The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Part 36

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Adenosma caerulea, R.Br.?

Baea Commersoni, R.Br. fide F. von. Mueller.

Hemigraphis reptans, T. And.

Hemigraphis reptans, forma.

Ruellia sp. R. arvensis. S. Moore var? v. sp. nov. aff. Growing beside a stream, 1 feet high, with light-yellow flowers.

Acanthus ebracteatus, V.

Eranthemum variabile, Br. var.? Very common in the waste ground of plantations and by the sides of paths: 1 to 2 feet in height.


Premna obtusifolia, R.Br. an P. taitensis Schr? vulgo "Demoko." A littoral tree 12 to 15 feet in height.

Vitex an V. ac.u.minata, Br.? vulgo "Fasala." A large forest tree, a hundred feet and over in height, with small b.u.t.tresses, supplying wood for paddles and canoes.

Clerodendron inerme, Br.

Verbenacea dubia? vulgo "Au-au." A tree fifty to sixty feet high.


Moschosma polystachyum: Bth: vulgo "Pipituan."

Ocymum sanctum, L: vulgo "Kiramma."

Plectranthus v. Coleus? vulgo "Momauri." Leaves, when crushed, give a reddish-brown stain, and used for staining the skin. Height 1 feet.

Plectranthus parviflorus, W.


Amarantus melancholicus, L.

Cyathula prostrata, Bl.


Piper Betel var. (Chavica Siriboa, Miq.) vulgo "Kolu."


Myristica sp... vulgo "Ito-ito." Coast tree fifteen feet in height.

Myristica sp... vulgo "Baimoloi." A tree fifty feet high, growing 1600 feet above the sea.


Litsea sp... vulgo "Pitoponkano." A tall forest tree.


Hernandia peltata, Meiss: vulgo "Koli."


Euphorbia pilulifera, L.

Euphorbia Atoto, Forst.

Phyllanthus (-- Emblica) sp., allied to P. baeobotryoides, Wall? vulgo "Mefuan." A tree 15 to 20 feet high.

Mallotus tiliaefolius, M. Arg. M. ac.u.minatus, Juss? Tree twenty feet high, growing at the coast on the border of swampy ground.

Macaranga sp... vulgo "Balako." A tree forty to fifty feet high, with ringed trunk.

Aleurites? vulgo "Aligesi." A stout climber on forest trees. Kernels of fruit edible.

Sapium indic.u.m, Willd? vulgo "Aligesi." A tree seventy feet high, growing on the verge of a mangrove swamp.

Excaecaria Agallocha, L.

Codiaeum sp... (?)

Codiaeum variegatum. A. Juss: vulgo "Tiatakush."


Trema (Sponia) sp...: vulgo "Kio." A tree seventy to eighty feet high.

Ficus nr F. theophrastoides. Seem? vulgo "Tutubolo." Growing in plantations. Probably 10 to 12 feet high.

Ficus sp... vulgo "Uri." A tree eighty to ninety feet high, with b.u.t.tress roots. Growing on coral islets.

Ficus sp... vulgo "Sii." A banyan growing at or near the coast and on coral islets. Multiple trunks, some cylindrical and erect, others plank-like and arching. Height eighty or ninety feet and over.

Ficus sp... vulgo "Chim." A banyan often growing on the crest of inland ridges. The multiple trunks are all cylindrical and erect, and individually smaller than in the case of the Sii: they are also more closely arranged. Height a hundred and fifty feet and over.

Ficus? vulgo "Ilimo." A tall forest tree over a hundred feet in height, with magnificent b.u.t.tresses.

Artocarpus incisa, L. There appears to be but one variety of the Bread-fruit tree in the islands of Bougainville Straits. The fruit is stalked, seedless, and rough externally, the leaves pinnatisect, with smooth surfaces. Fruit ripens in August. Vulgo "Balia."

Artocarpus sp... vulgo "Tafati." Perhaps a variety of the Jack-fruit Tree (A. integrifolia). Sixty feet high. Fruit larger than the common bread-fruit, but more irregular in shape: seeded: edible.

Fleurya interrupta, Gaud. (F. spicata, var.)

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