The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Part 18

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Pot (cooking) Kore.

Present (a) Teletafala.

Quarter Totoli.

Queen Mamaifi.

Quick Fakare.

Rain Laiti.

Resin { Anoga, for torches.

[166]{ t.i.ta, for canoe seams.

Rope Fili.

Run Gagona.

Same Umbilua.

Sea Keno; Kelo.

Short Papa.

Shut Dakopi.

Sick Mate; Sali.

Sing (to) Gatu.

Sister Fafini.

Sit Ahotu.

Sky Abu; Avu.

Sleep Sueli.

Small Kaidakina.

Smoke Tula.

Speak Arei; Selli-selli.

Spear Portulu.

Spirit Nito; Nitu.

Star Bito-bito.

Stone Patu.

Stop Aru.

Sun Feo; Isang.

Swim (to) Usu.

Tail Aukuna.

Tambu (forbidden) Olatu.

Tear Igati.

Thin Morsu.

Thirsty Fana-oa.

To-day Ibai.

To-morrow Boiwa Town Famaca.

Tray Kisu; Kishu.

(The name of the palm supplying the material for making the trays is also "kisu.") Tree Au; Ava.

Waist-cloth Malioto.

Wait Au.

Walk (to) Dagona.

Wash (to) Sisi.

Water Ateli (fresh).

Kelo; Keno (salt).

Wet Pu-un.

What? Afana?

When? Lefila?

Whistle (to) Faso.

Wife Ewa.

Wind Oa.

Woman Batafa; Bataha; Talai-ina.

Wood Au.

Work Karre.

Worn Tualina.

Yes O-o.

Yesterday Lafi.

[166] These are also the native names of the trees supplying the resins, the _anoga_ being probably a species of "Canarium," the _t.i.ta_, "Parinarium laurinum."


One Ilia; Kala.

Two Elua.

Three episa; ebisha.

Four Efate; Efatsi.

Five Lima.

Six Onomo; Onoma.

Seven Fito; Fit.

Eight Alu.

Nine Ulia.

Ten Lafulu.

Eleven Lafulu kala.

Twelve Lafulu elua.

Thirteen Lafulu episa Fourteen Lafulu efate Fifteen Lafulu lima.

Sixteen Lafulu onomo.

Seventeen Lafulu fito.

Eighteen Lafulu alu.

Nineteen Lafulu ulia.

Twenty Tanuge; Tana oge.

Thirty Pisa-vulu.

Forty Fatia-vulu.

Fifty Lima-hulu.

Sixty Nomo-fulu.

Seventy Fitua-fulu.

Eighty Alua-fulu.

Ninety Tia-fulu; Sia-fulu.

Hundred Latu; Latu-u.

_Parts of Body._

Ankle Sapolu.

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