Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 1.3

Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni -

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* * * Continued from Part 2 * * *

“Don’t sit there anymore.”

Wei Guo Guo pulled Xiao Mi out of the cla.s.sroom, and whispered to her. Since she had said that she would be her friend, she has the duty of informing her of the important stuff.


“Yi Tang Yao is the most incorrigible person in this school!”

“Why do you say so?” Xiao Mi’s eyes grew wide.

“He always skips cla.s.s, and has already failed three subjects. The calculus, accountancy and statistics teachers have marked his name five times this semester, and he ceased to show up time and again. Those teachers then made a bold remark towards him before the exam, ‘Yi Tang Yao, you don’t have to take the exams, you’ll definitely fail anyway!’”

“Then, did he really fail?”

“Yeah! All three subjects scored 59 marks.” Wei Guo Guo giggled. “I seriously hate his guts the most. Even if he doesn’t show up, he could at least be quiet about it. There had been frequent cases where he would come in late like today, and disrupt the cla.s.s.”

“59 marks……” Xiao Mi was stunned. “That means, if he hadn’t been missing, he should be able to pa.s.s……”

“Who knows? It could be that the teachers did it out of pique on purpose.”

“Oh, I see.” Xiao Mi shot a faraway glance at Yi Tang Yao, who was still asleep on his desk. A feeling of dejection slowly glided across her heart. 

“He also loves fighting! There have been at least two incidents in which he had landed someone in hospital!” Wei Guo Guo pouted. “But, his family is rich. No matter how serious the incident, it seems like his mother can always settle it. That is why he could remain this contumelious, going about his ways like a tyrant in school compounds.”

A tyrant? In the morning when she sent him to hospital, it was true that he was fierce; when he was late for cla.s.s, it isn’t wrong to say he wasn’t haughty either. But, the Yi Tang Yao as of now was sleeping like a child. Xiao Mi completely couldn’t pin the image of a tyrant on him.

Wei Guo Guo scrutinized Xiao Mi, whose head was lost in the clouds. “Hey, Xiao Mi!”


“Do you enjoy reading shoujo manhua?”

“I don’t read much.”

Wei Guo Guo clutched her chest, and breathed out. “Huu, that’s good, that’s good. You mustn’t be like those girls, rambling about how a man gets more attractive the meaner he is. Each of them twirls around Yi Tang Yao, putting up their innocent girl facades as they infatuate about him. They can’t even be shaken away, how shameless. All of them had been shot with the venom of shoujo manhua.”

Xiao Mi broke into a laugh. “Wei Guo Guo, thanks.”

“Why are you thanking me?”

“You do take good care of me.” She smiled at Wei Guo Guo, her eyes clear and transparent. “I am very lucky, aren’t I? To have been able to know you.”

Wei Guo Guo was moved by her words, and clasped Xiao Mi’s hands in hers. “I like you a lot as well! I guess this should be fate, we’ll definitely become bosom friends.” As she said this, she abruptly widened her eyes. “Haha, come quickly and see this! A good show is about to unfold!”

Xiao Mi followed her gaze to the direction she spoke of—

Waa, what a virtuous, beautiful girl. 

A sparkling, delicate face, big hazy eyes that garnered sympathy. Long, ebony hair flowed and dispersed at her waist, as it swayed around a slim, emaciated figure.

That girl strode into the cla.s.sroom, and every man’s eyes were fixated on her. Pink bubbles floated up; their gaping mouths forgotten to close. Xiao Mi had always thought such a beautiful girl would only exist in Grandmother Liang Yao’s novels. How delicate. Her entire disposition gives people the overwhelming urge to want to protect her.

“She’s Na Lu, belle of the literary department.”

“Her surname is rather strange.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that she is of Manchurian bloodline, the descendant of some long gone dynasty.” Wei Guo Guo snickered. “She has always proclaimed herself to be Yi Tang Yao’s guardian angel. G.o.d knows how many infatuated hearts she has shattered.”

Na Lu walked to the front of Yi Tang Yao’s desk, and gazed at him silently. Her gentle, considerate expression made her look like a pure angel, with wings sprouted from her back.

“You’ve come, haven’t you?”

She spoke to him, her voice wispy and dream-like, as if afraid that her voice would disturb him.

“What utter c.r.a.p! If he hadn’t come, was what you’ve seen a ghost?” Yang Ke Wei snorted coldly, as she rose from her seat. She took large strides towards Yi Tang Tao, and segregated him, pus.h.i.+ng Na Lu out of the way. She spoke, the ends of her lips curled into a superficial smile. “Idiot, can’t you see that he’s sleeping? Shove off, don’t badger him!”

Na Lu ignored Yang Ke Wei, and continued to stare at Yi Tang Yao, smitten.

“Are you still well? Why are you this exhausted?”

Yang Ke Wei shook off gooseb.u.mps, a s.h.i.+ver running through her body. “Don’t you find yourself sickening?”

“Na Lu versus Yang Ke Wei, battle 301.” Wei Guo Guo shook her head. “This is a cla.s.sic show of battle. Basically, once Yi Tang Yao appears, we’ll hear the drums playing as the performance begins.”

“They’re both his girlfriends?” They seem to belong to completely different types.

“Both? Ha ha, you’re underestimating Yi Tang Yao. His girlfriends can fill a truck. It’s just that these two are more dramatic, and have made their affairs known to all.”

The rays of sunlight that come after rain scattered into the cla.s.sroom.

A gentle delicate girl, a cold gorgeous lady; amidst these two, Yi Tang Yao was having a sweet sleep sprawled across the table, snoring lightly.

Sunlight akin to gla.s.s.

Shone vibrant and transparent on Yi Tang Yao’s body.

Xiao Mi had a sudden thought. In his dream, there must lie a peaceful world.

“Shut up!”

Yi Tang Yao growled furiously, his whole face spelling drowsiness having been deprived of sleep. He glared at Yang Ke Wei and Na Lu, both of which were buzzing incessantly like houseflies.

“I’m sorry……” Na Lu’s eyes instantly filled with tears, as she peeked at him guiltily. “I’ve bothered you, haven’t I? It’s all my fault……”

“You know it’s wrong, yet you’re always here pestering him, what the h.e.l.l’s with you?” Yang Ke Wei rolled her eyes at her.


Yang Ke Wei was taken aback, and stared at him disbelievingly.

“I said scram! Didn’t you hear me?!” Yi Tang Yao’s eyes glowed with rage, as he hollered at Yang Ke Wei. “Scram--! I remembered telling you last week, that I have – absolutely – no interest – in – you!”

The cla.s.s dipped into silence.

Dead silence.

Everyone in cla.s.s were dumfounded by the spectacle unfolded before them!

His voice was deafening. Even Xiao Mi, who was standing outside the cla.s.sroom, could hear him crisp and clear. Yang Ke Wei’s face flashed red then white. Finally, her face crumpled and she ran out of cla.s.s in tears.

“I haven’t seen you in such a long time. Is it because something bad happened recently?”

Yi Tang Yao pushed her aside, and muttered with irritation.

“You leave as well, I want to sleep.”

Na Lu froze awkwardly on the spot. Seconds pa.s.sed, and she eventually let out a cough, plastering a forced smile on her face. “Okay, then I’ll leave first. Rest well.”

Yi Tang Yao fell back onto his desk to resume his sleep.

And just like that, Yi Tang Yao slept in the cla.s.sroom for an entire afternoon.


When the rumbles of hunger seized his stomach for the 13th time, Yi Tang Yao cursed and groaned in his sleep, as he s.h.i.+fted his body about.

What the h.e.l.l! His arm ached, while his back and waist had stiffened to the extent of getting numb.

He furrowed his brows, groaning as he collapsed back on his desk.

“With an incorrect sleeping posture, it’s normal for the body to hurt. And you’ll get sick easily.” A vivacious voice rang beside him.

Yi Tang Yao’s eyes flew open in shock!

Sunlight scattered in through the window, as it bounced off the girl’s face in a candescent glow. It was as if she was enveloped in brightness. Only a pair of playful eyes that arched like crescents, as well as dimples the size of grains can be seen. The girls’ hair was short, thinly cropped. It was soft, making it seem wildly disobedient, waving about in its tiny strands amidst golden sunlight.

He squinted his eyes and surveyed her.

“You again? Why do you seem to hound me like a ghost?”

“My name is Mi Ai, you can just call me Xiao Mi.” A huge smile revealed on Xiao Mi’s face. “I am the new student who has just transferred here today!”

Everyone else had left the cla.s.s since long ago; only Yi Tang Yao and Xiao Mi remained.

Yi Tang Yao rose, his brows knit together, as he reached out an arm to grab Xiao MI.

“Shove off!”

“Are you hungry?”

Xiao Mi seemed to not mind his nasty tone, and questioned him cheerily.

Yi Tang Yao was annoyed. “What do you want?!”

Xiao Mi blinked, and materialized a packet of milk and bread from her back as if by magic. She waved them about in front of him.

“You must be hungry, I’ll treat you!”

Yi Tang Yao folded his arms in a commanding pose as he stared down at her from the corners of his eyes. Earlier in the morning, she had pushed him out of the rental taxi onto the ground; his arms still hurt even now. He was already at his tolerance limit not calculating with her for it, yet what is she playing up now.

Xiao Mi poked the straw into the milk packet, and placed it in his hands, smiling.

“Drink up.”

Initially, she should have made use of the time after the cla.s.s to finalise the school transfer procedures. But, she heard his stomach rumble, and thus rushed out to buy food back for him.


The noise of hunger pangs resounded from his body once again.

Xiao Mi raised her right hand, and grinned. “I swear, the food isn’t poisoned!”

His eyes ran through her, as he pulled out the straw and tossed it away. He then ripped open the milk packet, raised his head, and downed it in huge gulps. A large part of the packet of milk nestling in his stomach, his urgent voracity was eased. He sat back on the desk in a suave pose, his eyebrows raised.

“What do you want from me?”

What a mysterious girl. One moment, she poked her nose into his business and sent him to hospital; the other moment she pushed him off the car. And now, she offered him milk and bread. She must be trying to get his attention in order to be his girlfriend. He has seen way too many of her kind.

“What do I want?” Xiao Mi was befuddled, her eyes opened wide.

Yi Tang Yao smiled devilishly.

“My dates have been packed all the way till next month, you’re welcome to wait if you have the patience. But……” Irritation flashed through his eyes. “It would be embarra.s.sing if you’re still this hideous during the date.”


Xiao Mi broke into a smile. She scratched her head, and held up a stack of papers from his desk. “This, when do you intend to write it?”

Yi Tang Yao glanced over.

It was the Human Resource thesis Professor Bo had flung towards him.

“Why should I write this?”

“You can’t pa.s.s if you don’t do it!” Xiao Mi was on tenterhooks. “I have looked through other cla.s.smates’ theses after cla.s.s, and actually it doesn’t have to be written very professionally or complexly. You just have to have your own opinion, it doesn’t need to be long.”

Yi Tang Yao laughed scornfully. How can he fail? If he was unable to graduate successfully, the fund for the school’s new library would be unable to culminate huge donations. Professor Bo isn’t a moron who doesn’t understand the situation.

“What has it go to do with you?”

His cold gaze scrutinized her face full of concern.

Xiao Mi was stunned, and she pondered for a while, before regaining her smile. “I want to be your guardian angel!”


Yi Tang Yao choked on his milk, and spluttered out, laughing in his surprise as he felt her forehead with the back of his hand. “If you’re sick, go to the hospital to see a doctor. And, don’t read too much manhua, you’ll get poisoned!”

As he finished, he bent forward and strode out of the cla.s.sroom.

Xiao Mi hugged onto the thesis, as she sat on her seat in a daze. After a while, she scratched her head and laughed bitterly. She must have been too impatient.


She had been searching for him for so long.

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