The Plants of Michigan Part 89

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129b. Rays 1 cm. long or less --130.

130a. Outer bracts leaf-like, serrate, 3-8 cm. long (4-15 dm. high) =Bur Marigold, Bidens comosa.=

130b. Outer bracts 1-2.5 cm. long (2-15 dm. high) --131.

131a. Heads nodding after flowering =Bur Marigold, Bidens cernua.=

131b. Heads permanently erect =Bur Marigold, Bidens connata.=

132a. Heads small, seldom more than 1 cm. wide, including the rays, blooming in late summer and autumn; flowers numerous, crowded in spikes, racemes, corymbs, or panicles (Goldenrod) --133.

132b. Heads medium size or large, more than 1 cm. and usually exceeding 2 cm. in width, including the rays --165.

133a. Heads chiefly in cl.u.s.ters or short racemes in the axils of ordinary foliage leaves, or occasionally the upper compacted into a leafy cl.u.s.ter terminating the stem --134.

133b. Heads crowded at or near the ends of the branches at about the same distance from the base of the panicle, forming a rounded or flat-topped inflorescence --140.

133c. Heads more or less uniformly distributed along the length of the branches, forming a cylindrical or pyramidal inflorescence, never flat-topped --146.

134a. Stem and both sides of the leaves more or less p.u.b.escent or rough (4-10 dm. high) --135.

134b. Stem and both sides of the leaves essentially smooth or with very short hairs (3-10 dm. high) --136.

135a. Rays white =Goldenrod, Solidago bicolor.=

135b. Rays yellow =Goldenrod, Solidago hispida.=

136a. Basal leaves abruptly narrowed to winged petioles --137.

136b. Basal leaves not abruptly narrowed to winged petioles --138.

137a. Involucre 2-5 mm. long =Goldenrod, Solidago latifolia.=

137b. Involucre 8-12 mm. long =Goldenrod, Solidago macrophylla.=

138a. Lower leaves broadly oval, obtuse, thickish, crenate; achenes glabrous =Goldenrod, Solidago erecta.=

138b. Lower leaves lanceolate, ac.u.minate, thin, sharply serrate; achenes hairy --139.

139a. Stem usually simple; heads few in very small cl.u.s.ters =Goldenrod, Solidago caesia var. axillaris.=

139b. Stem usually diffusely branched; heads numerous =Goldenrod, Solidago caesia.=

140a. Lower leaves ovate, oblong, or oval, pinnately veined (5-15 dm. high) --141.

140b. Lower leaves linear-lanceolate. 3-5-veined (3-12 dm. high) --142.

141a. Stem and leaves rough-hairy =Goldenrod, Solidago rigida.=

141b. Stem and leaves smooth =Goldenrod, Solidago ohioensis.=

142a. Heads very few in a small cl.u.s.ter; leaves few and scattered =Goldenrod, Solidago houghtonii.=

142b. Heads very many, in a large cl.u.s.ter; stem very leafy --143.

143a. Leaves hairy =Goldenrod, Solidago graminifolia var. nuttallii.=

143b. Leaves smooth --144.

144a. Leaves folded, 8-20 mm. wide =Goldenrod, Solidago riddellii.=

144b. Leaves flat, 1-8 mm. wide --145.

145a. Leaves 4-8 mm. wide, distinctly 3-5-ribbed =Goldenrod, Solidago graminifolia.=

145b. Leaves 1-4 mm. wide, usually with 1 mid-vein =Goldenrod, Solidago tenuifolia.=

146a. Only 2-5 stem-leaves below the inflorescence (1-3 dm. high) =Goldenrod, Solidago cutleri.=

146b. Stem-leaves numerous --147.

147a. Basal leaves much larger than the greatly reduced or bract-like upper ones --148.

147b. Leaves essentially uniform in size from base to summit of stem --157.

148a. Racemes or branches of the panicle either short and arranged along a more or less elongated central axis, or elongated and ascending, scarcely recurved, forming a narrow, more or less elongated panicle --149.

148b. Racemes or branches of the panicle usually elongated, spreading outwards, usually recurved, forming a widened panicle --153.

149a. Leaves mostly entire, the upper ones with smaller leaves fascicled in the axils (5-20 dm. high) =Goldenrod, Solidago speciosa.=

149b. Leaves mostly serrate, at least the basal ones --150.

150a. Heads on pedicels 5-15 mm. long; achenes p.u.b.escent; stems usually cl.u.s.tered (1-5 dm. high, or prostrate) --151.

150b. Heads on pedicels not over 5 mm. long; achenes smooth or nearly so; stems usually single (6-12 dm. high) --152.

151a. Basal leaves 7-12 cm. long =Goldenrod, Solidago racemosa.=

151b. Basal leaves 15-30 cm. long =Goldenrod, Solidago racemosa var. gillmani.=

152a. Leaves pinnately veined =Goldenrod, Solidago uliginosa.=

152b. Leaves 3-5-ribbed =Goldenrod, Solidago neglecta.=

153a. Both sides of the leaf p.u.b.escent or rough --154.

153b. Leaf not p.u.b.escent or rough on both sides --155.

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