Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 1.1

Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni -

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-- Chapter 1 --


The forest, in the vicinity of the school compounds, was enveloped in a cloud of mist. Faint cries of cicadas could be heard, while birds flapped their wings as they soared past. Rain fell in a drizzle, light and transparent. The air is fresh, as if in a dream.

But, Xiao Mi does not have the energy to admire all these.

After alighting the train in the morning, she couldn’t find a morning bus to bring her to school! She ended up calling a cab to get there, spending 15 dollars just for the ride. Her heart hurts just thinking about it. Hence, she made a decision. She must rely on her two feet to walk from the school gate to the dormitory! 

The leaves of the camphor tree, dense and luxuriant, rustled amidst the light rain.

Xiao Mi trudged through the forest trail, lugging her bulky luggage. Her forehead was beaded with perspiration. The back of her white dress was drenched in water, not knowing if by rain, or sweat. She stopped, panting heavily, as she gazed around.

What the h.e.l.l, this school is ridiculously huge!

She had already taken half an hour to get here from the school gate. Yet, according to the school map, she still has to cover another one third of the distance to reach the dormitory! If she had known that it would be so far, she would have just put her foot down and taken the bus. Sigh, just to save that meagre one dollar, she had walked to the extent that her arms were close to breaking off. Her feet were also blistering!

Exasperated, Xiao Mi wiped the sweat off her forehead, as she surveyed her surroundings once again.

All of a sudden, her eyes lit up.

Under the shade of a tree.

Sunlight seeped in through the leaves; the air seemed to be suffused in a transparent, emerald glow.

A man laid asleep on the stone table.

He had mesmerising flaxen hair, handsome back, and long, muscular legs. The first impression he gave off, was that he was really strong.

Xiao Mi suppressed her overwhelming joy as she dragged her weighty luggage towards the man. It made banging noises as it trudged along the uneven ground. She greeted him.


That guy continued sleeping, without moving an inch.

She poked his arm, raising her voice, “Hey, can you do me favour?” Heehee, it would be great if you could help me carry my luggage to Maple Dormitory 5.

Rain drizzled on, soundlessly.

The guy remained asleep, completely ignoring her. That slender back exuded a cold, unfeeling aura.

“Hey, I’m talking to you. Can’t you hear me?”

Xiao Mi was getting a little p.i.s.sed off.

Even if he wasn’t keen on helping, he could have at least given some perfunctory answer. How very rude of him!

“Hey! Hey!”

She pushed him violently, and had the urge to even kick him. How could he be so indifferent towards her? Was her voice that horrifying? This has seriously dealt a huge blow to her confidence.

This guy seemed dead. Dead in his sleep.

The forest was concealed in silence; only the cries of cicadas could be heard.

Something was wrong. Xiao Mi c.o.c.ked her head, and pondered briefly, a bone-chilling fear creeping from the depths of her heart. She stared at the guy blankly, as the tips of her fingers started to chill. The iciness seemed to be radiating from his body to her.

His body was cold, just like a ---


Petrified, Xiao Mi screamed shrilly at the top of her voice.

From the forest, a flock of birds took to the skies, bewildered by the noise.

She trembled in fear, a s.h.i.+ver running down her spine. Not knowing how much time had pa.s.sed, she bit her lip, reaching out her hand to lightly push the guy.


He toppled sideways along the stone table.

His short, flaxen hair brimmed with the exuberance of the sun. His nose bridge is high and straight, with a dazzling diamond stud on his right nose. This guy is indeed handsome! The only thing is, his face was as pale as a sheet of blank paper, as if drained of life. That face was gradually turning purple, and a purplish green tone started to intensify on his angular, defined lips.

She held her breath, and put her finger to his nose, to test if he was still breathing.


A faint breath still remains.

Frantic, Xiao Mi cried out, “Help! Please, somebody, come quickly! Help---!” Her deafening screams pierced through the canopy of leaves, echoing throughout the forest.

Yet, the humongous forest remained silent. 

Raindrops trickled off the tips of vivid green leaves, landing on the forest ground.

Xiao Mi started to stamp her feet in her anxiety.

What the h.e.l.l! This school is enormous, yet where are all the people? Where have they all gone to? Why are there only a few birds and cicadas around? Glancing at the man, she decided not to care anymore. She squatted down, positioned him on her back, and then strained to drag him out of the forest.

He’s so heavy!

Xiao Mi panted, her face turning red in exhaustion. Just to carry him, she had already exerted 19 years of her strength.

The legs of the flaxen haired guy were trailed along the ground, lifeless.
His breathing seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

“Hey! Hey! Don’t die on me!” Xiao Mi spun around anxiously, and yelled at the flaxen-haired man slung on her back. “I’m trying to save you now.”
The purplish colour in his lips deepened.

“Hey! Don’t stop breathing, will you?! Get your act together and wake up!”

She was so worried that she was blabbering nonsensically. She held onto his arms tightly, biting her lips as she struggled to drag him up and down the stone steps, finally reaching the street. Luckily, the campus was so large that cabs could be seen everywhere. Without even thinking, she flagged for a cab.

“Hospital! To the nearest hospital!”

Xiao Mi hollered at the driver. Drops of perspiration percolated from her forehead, like a tiny waterfall.

The cab slammed his foot on the accelerator, and the car hurtled forward at high velocity.

Raindrops, resembling that of little bullets, splattered onto the car windows.

The torrential rain blanketed the streets in a haze; the scenery outside could barely be seen clearly.

Seated in the cab, Xiao Mi placed the flaxen-haired guy’s head on her lap. She once again held her trembling finger under his nose, to test for breath.

His breath was light, like a spider’s thread.

His lips were pressed together tightly, forming a thin line. His complexion was transfused in shades of purple, green and white; his skin appallingly transparent.

Could this be a –

Heart attack?

Xiao Mi deliberated it, hesitant. She had read up many books on cardiac arrests, and judging from his symptoms displayed, he was most probably suffering from a heart attack. If he were to remain unconscious for a long period of time without immediate treatment, he may very well die.

“Is he having a heart attack?”

Xiao Mi raised her head, her heart in pins and needles, as she questioned the cab driver.

“How would I know?!” The cab driver sped past the red light, and accelerated. “But, his condition seems to be really critical.”

Just as he said this,

His breathing stopped!

Xiao Mi stared at the flaxen haired man, her eyes widened in shock.

Is he going to die?

Aiya, it’s not like I have the luxury to think about it this much already. She steeled herself, placing her left hand on his chest, with her right hand curled into a fist. She then forcefully knocked on the back of her hand.




She tried to recall the rhythm of resuscitation taught in her books. Concentrating deeply, she landed a fierce thump to his chest.

“You hitting him like this, will it kill him?” The driver shouted dubiously.

“He’ll die even if I don’t hit him like this!” Xiao Mi was sweating profusely. “I’ll just do the best I can.”

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong……


The guy abruptly coughed; his body quivering slightly.

“You’ve woken up?!”

Ecstatic, Xiao Mi lowered her head to scrutinize him, and their eyes met.

Unfeeling eyes.

With a hint of cynicism.

The mist from outside the windows seemed to have permeated into his eyes. They gave off the feeling of distance and loss. An elusive evil radiated from his gaze, and yet there was also an obscure fragility about him.

That poignant stare, led Xiao Mi to fall into a momentary trance.

Her heart felt like it had taken a vigorous. .h.i.t.

“Who are you? Where is this place?”

The flaxen-haired man struggled to sit upright, but his body was still weak. A dizzy spell overcame him, and he again fell heavily back onto her lap.

“We’re on the way to the hospital.” It felt strange, having his head weighing on her thigh. 

The flaxen-haired man swore at her, with eyes blazing fire. “To h.e.l.l with you! Who gave you consent to send me to hospital! You’re seriously courting death!”

“You’re the one who’s courting death.” Xiao Mi secretly rolled her eyes at him, as she muttered. Doing good certainly doesn’t beget kindness. In fact, she got scolded for it. It’s so hard to be a Samaritan in this day and age.

“We’ve reached the hospital!”

The driver slammed his foot on the brake, and declared their arrival elatedly.

As Xiao Mi had already made an emergency call beforehand, there were already doctors, nurses and stretchers available on standby at the entrance of Ren Ci Hospital.

Xiao Mi opened the door, and yelled frantically. “The patient is here!” After which, she revealed an extremely adorable smile at the fuming flaxen-haired man.

The flaxen haired man froze.

Xiao Mi gave him a vigorous push. As her arms reached out, the man was “thrown” out of the car before he could even evade it. Heehee, he must have been fine to be able to get this angry. She clasped her hand to stifle a laugh. Watching him, she pretended not to notice his infuriated gaze, which burned with an intensity that could devour Xiao Mi in its flames.

The flaxen haired man was clumsily grabbed and held onto the stretcher. He struggled and hollered. “Let me go! You idiots!”

The stretcher was pushed through the hospital doors at astonis.h.i.+ng speed.

Meanwhile, the flaxen-haired guy’s hollers and curses gradually faded away.

Xiao Mi took a deep breath, as she laid back on the car seat. She stroked her nose, and smiled. This feels great. She had saved someone from death, hadn’t she? For that, she may be able to become an angel.

“Student, is there anywhere else you want to go?”

The driver surveyed her closely.

“Oh, okay, I’ll pay you. How much is it in total?” She reached out to take her bag, feeling for her possession right and left…... Eh? Where is it?

Ah! s.h.i.+t!

Her bag and luggage are still in the forest within school compounds.


* * * to be continued * * *

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