The Plants of Michigan Part 21

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191a. Climbing plant with heart-shape perianth 2a, in =FUMARIACEAE=, p. 41.

191b. Erect plant, with spreading perianth 3b, in =BERBERIDACEAE=, p. 40.

192a. Corolla composed of united petals --193.

192b. Corolla composed of separate petals --208.

193a. Stamens 2 or 4 =SCROPHULARIACEAE=, p. 101.


193b. Stamens 3; climbing vines =CUCURBITACEAE=, p. 112.

193c. Stamens 5 --194.

193d. Stamens 6 2a, in =FUMARIACEAE=, p. 41.

193e. Stamens 8 22b, in =ERICACEAE=, p. 85.

193f. Stamens 10 --207.

193g. Stamens very numerous =MALVACEAE=, p. 72.

194a. Ovaries 2; flowers orange-red, in umbels 7a, in =ASCLEPIADACEAE=, p. 91.

194b. Ovary 1, deeply 4-lobed; flowers in racemes =BORAGINACEAE=, p. 93.

194c. Ovary 1, not deeply lobed --195.

195a. Climbing or scrambling vines --196.

195b. Not climbing or scrambling --198.

196a. Flowers about 1 cm. wide --197.

196b. Flowers 2-8 cm. wide =CONVOLVULACEAE=, p. 91.

197a. Leaves 1 cm. wide or less 2b, in =CAMPANULACEAE=, p. 112.

197b. Leaves 2 cm. wide or more 4a, in =SOLANACEAE=, p. 100.

198a. Flowers solitary, either terminal or axillary --199.

198b. Flowers in terminal cl.u.s.ters --201.

199a. Calyx concealed by 2 bracts =CONVOLVULACEAE=, p. 91.

199b. Calyx not completely concealed by bracts --200.

200a. Ovary inferior, appearing as a swelling below the calyx at the base of the flower, 3-celled; stigma 3-lobed =CAMPANULACEAE=, p. 112.

200b. Ovary superior, located in the center of the flower =SOLANACEAE=, p. 100.

201a. Some or all filaments hairy --202.

201b. Filaments not hairy --203.

202a. Leaves lobed or divided =HYDROPHYLLACEAE=, p. 93.

202b. Leaves not lobed 2, in =SCROPHULARIACEAE=, p. 101.

203a. Anthers close together, longer than the filaments 2, in =SOLANACEAE=, p. 100.

203b. Anthers separate from each other --204.

204a. Leaves compound or very deeply lobed --205.

204b. Leaves simple or with shallow lobes only --206.

205a. Leaf-segments linear or oblong, irregular =HYDROPHYLLACEAE=, p. 93.

205b. Leaves truly compound with separate leaflets 1a, in =POLEMONIACEAE=, p. 92.

206a. Flowers greenish-yellow =SOLANACEAE=, p. 100.

206b. Flowers blue, violet, white, or intermediate tints =CAMPANULACEAE=, p. 112.

207a. Leaves simple =ERICACEAE=, p. 84.

207b. Leaves compound =OXALIDACEAE=, p. 64.


208a. Petals 4 --209.

208b. Petals 5 --212.

208c. Petals 6 or more --227.

209a. Stamens 4 or 8 --210.

209b. Stamens 6, 4 long and 2 short =CRUCIFERAE=, p. 42.

209c. Stamens 9 or more =CAPPARIDACEAE=, p. 47.

210a. Leaves compound =ROSACEAE=, p. 51.

210b. Leaves simple --211.

211a. Ovary 1, inferior, appearing as a swelling below the calyx =ONAGRACEAE=, p. 78.

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