The Plants of Michigan Part 69

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=Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum.=

33b. Leaves finely serrulate; petals 5 =Bilberry, Vaccinium caespitosum.=

34a. Leaves serrulate, green beneath, acute; corolla globular =Bilberry, Vaccinium membranaceum.=

34b. Leaves entire, pale beneath, obtuse; corolla ovoid =Bilberry, Vaccinium ovalifolium.=

PRIMULACEAE, the Primrose Family

Herbs, with alternate or opposite simple leaves and regular flowers; petals more or less united; stamens attached one in front of each petal; ovary 1-celled with 1 style.

1a. Leaves all basal; flowers on leafless stalks --2.

1b. Stem-leaves present --5.

2a. Flowers nodding, the petals reflexed (3-6 dm. high; flowers showy, white or pink, in spring) =Shooting Star, Dodecatheon meadia.=

2b. Flowers erect or spreading; petals not reflexed --3.

3a. Corolla not longer than the calyx; flowers small and inconspicuous (1 dm. high; flowers white or pink, spring) =Androsace, Androsace occidentalis.=

3b. Corolla conspicuous, much longer than the calyx (flowers pink or purple, summer) (Primrose) --4.

4a. Leaves white-mealy beneath (1-4 dm. high) =Primrose, Primula farinosa.=

4b. Leaves green beneath (2 dm. high or less) =Primrose, Primula mista.s.sinica.=

5a. All the stem-leaves in one whorl just below the flower-cl.u.s.ter --6.

5b. Stem-leaves several or many, scattered over the stem --7.

6a. Stem-leaves about 1 cm. long --3a.

6b. Stem-leaves 5-10 cm. long =Star Flower, Trientalis americana.=

7a. Flowers red, blue, or white (summer) --8.

7b. Flowers yellow (summer) --9.

8a. Leaves opposite; flowers axillary (stems spreading, 1-4 dm.

long; flowers blue or red) =Pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis.=

8b. Leaves alternate; flowers racemose (1-4 dm. high; flowers minute, white) =Water Pimpernel, Samolus floribundus.=

9a. Stem creeping =Moneywort, Lysimachia nummularia.=

9b. Stem erect (Loosestrife) --10.

10a. Flowers in dense spike-like racemes (3-8 dm. high) =Loosestrife, Lysimachia thyrsiflora.=

10b. Flowers axillary or racemose (3-9 dm. high) --11.

11a. Corolla dotted or streaked with purple or brown; leaves punctate with dark spots --12.

11b. Corolla plain yellow; leaves not dark-dotted --14.

12a. Flowers in racemes --13.

12b. Flowers all axillary =Loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia.=

13a. Flowers all in racemes; leaves opposite or some of them alternate =Loosestrife, Lysimachia terrestris.=

13b. The lowest flowers axillary; leaves opposite or whorled =Loosestrife, Lysimachia producta.=

14a. Leaves ovate, on slender ciliate petioles =Loosestrife, Steironema ciliatum.=

14b. Leaves lanceolate, sessile or short-petioled, pinnately veined =Loosestrife, Steironema lanceolatum.=

14c. Leaves linear, with one mid-vein =Loosestrife, Steironema quadriflorum.=

OLEACEAE, the Olive Family

Trees or shrubs, with opposite leaves and regular flowers; sepals 4, or calyx none; petals 4, united, or none; stamens usually 2; ovary 2-celled, superior.

1a. Leaves simple (shrub 2-5 m. high; flowers blue or white, in showy cl.u.s.ters in spring) =Lilac, Syringa vulgaris.=

1b. Leaves compound (trees; flowers greenish, inconspicuous, in spring) (Ash) --2.

2a. Lateral leaflets sessile =Black Ash, Fraxinus nigra.=

2b. Lateral leaflets stalked --3.

3a. Twigs sharply 4-angled =Blue Ash, Fraxinus quadrangulata.=

3b. Twigs not distinctly angled --4.

4a. Leaves p.u.b.escent beneath =Red Ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica.=

4b. Leaves glabrous beneath --5.

5a. Leaves pale-green beneath, obscurely serrulate =White Ash, Fraxinus americana.=

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