAUL. Soll ich mein Bruders Hueter sein? Zurich, 1944; in German.
VOGT, PAUL. Aus Not und Rettung. Zurich, 1944; in German.
VISSER 'T HOOFT, W.A. The Struggle of the Dutch Church for the Maintenance of the Commandments of G.o.d in the Life of the State. London, 1944.
VISSER 'T HOOFT, W.A. (Ed.). The First a.s.sembly of the World Council of Churches. London, 1949.
VISSER 'T HOOFT, W.A. The Ec.u.menical Movement and the Racial Problem.
Paris, 1954.
VISSER 'T HOOFT, W.A. (Ed.). The Third a.s.sembly of the World Council of Churches (Second impression). London, 1962.
WARE, TIMOTHY. The Orthodox Church. Pelican Books, 1963.
WARMBRUNN, WERNER. The Dutch under German Occupation 1940-1945, London, 1963.
WIELEK, H. De Oorlog die Hitler won. Amsterdam, 1947; in Dutch.
WEISENBORN, GUNTHER. Der lautlose Aufstand. Hamburg, 1953; in German.
"The World Alliance of Reformed Churches". Published by The World Presbyterian Alliance; Geneva, 1964.
YAHIL, LENI. Test of Democracy, the Rescue of Danish Jewry in World War II.
Jerusalem, 1966; in Hebrew, with a summary in English.
YAHIL, LENI. Historians of the Holocaust; a Plea for a New Approach. In: The Wiener Library Bulletin, 1967/68, Vol. XXII, pp. 2-5.
ZIPFEL, FRIEDRICH. Kirchenkamp in Deutschland 1933-1945. Berlin, 1965; in German.
American Lutheran (monthly).
L'Arche (Jewish monthly), Paris.
Basler Nachrichten.
Le Christianisme Social (French Protestant Bimonthly).
The Christian World (Protestant weekly), London.
"Church of England Newspaper LONDON."
"Conversation entre le Dr. Visser 't Hooft, le Dr. Freudenberg et le Dr. Barot, concernant les activites Cimade-wcc pendant la guerre". Dec. 14, 1965.
Archives of the World Council of Churches, Geneva; mimeographed; in French.
Dagens Nyheter (Swedish daily).
The Ec.u.menical Review. A Quarterly published by the World Council of Churches, Geneva.
Federal Council Bulletin. Monthly of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Glasgow Herald.
Hervormd Nederland (Dutch Protestant Weekly).
International Christian Press & Information Service (I.C.P.I.S.), Bulletin published by the World Council of Churches, Geneva.
The Interpreter (Quarterly published by the London Diocesan Council for Christian-Jewish understanding).
The Jewish Chronicle (weekly), London.
The Jewish Review, New York.
Kristen Gemenskap (Swedish Protestant Magazine).
The Life of Faith (Protestant weekly), London.
Liverpool Post.
Manchester Guardian.
Narodno Delo (newspaper), Sofia.
The New York Herald Tribune. <314>
The New York Times.
Quarterly Newsletter from the World Council of Churches' Committee on the Church and the Jewish People; Geneva.
"Rapport van de Commissie van Onderzoek inzake het verstrekken van pakketten door het Rode Kruis en andere instanties aan Nederlandse politieke gevangenen in het buitenland gedurende de bezettingstijd alsmede inzake het evacueren van Nederlandse gevangenen kort voor en na het einde van de oorlog" ('s-Gravenhage, 1947; in Dutch).
Reformiertes Kirchenblatt fur Osterreich (Protestant monthly), Vienna.
Reports and Recommandations of the International Conference of Christians and Jews, Seelisberg, 1947. (London, 1947).
Schweiz. Evang. Pressedienst (E.P.D.), Protestant Bulletin, Zurich. "Schweiz.
Sammlung fur die Fluechtlings.h.i.+lfe, Oct. Nov. 1942"; Report published by the "Schweiz. Zentralstelle fur Fluchtlings.h.i.+lfe".
The Spiritual Issues of the War, Bulletin published by the Religious Division of the Ministry of Information, London.
De Standaard (Dutch Protestant daily), Amsterdam.
The Times, London.
De Waarheid (Dutch Communist daily), Amsterdam.
The Wiener Library Bulletin, London.
Yad Vashem Bulletin, Jerusalem.
Yad Vashem Studies, Jerusalem.