The Plants of Michigan Part 87

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86b. Leaf-blade spatulate, with rounded tip =Everlasting, Antennaria occidentalis.=

87a. Styles crimson =Everlasting, Antennaria neglecta.=

87b. Styles pale yellow =Everlasting, Antennaria petaloidea.=

88a. Erect; involucral bracts pearly white (4-9 dm. high) =Pearly Everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea.=

88b. Erect; involucral bracts dull white or pale brown, somewhat p.u.b.escent (4-8 dm. high) (Cudweed) --89.

88c. Diffusely branched; heads in dense cl.u.s.ters; bracts brown (1-2 dm. high) =Cudweed, Gnaphalium uliginosum.=

89a. Leaves decurrent on the stem =Cudweed, Gnaphalium decurrens.=

89b. Leaves not decurrent on the stem =Cudweed, Gnaphalium polycephalum.=

90a. Twining vine (flowers white, summer) =Hemp Weed, Mikania scandens.=

90b. Not twining or climbing --91.

91a. Involucral bracts deeply fringed at the tip (flowers purple, blue, or rarely white, summer; 3-6 dm. high) --92.

91b. Involucral bracts entire or nearly so --93.

92a. Upper leaves linear or narrowly lanceolate =Corn Flower, Centaurea cya.n.u.s.=

92b. Upper leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate =Knapweed, Centaurea nigra.=

93a. Pappus none or a short ring or crown (5-10 dm. high; flowers yellow, summer) =Costmary, Chrysanthemum balsamita var. tanacetoides.=

93b. Pappus of 2-4 stiff awns (2-15 dm. high; flowers yellow, late summer) (Bur Marigold) --130.

93c. Pappus of hairs or bristles --94.

94a. Leaves linear or narrowly lanceolate, entire; heads never in a large flat-topped cl.u.s.ter --95.

94b. Leaves not linear --99.

95a. Heads showy, purple, in a long spike or raceme (late summer) (Blazing Star) --96.

95b. Heads not showy, in a loose panicle or raceme --240b.

96a. Involucral bracts rounded at the tip, appressed (5-15 dm.

high) --97.

96b. Involucral bracts pointed (3-6 dm. high) --98.

97a. Heads 8-12-flowered =Blazing Star, Liatris spicata.=

97b. Heads with 25 flowers or more =Blazing Star, Liatris scariosa.=

98a. Involucral bracts long-ac.u.minate, spreading =Blazing Star, Liatris squarrosa.=

98b. Involucral bracts mucronate, appressed =Blazing Star, Liatris cylindracea.=

99a. Flowers yellow (2-8 dm. high) --172b.

99b. Flowers bright-red or purple, in flat-topped cl.u.s.ters (8-20 dm.

high; late summer) (Ironweed) --100.

99c. Flowers blue (3-8 dm. high; late summer) =Mist Flower, Eupatorium coelestinum.=

99d. Flowers flesh-color, pink, cream-color, or white (flowers in summer) --103.

100a. Leaves glabrous beneath or minutely p.u.b.escent; heads 15-30-flowered --101.

100b. Leaves tomentose beneath; heads 30-50-flowered --102.

101a. Inflorescence densely crowded; usually 1 m. or less high =Ironweed, Vernonia fasciculate.=

101b. Inflorescence loose and open, 15-30 cm. wide; 1-2 m. high =Ironweed, Vernonia altissima.=

102a. Pappus tawny in color =Ironweed, Vernonia missurica.=

102b. Pappus purple =Ironweed, Vernonia illinoensis.=

103a. Leaves alternate --104.

103b. Leaves opposite --106.

103c. Leaves whorled (1-3 m. high; flowers pink or purple, late summer) (Joe-Pye Weed) --107.

104a. Heads 5-flowered (5-20 dm. high; flowers white or pinkish, late summer) (Indian Plantain) --105.

104b. Heads 10 25-flowered (5-10 dm. high; flowers white, late summer) =False Boneset, Kuhnia eupatorioides.=

104c. Heads with more than 50 flowers (3-20 dm. high; flowers white, summer) =Fireweed, Erecht.i.tes hieracifolia.=

105a. Leaves entire, with many veins from base to apex =Indian Plantain, Cacalia tuberosa.=

105b. Leaves sharply serrate =Indian Plantain, Cacalia suaveolens.=

105c. Leaves broadly triangular or kidney-shape, sinuate or entire =Indian Plantain, Cacalia atriplicifolia.=

106a. Leaves united at the base (5-15 dm. high) =Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum.=

106b. Leaves sessile but not united at the base (5-15 dm. high) =Upland Boneset, Eupatorium sessilifolium.=

106c. Leaves petioled (4-12 dm. high) =White Snakeroot, Eupatorium urticaefolium.=

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