Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 2.3

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* * * Continued from Part 2 * * *  


“And—please don’t call him trash, or curse him.”
  Her voice was lighter than wind, yet it carried fierce determination.
  Yi Tang Yao’s fingers froze.
  As the basketball lost its grip, it fell, bouncing off the court. His eyes narrowed, casting Xiao Mi a look of utter disdain. He took big strides towards her, gripping her shoulders and shaking her violently.
  “f.u.c.k! What’s this crazy s.h.i.+t you’re up to again!”

Xiao Mi was seeing stars with being shaken like a rag doll. Her head giddy and legs unsteady, she forced herself to look up at him.
  “Weren’t you unwilling to apologise? Then, I’ll do it on your behalf.”
  “Who do you think you are?!” Yi Tang Yao roared. “Apologise for me?! To h.e.l.l with you! Whatever you’ve said, take it back, got me!”
  He shook Xiao Mi infuriatedly.
  Xiao Mi was finding it hard to breathe, it felt as if the world was spinning before her. “I can’t......”
  “Yi Tang Yao! It’s you again!”
  By now, the female PE teacher has found the Mr Fang, who have left earlier for other matters. Mr Fang have heard the gist of the incident from other cla.s.smates. Apparently, it happened while everyone was practicing ball, and Yi Tang Yao was dozing off at the side without a stir. Wei Tao mocked him as trash, and Yi Tang Yao burst into anger after hearing that. This led to the violent scene of ball hitting man.
  Mr Fang’s height went up to 1.9m, with a build of a tower, pumped with muscle. The students call him ‘King Kong Fang’ behind his back. He grabbed Yi Tang Yao’s arm, and rescued Xiao Mi from his violent grip. He stared down at the enraged Yi Tang Yao, his voice booming.
  “You dare mess around in my cla.s.s?!”
  The cla.s.s started to stir in excitement. Legends say that King Kong Fang abhorred evil. Past seniors, who always got into fights, were all mercilessly punished by him.
  Yi Tang Yao glared back!
  The second cla.s.s of World Commerce sucked in their breaths.
  Yi Tang Yao’s body seemed to combust fierce, orange flames. His gaze burned, the diamond on his nose emitting an eerie glow.
  He was standing against Mr Fang. Yet, this did nothing to suppress his nerve.
  At this time, every student in the court could sense the unnatural atmosphere. Everyone huddled together on tiptoes, their breaths low, in antic.i.p.ation of what is to come.
  “I heard Wei Tao called you trash?” Mr Fang scrutinized Yi Tang Yao. “He was wrong in mocking you, but, using violence to solve the problem seems too simple-minded.”
  “Mr Fang!”
  Wei Tao exploded in rage. Despite being beaten up, he was the one at fault?! So it seems Mr Fang is like the other teachers, getting on the good side of those influential and powerful.
  Yi Tang Yao smirked. “What’s done is done, what more do you want?”
  “It’s easy to prove you’re not trash. In sports, one of the segments most admired and respected is the marathon. Only those with the willpower can persevere in it.” Mr Fang pointed at the crimson running track. “If you can run 10,000m, then you will be able to prove Wei Tao wrong.”
  Everyone was shocked.
  That’s an entire 25 rounds.
  Running 1km during a fitness test is exhausting enough. 10,000m would get one foaming with seizures. “Okay! If you can run 10,000m, I’ll take today’s incident as my fault!” Wei Tao stared fiercely at Yi Tang Yao. “If you can’t, you’ll let everyone know—that Yi Tang Yao is complete tras.h.!.+”
  For the past three years in college, Yi Tang Yao has skipped out on even the basic fitness test, much less partic.i.p.ate in a sports event. He has been absent for every cla.s.s sport. Among the guys, it’s been said that Yi Tang Yao may be handsome, but he’s beancurd that pants after walking 500m.
  At this moment, all eyes were on Yi Tang Yao.
  Yi Tang Yao’s lips pressed tightly together.
  He stance was indifferent, the rim of his eyes dark and cold. Sunlight radiated off the diamond on his nose, casting a small glow on his face.
  The girls clasped their mouths.
  G.o.d, even at this time, Yi Tang Yao’s good looks are surreal. If not for his foul temper, he is undoubtedly the perfect prince charming depicted in novels and manhua.
  “I’ll run for him!”
  A girl stood in front of Yi Tang Yao.
  “10,000m, is it? I’ll do it.” The girl’s clear gaze inclined towards Wei Tao and Cheng Yuan. “You don’t have to apologise or admit you’re wrong, because he is the one at fault. But, please forgive what he has done today.”
  The girl bowed towards Wei Tai, Cheng Yuan and Mr Fang. Then, she gritted her teeth and took off towards the running track.
  Xiao Mi again!
  Everyone shared glances, this girl really has a problem with her head! Even Mr Fang raised his eyebrows in shock. He hadn’t expected this, that Yi Tang Yao has it in him to have a girlfriend so willing to ‘suffer and sacrifice’ for him. Wei Guo Guo’s mouth hung open, speechless. Meanwhile, Cheng Yuan gazed towards Xiao Mi’s running figure, her brow emanating an air of unconcern.
  Yi Tang Yao glanced at his watch, with a cold voice, “Cla.s.s has ended.” As he finished, he started walking, with not even a glance at Xiao Mi.
  “Hey! It doesn’t count if she runs!”
  Wei Tao came back into senses, hollering towards Yi Tang Yao’s back.
    *             *             *
  The sun on the east.
  Dusk dyed the horizon in crimson. Even the gra.s.s on the field reflected a dizzying red. The loudspeakers in the campus started to broadcast soft melodies.
  It’s evening.
  Sheng Shu’s students walked past the Business Building leisurely. Not one noticed the frail figure running on the track.
  The seventeenth round......
  Xiao Mi’s lungs were on fire. Her throat felt raw; even as she struggled to gasp, she couldn’t breathe. Pitch darkness blanketed her eyes, and her head was muddled with stars. She couldn’t see the road before her, couldn’t see if there was anyone in front. She could no longer feel her limbs, only—
  That she might die any second!
  The empty track.
  The teachers have gone back, and all the students already left. Even those who stayed to watch the spectacle couldn’t stand the boredom, and left for the cafeteria.
  No one counted the rounds for Xiao Mi.
  Actually, even Xiao Mi herself was unsure if she was running the seventeenth or eighteenth round. If so, it’s better to count less. She must run 10,000m, even if it means she would spew blood and faint!
  Blood gushed in her brain.
  The veins in her temple throbbed, and seemed to tear painfully.
  Xiao Mi’s consciousness has already been engulfed by darkness. Besides her pounding heartbeat, there was only wind behind her ears.
  The sun gradually set.
  Streetlights switched on.
  The long red running track.
  Xiao Mi’s figure blended into the dark. Only when she ran under the light could you glimpse her pale face, and the sweat that cascaded down like rain.
    *             *             *
  Darkness enveloped the ground.
  Camphor trees rustled in the wind.
  Her body felt like it was breaking apart.
  The immeasurable pain in her body!
  Having finally completed running, Xiao Mi supported herself against a tree. “Ugh—” Her body bent over, she retched her guts out.
  So painful......
  She slid along the bark, as her body collapsed on the ground. She no longer cared about the stench of vomit around her. Hugging both legs, she buried her head between her knees. Her nose soured and tears rained down her face.
  I trained my body today. I ran for a very, very long time.
  Are you laughing?
  I didn’t lie to you, I really ran! But, I’m exhausted...... for a moment I thought I would fall over and die. In the past, you always said I was too lazy, and that I didn’t understand exercising would train one’s physique. At that time, I even reb.u.t.ted that even though I don’t run, I am a sports genius once I do. Heehee, such big words.
  I’m no genius.
  I am dying from running.
  Yi, what are you busy with? Can you show yourself for a bit? Just a while would do......”
  The yellow glow from the streetlights shone into the woods.
  A shadow appeared before Xiao Mi’s feet.
  Her breath stopped, as she abruptly raised her head.
  “You don’t seem that good in running.”
  A cold tone. The owner of that voice folded his arms, with two legs lazily positioned under the dense camphor trees. Due to their overcast, his outline seemed strikingly statuesque.
  Xiao Mi hurriedly wiped the tears off her face, and smiled.
  “I’m fine, not tired at all.”
  Yi Tang Yao frowned with annoyance. “Who cares about you! I just happen to pa.s.s by the area.”
  Xiao Mi tussled her hair awkwardly.
  “Why did you run for me?” Yi Tang Yao appraised her coldly.
  Xiao Mi struggled to stand. She leaned on the bark, her breathing short and weak. Her lungs still hurt. “Why...... didn’t you tell them you couldn’t do rigorous exercises?”
  Yi Tang Yao was taken aback!
  He grabbed her shoulders, irrational. “You--!”
  “You have heart problems, don’t you?” Xiao Mi gasped. Her shoulders are rupturing from his grips. “You can’t do rigorous exercises with a heart problem. Why didn’t you tell the teachers and students about it?”
  “How did you know?!”
  “Your memory’s really bad......” Xiao Mi tried to break free from his palms. “That day, I was the one who sent you to the hospital. You probably had a relapse, you were almost unconscious.” Words aside, he hadn’t returned her the money for the taxi.
  Yi Tang Yao’s body went rigid. His right hand slowly slid from her shoulder.
  “I don’t have heart disease.”
  His lips were hard, like marble.
  Xiao Mi gazed at him silently. “A health problem isn’t something shameful.”
  “I said--! I don’t—have—heart disease! Are you deaf?!”
  His roars echoed throughout the forest.
  Yi Tang Yao raged, pounding his fist onto the bark. Leaves rustled and trembled violently. Even the lights seemed to have broken, flickering unnaturally.
  “I know.”
  Xiao Mi rasped softly. The sweat has long trickled off her body, and gusts of cold a.s.saulted her.
  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” She smiled at Yi Tang Yao, her eyes akin to the bright crescents in the night sky. “But you have to take care of your own body. Even fighting is considered rigorous exercise. If you don’t take care of youself, then I might let loose this secret to everyone else!”
  Is considered a threat?  
  Amidst the camphor forest in the night, Yi Tao Yao furiously surveyed the girl with fine hair and crescent-shaped eyes.

  * * * To Be Continued * * *

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