The Development of Rates of Postage Part 41

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VON STEPHAN, HEINRICH. Geschichte der preussischen Post. Berlin, 1859.

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(Cited _Reichstag, Official Reports_.)


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HADLEY, A. T. Railroad Transportation. Its History and its Laws. New York, 1886.

HAMILTON, I. G. J. An Outline of Postal History and Practice, with a History of the Post Office in India. Calcutta, 1910.

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KNOOP, D. Outlines of Railway Economics. London, 1913.

LEE, JOHN. Economics of Telegraphs and Telephones. London, 1913.

LEROY-BEAULIEU, P. Traite de la Science des Finances. Paris, 1899.

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MERRITT, A. N. Scope of Government Functions. Journal of Political Economy, Chicago, July 1908.

MEYER, H. R. Public Owners.h.i.+p and the Telephone in Great Britain. New York, 1907.

NORTHCOTE, STAFFORD. Twenty Years of Financial Policy. London, 1862.

PARNELL, SIR H. On Financial Reform. London, 1832.

PLEHN, C. C. Introduction to Public Finance. New York, 1909.

RIPLEY, W. Z. Railway Problems. Boston, U.S.A., 1907.

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WAGNER, ADOLPH. Finanzwissenschaft. Leipsic, 1890.

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