Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 3.3

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* * * Continued from Part 2 * * *

    The bowl of egg white in rice wine wafted steam and aroma.   Cheng Yuan sat on the edge of the bed, feeding spoonfuls to Xiao Mi bit by bit.   Xiao Mi half laid against the pillow, her expression awkward. “No need, thanks, I can drink by myself.” Having someone do this for her made her feel bad. Ah, it’s not like she’s badly ill.   Cheng Yuan evaded the hand that tried to grab the spoon away, her gaze cold. “I promised Aunt I would feed you till you finish.” Earlier on, Aunt had been downstairs instructing her that she must take good care of Xiao Mi. People who are sick are usually lonely and fragile, they especially need the care of a friend. She has no idea which bigmouth told Aunt about Xiao Mi’s recent over-the-top incidents, but she heard that Xiao Mi was isolated by the cla.s.s.   Xiao Mi is a good girl. You must take good care of her.   Must?   Cheng Yuan widened her eyes at her aunt in shock. She knew about Aunt’s benevolence, but to be so serious in having her take care of someone is a first. Aunt carefully poured the egg white in rice wine into the lunch box, smiling as she told Cheng Yuan that she had felt a sense of affinity with Xiao Mi when she first saw her.   “Auntie Chen really is kind.”   Xiao Mi expressed her grat.i.tude. She is indeed envious of Cheng Yuan.   “Mm.”   Cheng Yuan only responded with one word.   The room again fell into an odd silence. Xiao Mi scratched her head, clueless on how to break the ice, while Cheng Yuan merely fed her the rice wine spoon by spoon mechanically.   Time pa.s.sed at a snail’s pace.   Cheng Yuan had returned to the table, with her instant noodles finished.   Xiao Mi laid on her back, staring at the ceiling in a daze. Her emotions gradually dissipated. She recalled that kiss...... pa.s.sionate burning kiss...... He still has that distant, unrestrained look, yet his lips scorched hers. It felt as if all his pa.s.sion and blood surged into those lips.   If the body is different, would its kiss be different as well?   In the past, his kiss was as gentle as a spring breeze. When he kissed her, it felt as if she were a delicate spring blossom that was most cherished. Lightly lingering, his gaze was intoxicated; even his breath held a pine’s fragrance...... She brushed her lips, fingers slightly trembling. Her weak lips parted into a smile with the memories of the past......   “Lovesick again?!”   A chilling voice echoed beside Xiao Mi’s bed.   Xiao Mi started, and looked in the direction of the voice, to only see Yang Ke Wei’s cold gaze on her, full of hostility and disdain.   “You should be celebrating, aren’t you finally dating with Yi Tang Yao? Why are you lying on the bed, acting sick like Lin Dai Yu[1]?” Yang Ki Wei domineered over her, and snorted. “I hate pretentious girls like you the most!”   Xiao Mi flashed a bitter smile. “Am I really that detestable?”   “Hmph.”   “If you find me annoying, don’t talk to me.” Xiao Mi closed her eyes. She’s weary, and her head’s spinning; there was no strength left to bicker with her.   Yang Ke Wei was outraged. “Hey! What did you say?!” She marched two steps forward, agitated, her hands outstretched to rip the blankets off Xiao Mi.   “What’s with you!”   Cheng Yuan has no idea when she had put herself in front Xiao Mi. She grabbed Yang Ke Wei’s hand.   Yang Ke Wei raised her brow. “Sticking up for her? Cheng Yuan, didn’t you hate her too? Yi Tang Yao hit you, yet she was so hypocritical to......”   “Even if she’s a hypocrite, she’s better than you.” Cheng Yuan shoved her aside. “What have you done? You like Yi Tang Yao, don’t you. You want to be his girlfriend. But other than flirting before him, what else have you done? At least, Xiao Mi ran 10,000m for him, stayed up for a few nights to write a thesis for him. Compared to you, you’re much more of a phony.”   “Cheng Yuan!” Yang Ke Wei’s face glowered between shades of red and white. Her voice was hateful. “I know you’re jealous of me, heh heh, to think that I was careless last time and......”   “Ding dong.”   The bell of the dormitory.   Xiao Mi struggled to sit up. “I’ll go.” Cheng Yuan gestured for her to lie down. She walked towards the door, opened it, and was dumbfounded.   What a huge bouquet of roses!   Violet wrapping paper, a purple satin ribbon tied into a b.u.t.terfly knot. A dozen of fresh, vibrant roses; they were resplendent, and seemed to still conceal dewdrops.   A young man revealed his face from behind the roses, his smile candid. He wore a uniform, with a cordon imprinted ‘Heart of Flowers’ on it.   “Is this Ms Xiao Mi?”   Cheng Yuan shook her head, and directed her gaze towards Xiao Mi. “She is.”   Xiao Mi was in a state of confusion.   “Mr Yi wished to present you flowers and a gift.” The man smiled at Xiao Mi politely, as he fished out a receipt and pen. “Please sign.”   “Oh.” Xiao Mi took the pen from Cheng Yuan, and wrote her name. She raised her head. “Mr Yi? Who is it?”   Yang Ke Wei leaned against the door, about to faint from exasperation. “Mr Yi, isn’t that Yi Tang Yao? Stop acting dumb!”   “Oh.”   But, why would Yi Tang Yao give her flowers. Xiao Mi hugged onto the roses, dazed.   The man again lifted out a large, exquisite pink box. “This is a present from Mr Yi. Have a nice day.”   The man from ‘Heart of Flowers’ walked away.   Cheng Yuan returned to her desk, packing up and preparing to go to the revision centre. Yang Ke Wei stood firmly in front of Xiao Mi’s bed, and commanded her.   “Open it!”   She does want to see what Yi Tang Yao could have given Xiao Mi.   Xiao Mi sat on the bed, gingerly lifting the cover. An ivory silk sheet nestled within, with a white card. The card is embellished with beautiful writing—         Beneath the silk sheet was a dress with a chiffon sash; the dress was faint emerald, with thin straps. Exquisite flowers were embroided around the hem of the dress.   So beautiful......   Wei Guo Guo pushed the door into the room, and saw the dress in Xiao Mi’s hands. She rubbed her eyes, gasping in surprise. “Wah, this is the most fas.h.i.+onable renowned brand in Korea. My friend and I saw it in a boutique. It’s so exorbitant! Xiao Mi, did you buy it?”   “Che!”   Yang Ke Wei bit down on her lip, violently striding towards the door. She shoved Wei Guo Guo ot the side, and slammed the door shut!   “What’s with her? She’s gone crazy again.” Wei Guo Guo ma.s.saged her shoulder, sitting beside Xiao Mi. She looked at her with concern. “You’re sick, aren’t you? You keep coughing in cla.s.s.” She has battled with her thoughts for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion—Forget it, it’s Xiao Mi’s choice to like whoever she wants. Who asked her to have a compulsive desire to protect Xiao Mi when she sees her?   “You’re no longer angry with me?”   Xiao Mi held her breathe, her hands unknowingly clenched. Her heart was on fire. She had done so many things to make people hate her, but, Cheng Yuan and Guo Guo still cared for her.   Wei Guo Guo stuck out her tongue. “Now, you know how nice I am, treat me to mutton kebabs okay?” Ah, reconciling with a friend feels great.   “Yeah, sure.”   “I want 10 sticks!”   “Okay.”   “You’ll eat five, and I’ll have five. The authentic mutton kebabs near the school are the best, we’ll go when you get better!” Thinking of delicacies, Wei Guo Guo’s saliva is close to trickling out.   “Yeah.”   Xiao Mi beamed, now, her head doesn’t seem to hurt, and her limbs are no longer fatigued.   Wei Guo Guo suddenly took notice of the card in the box. Upon close introspection, she exclaimed. “It can’t be, you’re wearing this tomorrow? So thin, and you’re still sick!”     *             *             *     The sky sported sunny weather. There weren’t any clouds in sight, only light breezes that brought a slight chill to one’s body. Xiao Mi arrived at the fountain early, wearing the dress with the chiffon sash. Her skin has an ivory tone to it, complimented by the refres.h.i.+ng green. As the wind tugged lightly at the ends of her skirt, her cute appearance resembled a princess straight out of a fairytale.   Pa.s.sers-by gasped and ascertained the sweet lady, who seemed to have walked out of a shoujo manhua, waiting at the fountain.   Who is she waiting for?   It must be a man she’s in love with.   Youth is beautiful, to make even romance especially poignant.   From the fountain, thousands of water crystals jet out. Basked under the sunlight, the mist gracefully dispersed. A light shower of water droplets gently blanketed Xiao Mi’s body, making her sparkle with riveting transparency.   So cold......   Xiao Mi suppressed the cold from her toes, to not let herself s.h.i.+ver. She also refused wrap her cold shoulders with those freezing arms. Thank G.o.d she applied some blusher and lipstick before she came, otherwise her pale complexion would have looked ghastly.   ......   Yi Tang Yao’s eyes flashed with ridicule. “It’s very embarra.s.sing if you’re still this ugly during our date.”   ......   Xiao Mi bit down her lip, with a smile.   Mm! No matter how cold she felt, she can’t upset him. At most, her flu would just worsen, no big deal!   But—   Why haven’t he shown up all this time?   10:30am   11am   11:30am   12am   12:30am   The sun shone distantly from the sky. Sprays of water landed on the dazed Xiao Mi’s hair, shoulders, back. Her stomach started constricting, her weak legs no longer able to support herself. Her head started spinning in fits, as her vision darkened.   I feel terrible......   The breaths she exhaled were still burning hot. Xiao Mi clasped her hands tightly, and maintained a smile on her lips. She has to wait for him in her best look.   Time trickled by slowly......   “I told you she wouldn’t leave.”   A demure voice drifted by from Xiao Mi’s back.   “She has done so much just to get a date with you. How can she bear to leave without seeing you? Yi, you’re too heartless. What’s the deal with accompanying her for a while? Even if it’s ba.n.a.l, it’ll pa.s.s really soon. She’ll be hurt if you’re with me......”   Saying this, that girl gently extended her right hand, waving it in front of Xiao Mi. She whispered. “Ah, Xiao Mi, wearing so little. Aren’t you cold?”   Xiao Mi was stunned.   Two people appeared before her.   Yi Tang Yao had an expression of unconcern and languidity. He looked at her from the corners of his eyes, a sneer hung on his lips. The diamond radiated a bitter glow. Na Lu was coyly nestled in his arms, her beautiful face framed with an alluring smile.       [1] Lin Dai Yu: the female protagonist of the cla.s.sic Chinese novel ‘Hong Lou Meng’. She has lost her mother since a young age, and has a weak const.i.tution, getting ill often.  A beautiful woman with an unfortunate fate, and a pitiful background.     * * * To Be Continued * * *

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